
Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice

author:Chinese military horn

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily WeChat, China Military Number

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice

Let's take a look with Xiaoyin today

Let's talk about the winter solstice health food supplement!

The winter solstice is a good time to eat and supplement, as the saying goes, "three nines make up for one winter, and there will be no illness in the coming year". At this time, Yang Qi begins to grow, and proper nourishment is beneficial to the enhancement of physical fitness, and diet is the most important way to recuperate. Of course, if you want to carry out dietary recuperation, you can't take tonic at will, and winter tonic needs a scientific method.

1. Winter solstice nourishing ingredients are recommended

"The summer solstice is three Geng, and the winter solstice is nine. "The weather is getting colder, the food should be to nourish yin and latent yang, strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and should not eat too thick and fatty, easy to produce hot and salty products, and should eat less raw and cold.

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice


Protect the spleen and kidneys

The kidney is the foundation of the innate and the spleen is the foundation of the acquired, and nourishing the spleen and kidney is the most important rule for nourishing the viscera during the winter solstice. The winter solstice is cold, the consumption of yang energy should be minimized, the essence of the kidney should be protected, and the spleen likes warm and cold, so it is advisable to eat warm and tonic foods in moderation to protect the spleen and kidneys, such as: mutton, beef, chicken soup, crucian carp, etc., and you can also eat flat foods, such as yams, sweet potatoes, white lentils, etc.


Replenishes vitality

A bowl of hot porridge brings physical and mental comfort to people, and ingredients such as lotus seeds, seeds, black sesame, red beans, red dates, black beans, and white fungus can be placed in the porridge [1] to clear the lungs and nourish the heart.


Nourish the liver and protect the liver

During the winter solstice, the liver plays a considerable role as an important detoxification organ of the human body, at this time, we can eat some foods that nourish the liver and protect the liver, such as: spinach, celery and pork liver.

2. Winter solstice recipe recommendations

If the physique is not particularly biased, it is recommended that the winter solstice tonic is mainly based on food supplements, and warm and flat ingredients can be used, such as mutton dumplings, angelica mutton soup, stewed black chicken with longan, and porridge for strengthening the spleen and reducing stagnation.

Lamb dumplings

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice

Material selection:

Mutton, radish, minced green onion, minced ginger, Sichuan pepper, oil, salt, dumpling skin, etc.


Soak the mutton in bloody water, cut into meat filling; divide it into 5-6 times and pour the pepper water soaked in boiling water, add light soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt and sesame oil and stir evenly; after chopping the radish, squeeze out the excess water, pour in the minced green onion and ginger together with the meat filling and stir well; then wrap it into dumplings and cook it before eating.

Health Benefits:

"The small dumplings warm the heart, and they are better than gold and silver. "Mutton warms the yang and replenishes the deficiency, which can dissipate cold and dampness, replenish essence and blood, and warm the heart and stomach. Eating it with the radish that is full of vigor complements each other even more. Zhang Zhongjing once boiled the "cold Jiao'er soup" in winter: the mutton and the medicine to ward off the cold were stewed together in a pot, and after cooking, they were taken out and chopped, and wrapped in noodles to shape their ears, and distributed them to people who came to seek medicine to treat ear chilblains, so as to get rid of the cold and treat the symptoms of deficiency and cold.

Angelica lamb broth

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice

Material selection:

250 grams of mutton, 30 grams of ginger, 30 grams of angelica


Wash the angelica slices, remove the fascia of the mutton, blanch the blood in a pot of boiling water, wash with water, and chop into small pieces. Wash the clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, put it on the fire, boil it over a strong fire, add angelica slices, mutton pieces, and cooking wine. Cover, first bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer for 3-4 hours, add an appropriate amount of salt and serve.

Health Benefits:

It is suitable for the general population to take tonic in winter, which can make qi and blood abundant, spleen and stomach strong.

Longan stewed black chicken

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice

Material selection:

1 black chicken (about 400 grams), 20 grams of longan meat, 40 grams of red dates, 15 ml of rice wine, 10 grams of ginger, and appropriate amount of salt.


Wash and pit the red dates, slice the ginger, wash the longan meat and set aside, clean up the black chicken and chop it into large pieces.

Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, bring to a boil, put in the black chicken, take it out after boiling, rinse the foam on the surface of the chicken nuggets with water, drain and set aside; put the black chicken, red dates, longan meat, and ginger slices into the stew pot, pour in an appropriate amount of water, then add rice wine, cover the lid, put it in the steamer, stew it for about 1.5 hours and then take it out, add a little salt to eat.

