
Consolidated information on December 22

author:Healthy Liupanshui

Medical technology promotes services

The Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City: A medical miracle and gratitude ten years ago

Recently, Dr. Di Jinglei, an orthopedic expert from the Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City, was treating patients in the outpatient clinic as usual, when a lady walked into the consultation room with a pennant and a letter of thanks, and Dr. Di looked at her suspiciously. It turned out that she was a patient who had been treated by Dr. Di ten years ago, and she came to the hospital to thank Dr. Di on the special holiday of Thanksgiving.

Consolidated information on December 22

Ten years ago, when the woman surnamed Xiong suffered from osteomyelitis due to a serious forearm trauma and was sentenced to amputation by several hospitals, she was only 30 years old at the time, and she felt hopeless about the future and even had thoughts of suicide. Fortunately, at the suggestion of a friend, she was transferred to the Department of Orthopedics of the Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City, and after careful treatment by Dr. Di's team, Ms. Xiong not only saved her limbs, but also successfully recovered more than half of her hand function, regaining confidence and hope in life.

Consolidated information on December 22

Ten years after recovery and discharge, Ms. Xiong expressed her gratitude to Dr. Di's team with the words "first-class medical skills and ten years of gratitude". Dr. Di Jinglei said, "There are many such cases, and they are very common, not to mention the specific situation ten years ago, I can't remember the specific situation." Perhaps, in the career of every doctor, there will be countless "Ms. Xiong", and they have devoted their medical skills and love to each "Ms. Xiong", so ten years later, "Ms. Xiong" is still grateful for how lucky she is to meet "Dr. Di" in this life.

A drop of water reflects brilliance, and a pennant is full of gratitude. For medical staff, there is nothing more gratifying than the patient's regain of health and the patient's affirmation of each doctor's medical ethics. (Liupanshui Second People's Hospital)

Exchange learning and Xi for development

The Imaging Department of Liupanshui People's Hospital organized the first micro-course competition for trainees in the radiation planning training base

In order to further improve the training quality of the radiation training base, stimulate the enthusiasm of the trainees for learning Xi, and cultivate the teaching ability of young doctors, recently, the Imaging Department of Liupanshui People's Hospital organized the first micro-course competition for radiology training physicians. The competition was judged by Wu Jie, director of the imaging department, Deng Qian, deputy director of the imaging department, and other 6 business backbones with deputy senior titles or above, including 10 regular trainees and 4 graduate students, and the on-site observation and Xi of the department was not attended by physicians on duty.

Consolidated information on December 22

This competition focuses on practicality and innovation, and the content mainly includes the imaging manifestations of diseases, differential diagnosis, and new magnetic resonance technologies. The participants not only explained the typical imaging manifestations of the disease, but also introduced the new magnetic resonance technology, through PPT display and vivid explanation, combining images and texts, fully demonstrating the solid professional basic knowledge, and providing everyone with a rich and diverse learning and Xi experience.

Through the strict evaluation of the judges, one first prize, one second prize and one third prize were finally selected. Among them, the student who won the first prize was Tang Yu, a graduate student of the merger, who explained the "Inner Ear MRI Gadolinium Contrast" in a vivid way, which won unanimous praise from the judges and the audience, Pu Qingyan, a graduate student of the merger, won the second prize, and Wang Wangqin, a trainee of the regular train, won the third prize.

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Wu Jie pointed out that young doctors should Xi learn more professional knowledge, and hoped that the trainees should understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and constantly summarize in the future study and Xi work, so as to improve their professional knowledge, learning Xi ability and comprehensive level. This competition provides a stage for the trainees to show their ability to express themselves and learn Xi achievements, and also promotes the communication and interaction between students and teachers, so as to truly realize the mutual benefit of teaching. (Liupanshui People's Hospital)

The training base for assistant general practitioners of the General Hospital of Water Mines was evaluated and inspected by the expert group of the Provincial Health Commission

Recently, entrusted by the Guizhou Provincial Health Commission, led by Professor Zheng Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the First Clinical College of Zunyi Medical University, second-level professor, expert with special allowance of the State Council, and provincial management expert of Guizhou Province, Chief Physician Yang Chunli, head of the Clinical Skills Experimental Teaching Center of Zunyi Medical University, teaching supervision expert of Zunyi Medical University, Chief Physician Chen Shuanghua, Head of the Teaching Supervision Team of the First People's Hospital of Zunyi City, Chief Physician Cai Hongyong, Teaching Director of the Department of General Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, Tang Xiaobo, Director of the Department of General Medicine of the Honghuagang District People's Hospital of Zunyi City, and Secretary Zheng Yang, Secretary of the Planning and Training Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, visited the General Hospital of Water and Mine to carry out the evaluation and inspection of the 2023 Guizhou Assistant General Practitioner Training Base. Hu Zhaoguo, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shuikuang Hospital, Fang Tigang, Executive Vice President, Qiu Liang, Vice President, Sun Bingfeng, Vice President, heads of administrative departments, directors of clinical departments, and teaching secretaries participated in and accompanied the evaluation and inspection.

