
"Art" grows up, and this classroom makes parents and children become "classmates"

author:Shangguan News

"When singing, your mouth should be wide and round!" In the neighborhood square of Zhaoqing Life Box, Xietu Street, Xuhui District, children rushed to answer the teachers' questions.

"Art" grows up, and this classroom makes parents and children become "classmates"

With a piano and a sheet music, Xietu Street and Sfuture Art Troupe brought a relaxed and warm musical journey to the participating parent-child groups. According to the relevant person in charge of the Sfuture Art Troupe, the children's song "Toad and Little Frog" was selected for this parent-child chorus activity, and there is a lyric design of a dialogue between parents and children, which can make both parents and children more involved.

Before officially starting to learn Xi songs, the teacher first led the children and parents to Xi practice the vocalization of the vocalization method and the vocalization of a single syllable, which is not only to familiarize themselves with the pitch in the subsequent songs in advance, but also to help the vocal cords and their accessory muscles to work better and protect the throat to a certain extent.

"Art" grows up, and this classroom makes parents and children become "classmates"

"Most of the parents and children who participated in the event today may not embark on the professional path of vocal music, but as long as they are interested, we are willing to bring you professional and scientific enlightenment. The relevant person in charge of the Sfuture Art Troupe told reporters.

From reciting the lyrics rhythmically, to the teacher's demonstration, to singing aloud, the children gradually immersed themselves in the world of music. In this music class, parents and children became "classmates", and the warm interactive atmosphere also reached a climax in the lyrics.

"Art" grows up, and this classroom makes parents and children become "classmates"

Art is another pair of eyes for children to understand the world, and it is also a bridge for parents and children to communicate. It is reported that Xietu Street will continue to expand the form of activities combining art and life, adding a touch of artistic color to the growth of children.

Reporter: Shen Yifei

Editor: Ning Pingying

Reviewer: Wei Li

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