
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Adhere to the positioning of housing for living and not speculation to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Adhere to the positioning of housing for living and not speculation to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market

According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, from December 21 to 22, the National Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that next year's work should adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability with progress, establishing first and then breaking down, and focusing on 18 aspects of work in 4 major sectors.

-- In the housing and real estate sector, it is necessary to adhere to the positioning that houses are for living, not for speculation, and adapt to the new situation of major changes in the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market.

Stabilize the real estate market, adhere to city-specific policies, one city, one policy, and precise policies, meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, optimize real estate policies, continue to do a good job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, ensuring people's livelihood and stability, properly handle the risks of real estate enterprises, and rectify the order of the real estate market.

Construct a new model of real estate development, establish a new mechanism for the linkage of "people, housing, land and money", improve the basic system of the whole life cycle of housing from development and construction to maintenance and use, implement the construction of the "three major projects", accelerate the solution of the housing problems of new citizens, young people and migrant workers, and make efforts to build good houses and create a new track in the housing field.

-- In the urban and rural construction sector, it is necessary to deeply practice the concept of people's cities, take improving people's livelihood and well-being and promoting common prosperity as the starting point and end point, build livable and resilient smart cities, and build livable, workable and beautiful villages.

Actively promote urban renewal actions, and do a detailed urban physical examination. Study the establishment of an urban design system, and then transform a number of old urban communities, focusing on solving the problems of installing elevators to enter the house on the flat floor, parking difficulties, etc., building a number of complete communities, making up for the shortcomings of facilities such as the old and the young, strengthening the construction of barrier-free environment and adapting to the elderly, creating a number of child-friendly space construction models, vigorously promoting the transformation of urban underground pipe networks, implementing urban drainage and flood prevention capacity improvement projects, further promoting the construction of urban lifeline safety projects, promoting the classification of urban domestic waste to improve quality and efficiency, and continuing to promote "pocket parks", The construction of urban greenways will explore the construction of parks, public toilets and waiting areas around primary and secondary schools and kindergartens to provide convenience for parents who pick up and drop off their children.

Further improve the level of urban management, deepen reform, straighten out the system, strengthen the overall planning and coordination of urban management, promote the establishment of a "one committee, one office, one platform" work system in cities at and above the prefecture level, promote the "one network unified management" of urban operation, and promote the integration of urban management into the grassroots social governance system.

To build beautiful villages and towns that are suitable for living and working, learn Xi and use the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to promote the construction of counties, towns and villages, select a number of county seats, and carry out actions to make up for shortcomings in facility construction based on physical examinations, promote the construction of small towns, continue to implement rural construction actions, and do a good job in the renovation of rural dilapidated houses and the seismic transformation of rural houses.

We will continue to strengthen the protection and inheritance of urban and rural history and culture, improve the system of laws and regulations, strengthen the overall protection of famous historical and cultural cities, towns and villages, historical and cultural blocks, historical buildings, and traditional villages, resolutely stop the phenomenon of constructive destruction, promote revitalization and utilization, and strengthen the protection and utilization of traditional villages.

——In the construction sector, we will deepen the supply-side structural reform of the construction industry, continue to work industrialization, digitalization and green transformation, strive to provide high-quality building products for the whole society, and create an upgraded version of "Built in China".

Vigorously develop new construction methods, steadily promote the work of carbon peaking in the field of urban and rural construction, do a good job in the pilot of intelligent construction cities, and steadily develop prefabricated buildings.

Optimize the construction market environment, strengthen market supervision, and carry out high-quality debt settlement work for enterprises in the industry.

Strengthen the supervision of project quality and existing housing safety, start the rectification action of frequent problems in housing quality, do a good job in the pilot of housing physical examination, pension and insurance system, and carry out a three-year action to tackle the root cause of safety production in the field of housing municipal engineering.

Strengthen the management of fire inspection of construction projects, enrich the technical work force of fire inspection, improve the national fire protection technical standard system for engineering construction, organize and carry out special governance of fire protection inspection violations and regulations, severely crack down on the use of fake and shoddy building fire protection materials, facilities and equipment and technical services, and standardize market order.

——The basic support sector adapts to the requirements of shifting from solving "whether there is any" to solving "whether it is good or not", vigorously strengthens basic work, and lays a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural construction.

Consolidate the foundation of the rule of law, implement the strategic deployment of comprehensive law-based governance, and further improve the level of rule of law in housing and urban-rural construction.

Improve engineering construction standards, focus on building good houses, issue residential project specifications, start from building floor height, elevators, sound insulation, green, intelligent, barrier-free, etc., improve residential construction standards, and promote engineering construction standards to "go global" in combination with the needs of foreign engineering projects along the "Belt and Road".

Strengthen the drive of science and technology, study the future-oriented good house construction technology, organize the preparation of a new batch of key laboratories and engineering technology innovation centers and other scientific and technological innovation platforms, and accelerate the implementation of "digital housing and construction".

Improve construction statistics, study the establishment of basic statistical databases and comprehensive statistical platforms for housing and urban-rural construction, and strengthen the application of data analysis.

Manage urban construction archives well, improve the management system of engineering construction archives, establish a credit supervision mechanism for the transfer and performance of urban construction archives, and promote the digitization of urban construction archives.

Build solid talent support, implement the "building talents" training plan, and let aspiring young people display their talents in career development.

We will expand external exchanges, deepen cooperation with UN-Habitat, continue to do a good job in the selection of the Global Sustainable Development Cities Award (Shanghai Award), host the main event of World Cities Day in China, deepen the outcomes of the first China-ASEAN Construction Ministers' Roundtable, actively expand international partnerships, and promote bilateral and multilateral mechanisms to carry out practical cooperation in the field of housing and urban-rural development.

Strengthen public opinion publicity, always put politics in the first place, strengthen positive publicity, accurately interpret policies, support the expansion of the ministry and media, give full play to the expert guiding role of the "housing and construction think tank", promote online and offline integration, improve the ability to produce new media products, and improve the efficiency of news and publicity.

The meeting stressed that strengthening the party's leadership and party building is the fundamental guarantee for the development of the cause. It is necessary to continue to study and implement Xi Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, firmly support the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two maintenances", and bear in mind the "great man of the country", consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, strengthen organizational leadership, party style and clean government construction, and cadre team construction, and promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party with firmness and perseverance that are always on the road, continuously improve the quality of party building, and lead the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural construction.

The meeting also made arrangements for ensuring urban supply at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, paying wages to migrant workers, and safe production.

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