
Yin deficiency and yang deficiency are all related to Zhongqi Zhang Zhongjing's reconstructed Zhongqi prescription is the best Chinese medicine you have ever drunk

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

What exactly is "Zhongqi"? If it is really insufficient. What will be the result? How to regulate?

Yin deficiency and yang deficiency are all related to Zhongqi Zhang Zhongjing's reconstructed Zhongqi prescription is the best Chinese medicine you have ever drunk

Huang Yuanyu, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in the Qing Dynasty, believed that the rise and fall of the body's qi is closely related to the "middle qi" of the spleen and stomach, which is located in the middle of the spleen, so it is called the middle qi. Once the qi fails, the rise and fall decay, and once the yin and yang are out of balance, people will also have the problem of yin deficiency and yang deficiency.

So how to replenish Zhongqi. Zhang Zhongjing has one side that can rebuild Zhongqi. When the spleen and stomach are greatly damaged, rebuild and stabilize the central qi.

It is the cinnamon soup、The whole recipe is as follows:

Caramel syrup, cinnamon sticks, red dates, white peony, boiled licorice, ginger. Replenish deficiency in warmth, balance yin and yang.

Yin deficiency and yang deficiency are all related to Zhongqi Zhang Zhongjing's reconstructed Zhongqi prescription is the best Chinese medicine you have ever drunk

This is a famous prescription that is biased towards nourishing the spleen and stomach, in fact, it can nourish the five internal organs, and the medicines used are everywhere around us. The medicinal properties are also very mild.

Caramel, that is, maltose, and licorice, cinnamon branches, and red dates are all sweet, warming the meridians and reconciling the spleen and stomach.

The sour taste of white peony is also very good, returning to the liver and spleen meridians, strengthening the right and removing the evil, and nourishing and balanced.

Therefore, it is suitable for both the elderly and children. After eating cinnamon soup, you can also drink a bowl of hot porridge, with the help of the power of food to replenish essence, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote sweating.

It can regulate the spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, vague pain in the stomach, loose stools, thirst and lack of desire to drink.

Yin deficiency and yang deficiency are all related to Zhongqi Zhang Zhongjing's reconstructed Zhongqi prescription is the best Chinese medicine you have ever drunk

Especially for many patients who are losing weight, the spleen and stomach are not very good, and you can also use this recipe to add or subtract. However, as the "first party of the ages", there are also people who are not suitable. Not suitable for people with wind cold, damp heat, and dampness.