
Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

author:Lao Zhang's medical science

Text: Dr. Zhang

Edit|Unknown Spring

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In Chongqing, an uncle named Wan Deben was buying beef at the supermarket and was going back to make dumplings.

Suddenly, his feet slipped and he fell heavily to the ground. The pain made him decide to go to the nearest hospital for a check-up. At the hospital, Wan Deben met Wang Ming, an old friend and senior doctor.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

While waiting for the test results, the two began to talk about their Xi and healthy eating.

When Wang Ming heard that Wan Deben had been cooking with rapeseed oil recently, he began to explain to him some health knowledge about rapeseed oil and lard.

He told Wonderburn that there has been a debate about which is healthier, rapeseed oil or lard, but the focus is not entirely on the type of oil, but on the quality of the oil and how it is used.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

Wang Ming explained that both rapeseed oil and lard have their own characteristics.

Canola oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, while lard is rich in saturated fatty acids.

However, some studies have shown that long-term excessive intake of certain overprocessed vegetable oils may be associated with certain health problems, and some studies have even suggested that excessive intake of low-quality vegetable oils may be associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

Next, Wang Ming put forward a point of view: when choosing edible oil, we should pay attention to its "three characteristics" - the degree of processing, the transparency of the source and the state of preservation.

Degree of processing: Choose a low-processed, unrefined cooking oil.

This type of oil is closer to its natural state, retains more nutrients while reducing the production of harmful substances.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

Source transparency: Know where your cooking oil comes from.

Choosing brands that provide clarity on origin and processing makes it easier to avoid ingestion of harmful substances that can be caused by improper cultivation or processing.

Preservation Condition: Properly store the cooking oil. Avoid prolonged exposure of the oil to high temperatures, direct sunlight, or moisture, which may cause oxidation or deterioration of the oil.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

Health is not determined by a single food, but by the combination of entire dietary Xi and lifestyle.

Even the best quality cooking oils can have less health benefits if they are used repeatedly at high temperatures or when paired with other unhealthy foods.

When people choose edible oils, they are often influenced by marketing strategies and ignore the understanding of the essence of food.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

Consumers should increase their knowledge of food safety and nutrition so they can make smarter choices.

For edible oil, Wang Ming put forward some uncommon but very important medical knowledge:

Smoke point of grease: Each grease has its specific smoke point, which is the temperature at which smoke begins to be produced.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

When the oil temperature exceeds the smoke point, the nutrients in the oil begin to decompose, producing harmful substances.

Therefore, choosing the right grease when cooking and controlling the cooking temperature is essential to maintain health.

Dangers of trans fatty acids: Some processed foods and cooking methods produce trans fatty acids, which are extremely bad for heart health.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

Even "healthy" vegetable oils can form trans fatty acids during improper processing and high-temperature cooking.

Protection of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, play an important role in maintaining good health.

Choosing oils rich in these fatty acids, such as flaxseed oil, fish oil, etc., can help promote cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

The health benefits of edible oil are also related to an individual's genetic background.

Different individuals have different abilities to metabolize fats, so some oils and fats may be more beneficial for some people.

This also explains why some people experience significant improvements in health indicators after using certain oils, while others do not see significant changes.

Rapeseed oil is not as good as lard, and eating it causes cancer? Be vigilant: Vegetarian oil and meat oil have 3 characteristics, don't eat them

When choosing an edible oil, you should take into account the type of oil, the degree of processing, the smoke point, as well as the health status and genetic background of the individual.

Healthy eating Xi need to be considered rather than simply relying on a so-called "superfood".

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