
03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

author:Chang Qi's history book


03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Text: Chang Qi's history book

Edited by Chang Qi's history book


The rapid development of the Chinese era has made the former "in the past, the carriage and horses were slow, the letters were far away, and there was only enough to do one thing in one life, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime".

This is not only romantic, but also the love concept of that generation, which is full of thoughts, hope and sustenance, in that era love is a sacred and solemn thing, no flowers, no diamond rings, the vast sea of people, met you, holding hands is a lifetime.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Today's longing doesn't have to go over the mountains, and today's parting is no longer without news, but today's love comes and goes quickly, falling in love in a hurry in the sea of people, and scribbling to the end in the sea of people.

Although pure love is the most precious existence in today's society, twenty years ago, a young woman in her 20s should have had a happy life with her husband, but who knew that this woman became an old lady in her 80s overnight.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

What's going on? Now, decades later, what is happening to this woman?

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

【Skin laxity】

On an ordinary night, the hospital suddenly received a patient who was admitted to the hospital due to an overdose of sleeping pills, and when everyone thought that this "old lady" was angry with this son, they took sleeping pills, and it turned out that this "old lady" was only in her 20s, which shocked everyone.

After treatment, the girl finally woke up, told the cause to the doctor, and then conducted a comprehensive examination of the woman, and found that the woman's physical health was as good as that of her 20s, and her physical indicators were normal, and there were no problems.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

But there was no reason for it, and the doctor suggested that the woman could go to a dermatology hospital in Shanghai.

She had never done this dermatological examination before, so she went for this examination with the attitude of giving it a try, and finally found the cause, which turned out to be because of the rupture of skin fibers on the face, which led to the loss of collagen, so it looked like she was aging quickly.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

This cause also surprised the doctor, after all, this "skin laxity" has no more than ten patients in the world, and this woman is one of them.

But it is precisely because of the rarity that there is no treatment plan at all, and when she learned of this result, the woman did not say a word for many days and lost her appetite.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

The woman's husband saw his wife depressed every day, and he felt very uncomfortable, so he took his wife home to recuperate, believing that he would be able to cure his wife's illness.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

【Once Beautiful】

The protagonist of the story is named Hu Juan from rural Henan, who has been smart, beautiful, lively and lovely since childhood, but in the second year of high school, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the family fell into a predicament all of a sudden.

She is doing a good job in the enterprise that produces ski equipment, and the leaders have also included her in the key training objects, and her career has gradually stabilized.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Hu Juan's parents called, and the result was that Zhu Jichao proposed to his family, Zhu Jichao is about to be discharged from the army, and now he is also tall, and the family conditions are also quite good, so Hu Juan's parents hope that the two of them can communicate more feelings.

But Hu Juan looked very helpless, because she didn't have a good impression of Zhu Jichao, so she was ready to go home during the Chinese New Year and refuse Zhu Jichao.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

During the Spring Festival, Hu Juan just came down from the train station in his hometown, and met Zhu Jichao who picked him up, he waited for Hu Juan for a whole morning, and also prepared a coat for Hu Juan, for fear that she would be cold and frozen.

Hu Juan felt that this man was very careful and considerate, and he was a little moved by him, and after this Spring Festival, Zhu Jichao would come to Hu Juan's house every day to help his parents work, and Hu Juan gradually unloaded the knot in his heart, and the two officially fell in love at the age of 17.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Soon after the Spring Festival, Hu Juan had to return to her place of work, and Zhu Jichao specially bought a mobile phone in order to contact Hu Juan in other places.

He said that the two of them could contact each other every day in the future, and Hu Juan also agreed to him, and since then, the two of them will make a phone call every day.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

In October 2002, Zhu Jichao officially retired from the army, and after he was discharged, he immediately rushed to the place where Hu Juan worked, and settled down with Hu Juan, and then the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, so they handled a simple wedding in the second year, and the two were just eighteen years old that year.

After the two of them got married, the sweetness did not decrease but increased, and every day Zhu Jichao would buy a small gift to bring to Hu Juan, as well as Hu Juan's favorite Cecilia Cheung record, which made Hu Juan's heart feel warm.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

At that time, because of Hu Juan's hard work, he arrived at the company's management early, and was no longer a small employee at the grassroots level, and Zhu Jichao also became a taxi driver to supplement his family.

Their lives gradually improved, children were also put on the agenda, in November 2003, they ushered in their first child, the birth of their son Zhu Hao, the addition of new members to add more laughter to this originally happy home, but unfortunately the creation of people, changes also quietly came.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Just when Hu Juan was confined, she felt that something was wrong, Hu Juan used to look in her mirror and look at her face, Hu Juan's foundation was originally very good, in addition to the inheritance of some genes, as well as her usual maintenance.