Health Benefits:

Black chicken is rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients, which has the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing deficiency, invigorating qi and replenishing blood. Secondly, black chicken can also benefit the kidneys and liver, strengthen the spleen and strengthen the body, and also has a certain effect on the treatment of liver and kidney insufficiency and osteoporosis.

Healthy spleen spleen porridge

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice

Material selection:

Millet, ginger, hawthorn, japonica rice, and brown sugar are appropriate amounts.


Ginger and hawthorn cook the soup for 20 minutes to remove debris from the soup;

Wash the millet and japonica rice (the ratio is 2:1), pour it into the boiled ginger hawthorn soup, cook it into a slightly viscous but not thick thin porridge, and then add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and stir well to eat.

Health Benefits:

This porridge has the effect of eliminating food stagnation, sweating and relieving the surface, and can treat the early stage of cold and flu caused by spleen and stomach stagnation caused by excessive food and greasy. Ginger soup is used to solve the surface, hawthorn is eliminated, millet soup strengthens the spleen, and ginger soup is published to dispel evil [3].

In addition, in winter, the throat and bronchi are susceptible to wind, cold, dampness, dryness, heat and other evil qi invasion and induce respiratory diseases, you can also drink tea to dispel wind and dispel cold, promote dampness and phlegm, nourish the liver and kidneys and moisten the lungs and throat, such as ginger jujube tea, tangerine peel rose tea, wolfberry chrysanthemum tea and monk fruit tea, etc., which can also moderately enhance the body's resistance and reduce the incidence of diseases.

3. Winter vegetables and fruits are recommended

Dry winter, especially in the northern region, can easily lead to fire, nasal cavity, dry skin, etc. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which can enhance the body's immunity and improve the body's ability to adapt to cold. Therefore, we should pay attention to the supplementation of vegetables and fruits.

Military doctor Xiaoyin|Today's winter solstice


White radish

As the saying goes, "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and don't work for doctors to prescribe medicine". White radish has the title of "little ginseng", which is rich in carbohydrates and vitamins. It has the effects of lowering qi, eliminating appetite, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, detoxifying and rejuvenating, and cleaning up internal fire, and is suitable for consumption in winter [2]. When coughing and coughing up phlegm due to cold in winter, you can also stew some white radish at home for auxiliary treatment, but it should be noted that radish is cold and good for the intestines, so it is best for people with spleen deficiency and diarrhea to eat less.


Bamboo shoots

Compared with spring bamboo shoots and summer bamboo shoots, winter bamboo shoots are more nutritious, rich in a variety of proteins, amino acids, carotene and dietary fiber, which can eliminate food and relieve greasy, clear heat and laxative.


lotus root

Raw lotus root can clear away heat and moisten the lungs, cool the blood and promote stasis, and cooked food can strengthen the spleen and appetize, stop diarrhea and solidify the essence, and nourish the brain.



Sugarcane is refreshing and rich in nutrients such as sugar, water and vitamins, making it suitable for winter consumption. (Xiao Yin reminds everyone that if one section of the sugarcane is moldy, the whole sugarcane is not recommended to be eaten!)



Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of improving immunity, promoting digestion and helping laxative, which can strengthen the spleen and eliminate appetite, moisten the lungs and relieve cough, and eliminate phlegm.

In addition, you can also choose Chinese cabbage, water chestnut, rape, celery, fungus, apples, pears, citrus and other fruits and vegetables.

Practice three nines in winter and three dogs in summer

Comrades-in-arms while training hard

Be sure to pay attention to scientific supplements

The winter solstice has arrived

Comrades-in-arms remember to eat dumplings today!


[1] Yang Pu.Winter health, drinking five-color porridge[J].Health and Wellness,2021,(1): 9

[2] Luan Hairong, Meng Lingjun.《黄帝内經》Winter Health Preservation Theory Discussion[J].Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2016,0(5):612-614

[3] Guo Xia, Song Jie.Winter solstice Yiyangsheng Xiao Han Bing Shang Walk[J].Health World,2019,26(12): 69-72

Youth League Committee of the School of Basic Medical Sciences, Air Force Military Medical University

Military doctor Xiao Yin's studio

Zheng Jin, associate professor of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Air Force Medical University

Assistant Professor Pu Xueyin, Teaching Experiment Center, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Air Force Military Medical University

Planner: Zhang Chengkai, Wang Hang, Zhao Yushun

Comics: Cheng Hao, Guo Yilin

Characters: 徐子晴 夏瑞欣

(Produced by the People's Liberation Army Daily WeChat, China Military Number)