
The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

author:Forests grow towards the sun

Well, let's talk about one amazing thing. Imagine you have a lottery ticket in your hand and think, "I'm the lucky one tonight." But as everyone knows, this lottery ticket may turn your life into an endless "legal marathon".

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

The main character of the story, let's call him Tom, is an honest guy who won the jackpot one day! Oh, not the multimillions, but it's enough to make him jump with excitement. Tom trustfully told his good friend Jerry, and Jerry had a brighter light in his eyes than Tom because, guess what, the two of them had written a "joint and several guarantee agreement" on a napkin, agreeing that the lottery would be split evenly.

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

It's supposed to be simple, right? One and a half, everyone laughs. However, there was a knife hidden in Jerry's smile. He told Tom that the napkin agreement was actually a "share change agreement", and in short, he wanted not half of it, but all of it!

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

Tom looked confused, this was not our agreement! His trust in Jerry fell apart in an instant. Now, not only is the joy of the lottery gone, but even friends have become rivals. Poor Tom, overnight, fell from heaven to the court. Those legal terms, such as "joint and several liability", "validity of contracts", and "chain of evidence", bombarded his ears and made his head dizzy.

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

The climax of this farce is in the courtroom, where Jerry gushes about all the "sacrifices" and "contributions" he has made for Tom, as if he deserves that money more than Tom. And Tom, he could only doubt his life on the sidelines, and secretly thought to himself: "Is this my friend for many years?"

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

In the end, after some legal wrestling, facts speak louder than words. The napkin was considered by the judge to be ineffective, after all, legal documents are not usually hastily signed while eating burgers, right? Tom could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but his heart was also half cold.

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

What does this teach us? First, trust between friends is fragile, especially when money is in front of you. Second, if you do win the lottery, maybe you should keep your mouth shut before going to a lawyer. Finally, the agreement on a napkin, although full of human touch, may not even be worth wiping sweat in the courtroom.

The ins and outs of Zhu Dan's 16 million deception by his girlfriend! You trust her, she thinks you are stupid

So, dear readers, the next time you buy a lottery ticket, remember, silence is golden. Don't let a big piece of good news turn into a farce. If it is necessary to sign an agreement, at least with a pen and paper, preferably with a lawyer. After all, in the world of money, trusting this thing is sometimes more difficult to win than the lottery.

[Disclaimer] The process described in the article and the pictures are taken from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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