
Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

author:Laugh at Shi Yunyan

Text | Mr. L

Edit|Laughing Shi Yunyan


"Wise people don't fall in love, adults wash their feet and massage. ”

In the past, every winter, the bathing center was almost full, and after a day of work, I took a hot bath, and I felt that the fatigue of the day was gone.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

I don't know if you have noticed, why is the "bathing center" suddenly empty?

In fact, there are 3 reasons why customers no longer dare to go, do you still go?

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

01. Bathing culture

With the development of bathing centers and changes in demand, it is no longer considered an exclusive place for the "rich" as before, and nowadays, bathing centers have become a kind of leisure and entertainment institution, attracting more people.

The construction of bathhouses began in the Tang Dynasty, and then in the Song and Yuan dynasties, public baths gradually flourished and spread throughout the cities.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In the context of collectivism and Soviet culture, in the period of planned economy and planned economy, the bathhouse was only used as a bathhouse and had no other function.

In the early 90s, as the country's economy grew, the Chinese people's pent-up demand for entertainment for decades was released.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

Among them, the most thorough release was still the one who got rich first, and there were many entrepreneurs in Guangzhou and Shenzhen at that time, who spent money for business negotiations, thus promoting the growth of demand.

After entering the modern era, the mainland bathing center developed rapidly, evolving from a public bathhouse to a bathing center with diversified functions.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

With the diversification of people's needs, today's bathing centers in mainland China are not limited to bathing, but have independent bathing rooms and are combined with massage.

This one-stop shop makes it easier for people to enjoy a variety of services and experiences.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In addition, modern bathing centers are constantly introducing more leisure programs, such as enjoying the comfort of bathing, buffet meals and accommodation after bathing.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

These "one-stop" services enable people to get a better pastime in their leisure time of the day.

However, why is it that many people are a little indifferent to the bathing center?

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

02. Causes of the epidemic

The outbreak of the new crown epidemic has undoubtedly changed the way of life around the world, and has had a profound impact on all walks of life, including those once bustling bathing centers.

Under the influence of the epidemic, people's consumption behavior has changed, and there are more concerns about crowded places, especially for service industries such as bathing centers that require close contact.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The biggest impact of the pandemic has been a change in consumer psychology, where bathing centers used to be a great place for people to relax and unwind, but the outbreak of the pandemic has left many people fearful of confined spaces and human contact.

This change in mindset has led some customers to be wary of going to bathing centers and even choose not to visit them.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

With the continuous escalation of epidemic prevention and control measures, such as community closure and nucleic acid testing, people have put forward higher requirements for the safety and hygiene of the public environment.

The operation model of bathing centers has also been challenged by the epidemic, and some bathing centers have been forced to close during the epidemic due to problems such as poor management and broken capital chains.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

Even after the lifting of the ban, the number of bathing centers has decreased significantly, and at the same time, bathing centers, as part of the service industry, need to provide high-quality services to attract customers.

However, due to cost pressures, some bathing centers are unable to do adequate cleaning and disinfection, which affects customer satisfaction to a certain extent.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The epidemic is one of the main reasons for the decrease in the passenger flow of bathing centers, which not only changes the consumption Xi of consumers, but also puts forward higher requirements for the business model and service quality of bathing centers.

To meet this challenge, bathing centers need to constantly innovate and improve the quality of their services.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

03. Health privacy issues are concerning

With the improvement of public health awareness and people's pursuit of healthy life, bathing centers are facing more and more challenges.

There is a growing concern about hygiene and privacy protection in bathing centres, where there is a risk of disease transmission and personal privacy breaches.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The traditional public bath mode of the bathing center can no longer meet the requirements of modern people for hygiene.

In the past, people could share water and bath towels in the same pool, but this is no longer hygienic.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

Shared baths and towels bring the risk of skin diseases and athlete's foot to the bathing center, and while someone may be bathing for a long time without developing health problems, there is no guarantee that everyone will always be lucky.

Lockers in bathing centers often need to be shared, increasing the likelihood of contamination between items, and it is difficult for employees to keep bath towels and bathrobes completely clean when using them, which further increases the risk of cross-contamination.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In addition to hygiene concerns, privacy breaches are also a concern.

The bathing center is usually a highly private place, and when changing clothes, guests can easily become the target of illegal and clandestine photography, and personal privacy cannot be fully protected.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

At the same time, the mobility of bathing center employees and management loopholes also pose a threat to the security of personal information.

