
Focus on the postgraduate examination season: how to choose a master's degree or a professional master's degree in medicine, and what are the employment prospects?

2023-12-21 14:27


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It's another year of graduate school entrance examination season. In recent years, due to the fierce competition for employment and the impact of personal development needs, in order to improve their academic qualifications and professional abilities, the popularity of postgraduate entrance examinations has been rising, and the overall number of postgraduate entrance examinations has increased year by year, and the number of applicants for the national master's admission examination has increased from 2.38 million in 2018 to 4.74 million in 2023, and although it will decline in 2024, there will still be 4.38 million applicants.

According to Zhang Yanping, executive director and executive editor-in-chief of Physician Daily, the medical profession is a highly specialized discipline, with a low fault tolerance rate and large responsibilities, and it is necessary to continuously improve the theoretical level and practical ability. From the perspective of the proportion of graduate students in each discipline, the three major disciplines of medicine, agriculture and science continue to occupy the top three in the graduate school rankings. The application rate of majors also remains in the top three in terms of the proportion of students.

On December 16, "Physician Daily" launched a series of live broadcasts of "Medical Students' Postgraduate Entrance Examination", inviting Qu Shunlin, deputy dean of Hengyang Medical College of the University of South China, and Huang Xinli, senior lecturer of Zhiwuya Medical Postgraduate Examination, to discuss hot topics such as "How to choose a master's degree and a master's degree in medicine".

Qu Shunlin said that there is a saying: "medical postgraduate examination is a bitter tear for undergraduates", which is a misunderstanding, from the perspective of time period, medical students are about 23 or 24 years old after graduating from college, which is the most energetic and concentrated stage of life, and it is also the best time to strive to improve themselves and strengthen themselves. If you choose to work or get married and have children, you will not be able to go to graduate school. Second, judging from the current development trend, medical institutions are demanding more and more diplomas from medical students when recruiting, so early graduate school is an adaptation to society. Third, with the expansion of the national graduate enrollment scale year by year, the admission rate has also increased relatively well, so candidates should have full confidence in the postgraduate entrance examination.

There is a buzzword "involution" now, which is actually due to the overall expansion of the group of doctors in the future, so it is difficult to find employment without going to graduate school. Nowadays, whether it is a "scumbag" or a "scholar", they will choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination due to the pressure of employment. It can be said that the postgraduate entrance examination is the "second college entrance examination" in life. Huang Xinli said that in the face of the second choice in life, it is necessary to figure out the questions of "where", "when" and "who", that is, where, when, and who do you want to work. Students who are going to graduate school should be clear about their positioning, because for medical students, there are significant differences between the academic and professional types of medical students in many aspects.

The program was broadcast live on the Physician Daily Live Center-Medical TV, Zhiwuya Medical Postgraduate Examination Video Account, Baidu Health, Sea Famous Doctor, Weibo Health, Bai Da Coat, Sina News, Sohu Video and Physician Daily Video Matrix Platform, with a total of 400,000 online views.

1. How to choose a master's degree or a master's degree?

Zhang Yanping: Since 2017, the medical postgraduate examination has been divided into master's degree and professional master's degree, how is it distinguished, what is the difference between the training goals of the two, what are the training characteristics, and how should candidates choose?

Qu Shunlin: The biggest difference between a professional master's degree and an academic master's degree is that you need to complete a three-year standardized residency training during the master's degree, that is, the master's graduation certificate, degree certificate, qualification certificate and regular training certificate "four certificates in one", and you can directly participate in the work after graduation. When graduating with a master's degree, you will obtain a master's degree certificate and an academic degree certificate, and after graduation, you need to train for three years to obtain the standardized training certificate for residents, and you can only work after obtaining the certificate.

From the perspective of training objectives, the master's degree (scientific research master's degree) is academic research-oriented, focusing on theory and research, and mainly cultivating university teachers and researchers from scientific research institutions. The professional master (clinical master's degree) is oriented to professional practice, attaches importance to practice and application, and cultivates high-level applied talents in medicine. Generally, students are required to have good clinical competency when they graduate, and be able to independently deal with common and frequent diseases in their specialty.

After work, medical students who have master's degrees are promoted faster than those who have master's degrees. Although a professional student enters the social work earlier than a medical student, there will be a difference in the future in terms of job promotion. As a doctor, if you want to be promoted or improve your title, you must have a rich working foundation and clinical experience, and secondly, you need to publish representative medical articles, and scientific theoretical achievements are also a major criterion for promotion assessment.

Huang Xinli: The content of the professional and master's examination focuses on the comprehensive ability of clinical medicine, that is, the comprehensive ability of Western medicine. The academic master's degree is an independent proposition of the institution, and the school selects students with a high degree of professional matching according to the characteristics of the disciplines and majors recruited, the training direction, etc. Of course, there are also a large number of schools that have joined the lineup of the 699 joint entrance examination, that is, these colleges and universities use a set of test papers for the enrollment of academic masters, so as to facilitate students to carry out unified examinations and adjustments, and the test question types include single choice, multiple choice, short answer questions and essay questions.

