
If the spleen is good, life is good, and if the spleen is weak, life will be empty! Zhongjing's 3 ancient prescriptions teach you to correctly nourish your spleen and save your life

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Jia Xiaolin

Hello everyone, I am Jia Xiaolin, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Once the spleen is deficient, Dr. Jia asks everyone, which of our body's five internal organs and limbs does not need to rely on the nourishment of qi and blood?

If the spleen is good, life is good, and if the spleen is weak, life will be empty! Zhongjing's 3 ancient prescriptions teach you to correctly nourish your spleen and save your life

Next, Dr. Jia will teach you 3 ancient prescriptions to teach you to properly nourish your spleen and save your life

The first one: it is Xiao Jianzhong soup

"Zhong" refers to the meaning of the spleen and stomach, "Jian" refers to the spleen and stomach can make our spleen and stomach more robust, this recipe is known as Zhang Zhongjing's "spleen and deficiency first party", the original recipe is on the basis of Guizhi soup, the dosage of peony is doubled, and then added to the caramel to make it, among them, the cinnamon branch warms the yang qi and dispels the cold; the white peony nourishes the liver and blood, relieves the pain; ginger and jujube warms the stomach and dispels the cold, tonifies the spleen and invigorates the qi, and finally the addition of caramel is to enhance the effect of warming and replenishing the deficiency. If you always feel tired, pale, poor physique, love colds, and loss of appetite, often stomach cold and abdominal pain, easy to hiccups, acid reflux, or accompanied by hot hands and feet, dry throat and tongue, you can refer to it at this time.

If the spleen is good, life is good, and if the spleen is weak, life will be empty! Zhongjing's 3 ancient prescriptions teach you to correctly nourish your spleen and save your life

The second: Shenling Baizhu San

This medicine is often called "the first party to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness", if you have excessive dampness because of spleen deficiency, you often feel dizzy, not awake, heavy limbs, fatigue and insomnia, hair is oily very fast, always drooling when you fall asleep, your appetite is not good, you are prone to stomach distension and bloating, sometimes acid reflux, nausea, stool is not formed, and then look at the tongue, the tongue is swollen and fat, and there are rows of tooth marks on both sides, then at this time, Shenling Baizhu pills can be used.

If the spleen is good, life is good, and if the spleen is weak, life will be empty! Zhongjing's 3 ancient prescriptions teach you to correctly nourish your spleen and save your life

The third: Four Gentlemen's Soup

This medicine also belongs to the "first party of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi", which contains 4 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng, atractylodes, poria and licorice, just like the "Pianpian gentleman", which can gently replenish the spleen, replenish qi and strengthen the spleen without being hot. If you always feel tired and weak, don't want to talk, don't want to move, look yellowish, pale, and have a bad appetite, and your chest is always stuffy and uncomfortable, in this case, Sijunzi soup will be more symptomatic, it can replenish qi and blood, and improve all kinds of discomfort caused by qi deficiency.

If the spleen is good, life is good, and if the spleen is weak, life will be empty! Zhongjing's 3 ancient prescriptions teach you to correctly nourish your spleen and save your life

Well, the above is the content shared with you today, everyone's spleen deficiency is different, and it is recommended to use the medication under the guidance of a professional doctor. See you next time!