
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

author:Everyday small boxes

Zhao Jinmai, as a youthful actress, has always given people a pure and lovely image, but when she participated in the event today, she tried a new makeup style - light and mature makeup. This change has attracted heated discussions among fans, many of whom lamented that the younger sister seems to have grown up overnight, but at the same time, it has also caused some doubts.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

First of all, let's take a look at Zhao Jinmai's makeup today. Her eyebrows are more refined, her eye makeup is darker eyeshadow for a deeper eye effect, her eyeliner is thicker, her lashes are thick and lifted, her cheeks are covered with a faint blush, and her lips are matte bean paste. It can be said that the overall makeup is more mature and more urban feminine.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

However, the opinions of fans are not unanimous. Some fans expressed their love for makeup: "Zhao Jinmai's makeup this time is really novel, it looks more mature and stable, and it is more suitable for some formal occasions, it seems that she is no longer just that young girl." ”

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

But others were less than convinced: "Our favorite sister has always been the fresh, girl-next-door image, and today this makeup makes people feel as if she is suddenly a few years older, and it doesn't feel like it's right for her." ”

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

Indeed, Zhao Jinmai appeared in front of the public with a pure campus image before, and her own fresh temperament makes simple makeup more able to bring out her beauty.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

Many fans also believe that makeup artists and stylists may not have taken into account Zhao Jinmai's personal characteristics and overall atmosphere in the choice of makeup, giving too much shine, which makes people feel a little excessive.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

In addition, some fans pointed out that there seemed to be some problems with the eye makeup part, and the eyelashes were a little saggy, which affected the integrity of the entire makeup. The blush part also looks a little too heavy, which is in strong contrast to Zhao Jinmai's innocent image.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

In terms of matching clothes, some fans also expressed dissatisfaction, feeling that the style of the clothes did not seem to match Zhao Jinmai's identity and age, and failed to fully show her youthful vitality and unique charm.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

In the face of negative feedback from fans, we have to think about whether every change in style needs to closely follow the expectations and preferences of fans? A public figure, especially an actress, always needs some image changes to match different roles and occasions. If Zhao Jinmai is looking to experiment with different styles of makeup, is that really a problem?

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

In fact, the formation of personal taste takes time and constant experimentation, and sometimes different looks and makeup can bring new inspiration and style development to the actor. Being confined to a fixed image may not reflect the multifaceted nature of an actor.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

Every attempt at makeup or even a performance is part of personal growth. Cho's attempt may be abrupt for some fans, but we should also understand and support her courage to try new things.

Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!
Zhao Jinmai's activity style is light and ripe, and it looks like he is crying from freezing, which is difficult to evaluate!

In the future, we expect Zhao Jinmai to find a style route that is more suitable for him and can be recognized by everyone. Perhaps, today's light makeup is just an attempt for her to explore herself, and tomorrow she may bring more surprises.


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