
Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard

Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard

Introduction: EDG is still not very stable recently, because the club is too good to Valorant players, Zhao Lijie's computer has problems and does not repair it, and the players of the tile branch are noisy in the Ale live broadcast room, which has caused some impact on him. Fans questioned EDG's management in Super Talk, thinking that they ignored the League of Legends division and didn't want to produce results next season?

Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard

Ah Le looked at the running field and was too envious: I had a good time at TES

I feel that Ah Le and Zhao Lijie are also a little tired, the two of them seem to have been abandoned, almost all of their teammates are newcomers, the training match is not very good, and Ah Le can't stand it. Some time ago, he sent a message to Uzi, shouting that this ad would come back quickly, which shows that EDG's current situation is not good. Speaking of the field that has left the team, Ah Le is too envious.

Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard

The anchor said: Tian Ye should have a good time at TES, watched a lot of his live slices, and talked and laughed with his teammates. They had a good atmosphere there, and in the afternoon, Zhao Lijie was also watching the slice (in the field), smirking at the live slice, not knowing what he was laughing at. Ah Le's words made fans quite sad, and the slice he said should refer to the clip where Tian Ye joined EDG and watched the little cream ranking. Ah Shui and Tian Ye stood behind Xiao Cream, watching him play games and pointing. At that time, some viewers questioned the TES players for "putting pressure" on the players, and Xiao Cream even shouted "You guys go back" on the spot, and Tian Ye had to see his ranking.

Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard

Zhao Lijie looked at the slice and smirked, I think he was happy for the field. On the one hand, with such a fun teammate, Tian Ye's interaction with Xiao Cream and Ah Shui is very interesting, I feel that he integrates very well, and jiejie is also happy for his old teammates;


In addition to Tian Ye, EDG also has a departed champion top laner Saint Gun Brother. Recently, he has been in full form, and the hanbok has scored quickly. Seeing Brother Shenggun rushing to the rank of the king of Hanbok, Zhao Lijie was quite surprised: Li Xuanjun is the king? This thing is 100 times stronger than me beating the king. Two years of teammates, I have never seen such a diligent Li Xuanjun. I wonder if he's ever been the king of the team, I really forgot. You may or may not have been on it.

Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard

When Li Xuanjun joined EDG, led his teammates to the world championship, and successfully won the s11 championship trophy, we can't say that he didn't work hard. At that time, Li Xuanjun was young enough that he didn't need to prove himself with his rank. Now that he is old, he needs to compete with the young top laner for a starting position, so Brother Shenggun played a thousand points in Hanbok and told the audience that his strength is still the same, there is no decline, and it is no problem to continue to play as a starter.

Ah Le looked at Tian Ye too envious: TES has a good atmosphere, and jiejie said that he has never seen Brother Saint Gun work so hard


Watching the live broadcast clip of Ah Le and Zhao Lijie, I feel that the two of them really envy Tian Ye and Brother Shenggun. The former can cooperate with potential young players, and the teammates are basically star players, and there is no need to worry about the results in a relaxed atmosphere. The latter also partners with strong teammates, can use the regular season results to achieve themselves, and has pressure and motivation, which EDG does not have, no wonder Ah Le and Zhao Lijie are so envious.

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