Consolidated information on December 22

The evaluation and inspection is divided into three parts: a report meeting, an on-site inspection by expert groups, and a feedback meeting.

At the report meeting, the leaders of the institute extended a warm welcome to the experts. It is hoped that the expert group will point out the deficiencies in the training of general practitioners in our hospital during the inspection, and guide the General Hospital of Water and Mine to continuously improve the management level and improve the quality of medical personnel training.

Sun Bingfeng, vice president of the General Hospital of Water and Minerals, made a detailed report on the basic situation of the hospital, the basic conditions of the base, the management of the teaching staff, the management of the training process, and the quality control of the training.

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Subsequently, the assessment team was divided into groups to conduct an on-site assessment. The experts of the management team conducted a comprehensive review of the materials at the level of the training base, and conducted on-site inspections in the skills training center, library, student dormitories, canteens, and related clinical departments. The experts of the clinical group supervised and inspected the teaching rounds, random inspection of skill operation, outpatient teaching rounds, and the teaching of instructors; the experts of the grassroots group inspected the corresponding materials and training of the grassroots practice base, focusing on the random inspection of whether the writing of SOAP medical records is standardized; the experts of the financial group supervised the use of provincial financial special funds and the distribution of living allowances; and the evaluation experts also interviewed the trainees, teachers, middle-level managers and hospital-level management personnel.

Consolidated information on December 22

After the on-site assessment, the expert group gave on-site feedback on the training of assistant general practitioners in the General Hospital of Water and Minerals, fully affirmed the overall work, and put forward constructive suggestions for rectification of the problems found in the evaluation and inspection. Professor Zheng Hong, the leader of the expert group, proposed that the Guizhou Provincial Health Commission attaches great importance to the training of assistant general practitioners, and requires the whole hospital to have a strong sense of responsibility, a professional spirit of daring to take responsibility and a realistic and pragmatic work style.

Consolidated information on December 22

Hu Zhaoguo, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Water Mine Hospital, expressed his gratitude to the expert group for the meticulous and professional inspection and guidance of the training assistance work of the Water Mine General Hospital. The General Hospital of Water and Mine will also take this evaluation and inspection as an opportunity to deeply understand the opinions of the experts, take practical and effective measures, and rectify them in a timely manner and seriously. Promote construction and reform through evaluation, further strengthen the construction of training bases for assistant general practitioners, and improve the quality of training. To train assistant general practitioners with high professional ethics, solid professional knowledge of general practice and clinical diagnosis and treatment skills for primary medical institutions to meet the growing health needs of the people. Continuously strengthen teaching management, improve teaching conditions, strengthen the training of clinical teaching talents, build a team of teachers with solid clinical theories and excellent professional skills, and strive to rapidly improve the teaching level of assistant general practice in the hospital. (Water Mine General Hospital)

Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital carried out health knowledge lectures into the organs

In order to vigorously promote the strategic action of Healthy China, further popularize health knowledge, advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and improve the health awareness and self-care ability of the majority of cadres and workers, Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital has carried out health knowledge lectures into the institution.

Recently, Zhai Meiling, director of the obstetrics and gynecology expert clinic of Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and Yu Shichao, director of pediatrics, walked into the comprehensive building of the municipal government to give health knowledge popularization lectures on "preventing cervical cancer and adding a protection for life" and "children's respiratory diseases in autumn and winter".

Consolidated information on December 22

With her rich professional knowledge, many years of clinical experience and easy-to-understand language, Director Zhai Meiling explained with examples from four aspects: what is cervical cancer, the causes of cervical cancer, cervical cancer screening, and preventive measures, and advocated that women should enhance their awareness of self-protection and self-care in their daily lives, establish a correct health concept, and maintain a good life Xi habits to reduce the occurrence of cervical cancer. Encourage women of appropriate age to receive HPV vaccine as soon as possible to effectively reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions and improve women's health.

Director Yu Shichao focused on the knowledge of common respiratory diseases in autumn and winter such as influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia, and explained in detail the epidemic characteristics, symptoms, treatment methods and precautions, family rehabilitation and nursing guidance, preventive measures and other aspects of common infectious diseases in autumn and winter in easy-to-understand words, supplemented by illustrated PPT, and guided everyone to cultivate good personal hygiene and life Xi habits for children, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing diseases, improving health and improving children's health.

Consolidated information on December 22

After the lecture, the two doctors had in-depth communication with the on-site employees, gave targeted answers to the health questions encountered in their daily life, and gave professional advice, which was well received by everyone. Everyone said that they had gained a lot of health knowledge and ideas, and they were full of happiness and happiness.

Through this lecture on health knowledge, the health literacy and level of the city's cadres and workers have been further improved, and a correct view of medical treatment has been established, which has played a role in improving the concept of healthy life and popularizing the common sense of healthy life, and has enhanced everyone's sense of happiness, security and gain. (Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital)

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