
If you find life too difficult, read these 5 poems

author:Clever Xin Xin Xin

There are always difficult moments in life that can leave people feeling confused, exhausted, and even disappointed. When we feel helpless, reading some beautiful poetry may bring us a little comfort and strength. Here are five classic poems that I hope will bring you some warmth and inspiration.

1. "Ascending" - Wang Zhilian

At the end of the day, the Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to be poor, go to the next level.

Reimagined: Placed on a high place, the day has passed, and the Yangtze River flows into the sea. If we want to touch the distant horizon, we need to climb a higher tower again.

2. "Mountain Journey" —— Du Maki

Far up the cold mountain stone path slope, Baiyunsheng has a home. Parking sits in love with the maple forest in the evening, and the frost leaves are red in February.

Reimagined: I walked on a cold mountain road with twists and turns. The mountains are filled with clouds and mist, and there are hidden places for dwellers. I chose to stop and sit under the maple forest, intoxicated by the autumn frost and the autumn leaves, as gorgeous as February flowers.

If you find life too difficult, read these 5 poems

3. 《登鹳雀楼》——王之涣

At the end of the day, the Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to be poor, go to the next level.

Reimagined: The sky is so blue that there are almost no blemishes, and the Yangtze River rushes into the sea. If we want to reach the distant view, we need to climb higher again.

4. "Night Park Niuzhu Nostalgia" - Yang Jiong

At night in the West River of Niuzhu, there is no cloud in the blue sky. Boarding the boat to look at the autumn moon, empty memories and monarchy.

Reimagined: At night, I anchored in Niuzhu and quietly waited for the night of the Xijiang River. In the bright night sky, there is not a single cloud. I boarded the boat, gazed at the autumn moon, and emptily recalled the parting with you.

5. "The Wanderer's Yin" - Meng Jiao

If you find life too difficult, read these 5 poems

The line in the mother's hand, the wanderer's shirt. Before leaving, I am afraid that I will return late. Who is careless and repays Sanchunhui?

Reimagined: A loving mother holds a needle and thread and makes clothes for the wanderer. Before parting, she sewed carefully, lest her son return later. Who said that an inch of grass will not thrive because of the sunshine of Sanchun?

These poems outline the ups and downs and struggles of life by expressing the thoughts and emotions of the author. No matter how difficult the circumstances we face, there are lessons to be learned. Retelling these stories in colloquial and vivid language with a fresh perspective helps readers better understand the social context, make emotional connections, and provoke thought.

Life is a challenge for everyone, and as the years go by, we go through all sorts of ups and downs and twists and turns. When we are confused or tired, reading some beautiful poems can bring us comfort and encouragement. They show us different sights and emotions, let us know that we are not alone, and make us believe that there will always be a warm dawn after the darkness. While life can be tiresome, we can find strength and courage in these poems to move on.

To summarize the main points: poetry is our spiritual sustenance and emotional source, and they can give us new perspectives and inspiration for thinking about problems. Reading poetry is a kind of medicine for a tired life, allowing us to re-examine our predicaments and find true meaning and strength.

Finally, I would like to ask a question that readers are encouraged to participate in the comments and share their perspectives: Have you ever had a similar experience in your life? Is there a poem that has had a profound impact on you? Please share it with us in the comments below.

If you find life too difficult, read these 5 poems

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