
The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

author:I'm a spoiled little girl

When we look at the galaxy from afar, have we ever thought that maybe at the end of the galaxy, intelligent beings like us are also staring at us? Is there really an extraterrestrial civilization and creature? Is it an exaggeration or is it true and credible, let's take a look at the contact between human beings and extraterrestrial civilizations.

1. The first type of contact can be understood as seeing the aircraft up close.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

This has to mention the strange car incident in the air on the mainland.

In the early morning of November 30, 1994, in the Duxi Forest Farm in the northern suburbs of Guiyang, an object with two strong lights and a huge roar destroyed more than 400 acres of Masson pine forest and the Guiyang Vehicle Factory of the Ministry of Railways.

And in this incident, people saw the glow of UFOs up close. Witnesses said they saw objects that emit loud noises and bright lights, and many thought they were UFOs. After the incident, some people thought it was a natural phenomenon, so it was called the "Strange Car in the Air" incident!

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

2. The second type of contact refers to contact with items left behind by UFOs. This is usually accompanied by the crash of a UFO, leaving behind the ruins that people discover.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

This is going to talk about the most famous thing in the world is the Roswell UFO crash.

The Roswell incident refers to the UFO crash that occurred in the city of Roswell, New Mexico, United States. The U.S. military issued a press release on July 8, 1947, announcing to the world that they had found a UFO at a ranch in Roswell, and the news quickly dominated the headlines of major newspapers around the world.

The specific incident was on the night of July 5, 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, USA, the weather was very bad, suddenly a huge explosion was heard, and the next day, a farmer named Mike Bledsoe came out to check and found many special metal fragments near the farm.

Later, Major Marcier of the Air Force Base arrived at the scene of the accident and found flying saucers, each of which was said to contain four dead unidentified humanoids.

However, since the 8th, the U.S. military began to justify that it was an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon crash, and the purpose was naturally to cover up the incident. But many citizens have already been to the scene and witnessed it, and the matter is over.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

3. The third type of contact, physical contact with aliens, this kind of thing has become less credible, because there have been no credible pictures or videos as favorable evidence, and we can only fantasize about it through some science fiction films.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

4. The fourth type of contact, that is, people communicate with aliens, and the fourth type of contact also includes aliens abducting humans, doing human experiments, and so on.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

This kind of event is most famously when an American couple was captured by aliens for experimentation.

According to reports, an American couple on the way home, found a very bright star trailing them, they found that it was neither an airplane nor a satellite, they stopped to observe, and then they were dragged into the alien spaceship by unknown creatures, the couple were taken to different rooms by humanoid creatures, the leader of the spaceship showed them their planet, and at the same time forcibly gave them a physical examination, and when the couple woke up, they found that the clothes on their bodies also had tearing marks, and there were unexplained scratches on the car. The couple went to the library to consult books related to UFOs, recorded the contents of the dream, and sent it in the form of a letter to the national committee for the investigation of atmospheric phenomena. The American film "The X-Files" has some similarities with this incident.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

5. The fifth type of contact is human contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, which is usually initiated by human beings.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

In order to explore outer space, the mainland has opened the "Sky Eye" project, as a major power, the advantage of the Sky Eye is that it is highly sensitive, experts say, if someone makes a phone call on the moon, the Sky Eye can capture the signal.

The "China Sky Eye" in Guizhou, after officially opening the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, has received a number of signals from suspected aliens.

However, after analysis, it was found that they all had suspicious technical traces, and these signals were most likely "artificial signals" and not naturally generated.

Is there an alien civilization?

The prevailing view in the scientific community is the belief that there are "aliens" in the universe. Amino acids were found in samples brought back by the Japanese Hayabusa2 at Ryugu, and they determined that all samples were taken directly from the surface of the asteroid and were largely unaffected by sunlight, cosmic rays, and weathering. Moreover, it was brought back directly, and the entire research work was not exposed to the outside air, which can completely rule out the possibility that the amino acids came from the earth.

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" also said that the discovery is likely to further confirm that life originated in space, that is, the original amino acid molecules on Earth are likely to be carried into the Earth by meteorites.

Have aliens ever visited Earth?

The five types of contact between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations, is there really extraterrestrial life?

The Eastern Jin Dynasty's "Collected Memories" volume 41 recorded: The first emperor's good things, there are people of Wanqu, come by snail boat, the boat is shaped like a snail, sinking to the bottom of the sea, and the water does not immerse, a wave boat. Its countrymen are ten zhang long, weaving the hair of birds and beasts to cover the shape, and the first emperor talks with him and the world when the shirt opens, as if he has seen it himself!

We can understand that it is a snail-like flying machine that can fly on the bottom of the sea, this flying machine is called the Wave Boat, and their clothes are made of animal fur, and Wanqu is supposed to be the name of the country from which these people come from. Ten zhang, according to the length of the Qin State at that time, it was equivalent to more than 20 meters high, and they also chatted with the First Emperor about the time when they witnessed the opening of the world.

For "Collecting Memories", some people do not recognize and accept, but there are also some people who believe that the time of the earth's existence can be calculated by "billions", while human beings can only be calculated by thousands, thousands, "thousands", many things that we can't explain, and there are many things that we have never seen.

Do you think humans are the only living beings? Do you think extraterrestrial civilizations exist?

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