But after giving birth, Hu Juan felt that her face was a little wrong, and her face was very swollen as if she had been filled with water.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

And her husband also comforted her, saying that after giving birth, she would be fine after confinement, and Hu Juan heard her husband's comfort, and she was relieved and no longer worried.

One morning, her husband Zhu Jichao got up and found that his wife's face had a lot of wrinkles, as if he was not lying next to his wife but someone else, and Zhu Jichao knew that his wife loved beauty, so he hurriedly hid the mirror at home.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

But it was still discovered by Hu Juan, she touched her face and found that there seemed to be many wrinkles, she felt that something was wrong and because there was no mirror at home, she thought that there was something dirty on her face, so she immediately went to wash her face, and found that the more she washed, the more wrong it was, and then Hu Juan was completely panicked.

The aging speed of ordinary people is relatively gradual, the appearance is no longer good, the hair begins to gray, and wrinkles begin to emerge slowly, but this is all acceptable to people.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

But Hu Juan's appearance is not like this, in a few months, Hu Juan's skin began to sag, and the skin on her face sagged very badly.

Wrinkles crawled all over her cheeks, and the skin on her neck began to sag, and she looked not like a girl under twenty years old, but like an old woman in her seventies and eighties.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

This visible change made Hu Juan start to be afraid, she went to the local hospital to see a doctor, and the doctor told her that there was no problem after doing various examinations.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

【Psychological Strike】

The speed of rapid aging, the doctor can't give the reason. Hu Juan had no choice but to set off to a larger hospital again for an examination, but the result was a rare "skin laxity" that could not be cured, which made Hu Juan fall into deep despair.

When Hu Juan went out to buy clothes with her husband, the waiter said to Hu Juan, "This is your son, look at how young and handsome he looks when he wears this dress." ”

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Hu Juan and Zhu Jichao were silent at the same time after listening, Zhu Jichao didn't speak, and pulled his wife out of the store, and Hu Juan became very sensitive after getting sick.

She felt that she was embarrassed to her husband, but Zhu Jichao didn't feel that his wife was ashamed of herself, but she just felt that her wife was sick.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

What hit her was also her son, who became less and less fond of talking to her since her son went to school, and even in the few exchanges, her son didn't want to look at her more, and rejected her very much.

Every time she goes to pick up her son from school, she will be considered by the parents of the students, teachers and parents to be her son's grandmother, but other people's opinions have no impact on Hu Juan, but once Hu Juan saw her son with his classmates.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

When a classmate asked his son if he was his mother, his son walked away silently, which hit Hu Juan very hard, and almost made her lose hope of life because of these things.

But unfortunate things followed, Hu Juan's mother was not good at words, and she hid something in her heart, and then her sullen mother and the aggravation of breast cancer finally died before the age of 50.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Hu Juan's hope for life was extinguished again, and he felt that it was because of himself that he had put her husband and son in an embarrassing situation, and if it weren't for herself, her mother would not have died.

Hu Juan, who was desperate, thought that she could only be freed by finishing herself, and Hu Juan, who had made up her mind, spent more than ten days saving more than a dozen sleeping pills and swallowed them all at once.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Fortunately, her husband found out Hu Juan's strange appearance in time and sent her to the hospital, Hu Juan asked her husband why he wanted to save himself, why he didn't let her die by herself, Zhu Jichao also hugged his wife and cried, telling her that she couldn't live without her, let her not give up on herself, and think about the child.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

【Igniting Hope】

After this incident, Hu Juan regained hope, as long as there is a prescription for her, whether it is useful or not, she will try it, it is hope for her.

In the years when Hu Juan was ill, Zhu Jichao was saved by Zhu Jichao several times when he wanted to die, because he knew his wife's mind and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

In life, she not only takes good care of her wife in life, but also persuades her son and mother that she is sick, and it does not affect her to always put her son first in life.

The wife wanted plastic surgery back, but at first the husband did not agree to do so, because what if the operation was risky and something happened, but he couldn't resist his wife, and watched his wife feel depressed every day, and finally agreed to him.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

Accompanied by her husband, Hu Juan underwent 4 facial and neck adjustments, and the collapsed skin was also filled, and Hu Juan also recovered well after the operation.

And soon after, they welcomed a new member and a younger sister, and the little couple who had gone through hardships finally ushered in a different life, and the two also made an appointment to take a set of wedding photos to record the happiest appearance.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?


No matter how Hu Juan changes, her husband will always be by her side, accompanying her and encouraging her, which is a precious emotion.

Their stories convey to us the strength of resilience and bravery, and make us believe that as long as we have hope in our hearts, walk side by side, and carry love and hope, we will eventually overcome all obstacles and move on to a better life.

03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?
03 years old woman turned into an 80-year-old lady overnight?

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