Although bathing centers face hygiene and privacy issues, they are not insurmountable.

As long as effective measures are taken to improve the quality and safety of services, bathing centers can regain the trust and support of consumers and achieve sustainable development.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

04. Consumption concept

With the change of consumption concept and the diversification of people's demand for bathing, the facilities of the family bathroom are also constantly upgraded, becoming a multi-functional space integrating cleaning, leisure, entertainment and relaxation.

These renovations have made it possible for family bathrooms to provide a personalized and private bathing experience.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The pleasure of bathing is no longer limited to cleansing the body, and they are increasingly attaching importance to the sensory experience of the bathing process.

Therefore, the high-end and diversification of bath products has become a trend in the bath industry.

In addition to traditional aromatherapy and flower petals, a variety of novel bath products such as foam balls, bubble gum, jelly seaweed, and more have emerged to make bathing more fun and exciting.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In order to meet people's personalized needs for bathing experience, the facilities of family bathrooms are also constantly being upgraded.

For example, thermostatic faucets can adjust the water temperature according to personal preferences and needs, allowing people to enjoy a steady warm water soak.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

Sprinklers can bring relaxation and pleasure to people by playing their favorite music.

Jacuzzi can provide a comfortable massage function, able to relieve the fatigue and tension of the body.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The concept of bathing experience has also extended from traditional cleansing and relaxation to wellness, beauty and wellness.

Many people choose to buy high-end bath products at home, such as seaweed masks, massage oils, etc., to nourish the body and improve the skin through bathing.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

At the same time, some professional bathing institutions such as spas and beauty salons also provide more professional and exquisite services, such as massage treatments, skin boosters, collagen supplements, etc., to meet people's pursuit of perfect beauty and health needs.

In these professional bathing establishments, the environment is also becoming more and more elegant and comfortable.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The spa will tailor a suitable bathing plan according to the customer's physique, preferences and needs, including water temperature, water pressure, water quality, water flow, water sound and other factors, so as to provide customers with better service results.

Hot spring resorts make use of natural hot spring resources to provide a variety of options through different hot spring pools to further enhance people's immunity and stress reduction effect.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

05. The development of hot spring resorts

The development of hot spring resorts can be traced back to Europe, originating from the hot springs and mineral springs of ancient Greece, and gradually evolving into a multi-functional tourist destination integrating leisure and vacation, health and recuperation, and entertainment over thousands of years.

Today, hot spring resorts have become a haven for people to relax and appreciate the beauty of nature, and are also contributing to the prosperity of local tourism.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In China, hot spring resorts have undergone different periods of development and formed a unique development path.

The ancient imperial villa-type hot spring resort represents an elegant and luxurious living environment, providing a rare place for royalty and nobility to relax.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

Constructed in a landscaped space next to a land or spring, these resorts combine natural landscapes and man-made construction, giving people a sense of back-to-nature, restrained luxury.

With the development of modern medical science, modern spa resorts are gradually emerging.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

These resorts focus on providing healthcare services that provide physical and mental healing and care for people.

With the changes in society and people's needs, contemporary recreational hot spring resorts have taken on a new look.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In the late 80's and early 90's, leisure, recreation and recreation became the main purpose of people's vacations, and spa resorts began to introduce amusement facilities and sports activities, enriching the resort's entertainment program.

Including ziplining, rock climbing, rafting, golf courses, and more, this recreational hot spring resort is a great place for families, friends, and couples to relax together.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

In the future, hot spring resorts will continue to grow and face new challenges and opportunities, as the demand for personalization increases, individual vacations and family vacations will become mainstream, and people are more looking for comfort, privacy and intimate travel experiences.

Sightseeing vacations are gradually being replaced by health and recreational properties, and people are paying more and more attention to the ecological and green development of resorts, which has also become a new theme for resort development.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The business model of the resort will gradually shift from tangible product management to intangible capital and brand management, and realize the development of collectivization and internationalization.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

The author thinks

With the change of consumption concept and the diversification of people's demand for bathing, the bathing industry is also developing towards personalization, privacy and quality.

Whether it is the renovation of the family bathroom, or the provision of health, beauty and health services by professional bathing institutions, it fully reflects people's pursuit of high-quality bathing experience and the improvement of quality of life.

Why is there no one at the "bathing center" all of a sudden? The reason why customers are afraid to go may be these three points

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