It should be emphasized that according to the Regulations on the Qualifications for the Qualification Examination for Physicians (2014 Edition) issued by the former National Health and Family Planning Commission, "the postgraduate degree of academic degree graduate students enrolled after January 1, 2015 shall not be used as the academic basis for applying for the qualifications of various types of physicians." In other words, a master's degree cannot take the medical practitioner qualification examination with a graduate degree, but can only take the practice certificate with a bachelor's degree. In other words, if you are not a clinical medicine major, you will not be able to apply for the medical qualification examination, and you will lose the possibility of becoming a doctor. If your undergraduate major is clinical medicine, it doesn't matter.

As soon as you graduate from a master's degree, you can register for the first stage of standardized training for residents and the qualification examination for licensed physicians, and you can "integrate four certificates in one" when you graduate from graduate school.

2. What are the employment prospects for professional and master's degrees?

Zhang Yanping: What kind of cognition should candidates have about the employment prospects of professional and master's degrees, and what kind of psychological preparations should they make in advance?

Qu Shunlin: Ordinary tertiary hospitals in third- and fourth-tier cities are more willing to accept medical students, because if an academic graduate student has not obtained the qualification for regular training (resident training qualification), the hospital needs to send the student to another school for regular training after recruiting the student, and the professional master has rich clinical experience and work experience to diagnose and treat common and frequently occurring diseases. However, first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and even some well-known hospitals in good second-tier cities are more inclined to study for master's degrees. Because the scientific research thinking of master's students is different from the training of professional masters, representative scientific research papers are undoubtedly icing on the cake for hospitals in first-tier cities, and master's medical students can better meet the requirements of hospitals.

Huang Xinli: Students who are considering applying for a master's degree should pay attention to three points: first, you must know whether the supervisor has a certain amount of research funds in hand, otherwise you may not even be able to afford the antibodies needed for the experiment, and you need to borrow them everywhere, and your laboratory life will be very painful. Second, whether to consider direct doctoral or master's degree transfer to doctoral degree, at present, many universities or research institutions direct doctoral and master's degree transfer (master's and doctoral continuous study) are limited to scientific research masters, and professional master's degrees are not qualified for direct doctoral or master's and doctoral studies. Third, don't jump to conclusions about whether you like scientific research or not, before you don't understand what scientific research is. The time spent in the hospital was very short, and more of the daily routine was to collect medical records, raise cells, raise animals, incubate antibodies, write papers, etc. If there is no special arrangement for the supervisor, the graduate students can take the normal winter and summer vacations.

Students who are considering applying for a master's degree should pay attention to two points: first, after 3 years, you are likely to not be exposed to any scientific research training, which is difficult to make up for later. Secondly, the time of 3 years of clinical work is very hard and tiring, so you must be mentally prepared. There is no winter and summer vacation, only "seven days of joy for the New Year", if it is your turn to be on duty, there is not even "seven days of happiness".

3. The postgraduate entrance examination changes fate, and decision-making needs to be cautious

Zhang Yanping: Do you have any examples of counterattacks through the postgraduate entrance examination?

Qu Shunlin: There are many such examples, and some students joked: "Going to graduate school can change your fate." "Indeed, through the postgraduate entrance examination, the bad situation of undergraduate colleges can be changed, such as ordinary undergraduate admission to Peking Union Medical College and other well-known medical schools, and the insight will also change. At the same time, it is also recommended that students take the postgraduate examination as soon as possible to avoid "tug-of-war".

Zhang Yanping: Do candidates in World War II and World War III need to adjust their direction?

Huang Xinli: This kind of student must give himself a clear position, that is, what kind of work can you undertake in the future with your knowledge and level. If there is a lot of competition in the college and university, there are a lot of applicants every year, and your ranking is not particularly high, and you have not landed many times, it is recommended to adjust the direction as soon as possible. Slowness is not terrible, we can lose again and again, but we must work hard to fight for a better development platform for ourselves.

Zhang Yanping: There are a lot of students in China who are going to graduate school, which is better, studying abroad or studying in China?

Qu Shunlin: It should be noted that choosing to go abroad for graduate studies means that you cannot complete the training, and if you return to China to engage in medical work in the future, you also need to obtain a medical practitioner qualification certificate in China. At the same time, with the investment in clinical research of domestic universities such as Beijing Medical College, Peking Union Medical College, Xiangya, Qilu, West China and other universities, the level of scientific research has been improved, and the gap between domestic and foreign countries has gradually narrowed, which can also fulfill the academic dreams of students. Therefore, it is necessary to decide according to the student's own conditions and career development plan.