
The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

author:One person wonderful


In an antique shop in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, a rustic-looking owner has piqued the interest of archaeologists. The boss turned out to be a Sri Lankan princess who had been exiled for many years, and her true identity had been kept secret for a long time. If it weren't for an accidental grave exhumation, this identity would still be buried in the dust of history.

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

The archaeological team's eyes focused on a mysterious ancient tomb in Quanzhou, Fujian Province. The tomb is said to be the mausoleum of the princess's ancestors, the princes of Ceylon, whose descendants have lived in China for hundreds of years. This raises the question of why the Prince of Ceylon chose to settle in China, and the mystery of this mysterious princess is not revealed until this moment.

The trip of the Prince of Ceylon to China

In 1459, Ming Chengzu sent the famous navigator Zheng He to the Western countries. Upon his arrival in the island nation of Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka), Zheng He was courteously treated by the King of Ceylon. The Prince of Ceylon was also curious and yearning for Chinese culture from the Far East.

The Prince of Ceylon is romantic and uninhibited by nature, and he came from afar with an infinite yearning for a mysterious country. He longed to catch a glimpse of China's magnificent rivers and mountains and splendid culture. After coming to Beijing, Ming Yingzong personally received this distinguished guest from afar and presented him with a precious statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The two monarchs met for the first time, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

However, the cold winter in Beijing made the prince, who was born in a tropical island nation, seriously ill. Ming Yingzong cherished Yuke and arranged for the prince to go to Quanzhou, Fujian Province to continue his recuperation. As he travels between the morning and twilight, the prince sees the magnificent architecture and hospitable people of China.

The prince, who couldn't hold back his homesickness, prepared to leave for his hometown after recovering his body. He misses his homeland more and more, and longs to return to the arms of his loved ones. However, the harsh reality led him to a desperate situation - his cousin staged a coup d'état at home, usurped the throne and killed all members of the royal family. The prince was disillusioned, and he was no longer homeless.

In order to save his life, the prince could only choose to take root in Quanzhou, marry an Arab noble woman, and establish his own family. This is the origin of the "family" in later generations.

The tomb uncovers the dusty past

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

In 1996, Liu Zhicheng of the Fujian Overseas Transportation History Museum found a peculiar stone tablet on the hill on the outskirts of Quanzhou, which was engraved with the words "Shijiakeng". Is this tomb complex the tomb of the legendary Prince of Ceylon?

The moment Liu Zhicheng found the stele, his heart was like thunder. He groped for the stone carvings and had a vague feeling that this might be the burial place of the legendary Prince of Ceylon. As a historical researcher, he is well aware that he may have opened a dusty history.

Soon after, the archaeological team began excavations to uncover the historical secrets behind the tomb. However, just then, a woman appeared to call a halt, claiming that the tomb was the grave of her ancestors. This seemingly inconspicuous woman is none other than Xu Shiyin'e among the descendants of the family.

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

After reviewing the genealogy and related historical materials she provided, the archaeological team was surprised to confirm that Xu Shi Yin'e was the descendant of the legendary Prince of Ceylon and the "lost princess" of Sri Lanka! The precepts set by the prince many years ago to protect the safety of the family were finally forced to be lifted by Xu Shi Yin'e's generation.

The Blue Blood Princess's trip to Sri Lanka

After this historic confirmation, the Sri Lankan government quickly sent personnel to search for the descendants of the royal family for many years. They warmly invited Xu Shiyin'e to return to China for a visit. In 2002, Xu Shiyin'e finally set foot on the land of the motherland.

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

As soon as she stepped off the plane, Xu Shiyin'e was welcomed by many Sri Lankan people. Senior Sri Lankan government officials accompanied the whole process, and there were police cars driving on the road, which shows the government's reliance on the image of this princess who unexpectedly "returned to China". During the tour, Xu Shiyin'e was full of emotion. The tropical island style and the hometown of Quanzhou are also familiar.

This trip back to her hometown gave Xu Shiyin'e a deeper understanding and attachment to this strange and familiar homeland. The regret that the prince failed to return to China many years ago seems to have found a fulfillment in Xu Shiyin'e.

The trip also played an important role in promoting relations between the two countries. Xu Shiyin'e not only served as the China-Sri Lanka friendship ambassador, but also successfully facilitated the friendship city relationship between the capital Colombo and her hometown Quanzhou.

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

Caring for the homeland and loving China

However, when the Sri Lankan government issued another sincere invitation in 2010 to return to China permanently and inherit the royal family's billions of dollars, Xu rejected it. Because for her, between the motherland and her homeland, she already has the answer in her heart.

Born in 1975, Hui Shi Yin'e was often curious as a child about why she had a unique surname. It wasn't until she became an adult that her mother revealed the secrets of this multinational family to her. Therefore, her first trip back to China in 2002 was also an affectionate journey to find her roots to solve her doubts for many years.

The foreign princess in exile in China politely refused to return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of inheritances, insisting that she was Chinese

However, having been born and raised in Quanzhou, she has long regarded herself as Chinese. The familiar language, Xi, food, coupled with the career and contacts she has accumulated over the years in the antique industry, make her reluctant to leave. In the end, this nostalgia and love for the homeland prevailed.

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