
He joined the army for ten years and returned to his hometown to work as a farmer, never sparing no effort to dig up dung for the team for seven years

author:It didn't rain at night
He joined the army for ten years and returned to his hometown to work as a farmer, never sparing no effort to dig up dung for the team for seven years

Old man Cao Jinluan

Cao Jinluan, a native of Caojiayu Village, Wushan Town, Anqiu City, Shandong Province, was born in 1928, joined the anti-Japanese guerrillas in 1943, became a correspondent, and later participated in the Menglianggu Battle and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In 1953, he was discharged from the army and returned to his hometown to become a farmer.

Cao Jinluan has two nicknames.

The first nickname was "Wild Donkey", which came from an experience he had narrowly escaped death.

In 1943, 15-year-old Cao Jinluan was sent by the village's puppet chief to repair fortifications for the devils in the north mountain of Malanggou. All the people have to gather before going to work in the morning, and line up for roll call according to the type of work. When a person's name is called, one must shout "To!" With the shout, the devil of the foreman slapped the top of his head with a shovel, and the heads of the people who were slapped "buzzed", and his eyes went straight to Venus. If you hold on, it is a big strong coolie, and if you can't hold on and fall, you will be dragged out by a few devils and traitors and thrown into the dog pen, and in a blink of an eye, you will be torn by a group of wolf dogs, and you will die in Huangquan.

On the first day of work, Cao Jinluan was almost slapped down, but fortunately, thanks to the help of his workers, he was able to save his life. That day, he watched two of his compatriots die tragically in the dog pen. Cao Jinluan has been a stubborn man since he was a child, and he sees the cruelty to devils in his eyes and hates them in his heart.

The next day, when he went to work and gathered, he had just asked for Cao Jinluan's name, and when he saw that the shovel was about to be lifted and fallen, he flew up and kicked down the devil with the shovel, and yelled: "Old and young masters, run!" With this voice, he rushed down the mountain like an arrow. In an instant, more than 500 people bombed the camp, shouting and screaming, and each fled for his life. When the devils and traitors came to their senses and opened fire, the people had already run down the mountain and scattered.

Cao Jinluan ran into the deep ravine in one go, and did not sneak home until midnight. Cao Jinluan's kick is famous, and people think that only wild asses have this ability. Since then, "Wild Donkey" has become his nickname.

He stayed in hiding at home for more than ten days, and saw that the wind was getting tighter and tighter. Late one night, his father sent him out of the village and secretly enrolled him in an anti-Japanese guerrilla force in the Yimeng Mountains. After that, Cao Jinluan worked as a correspondent in the guerrillas.

Once, a squad of devils and dozens of traitors came back from grabbing food, walked into a ravine, and were surrounded by guerrillas who were ambushed in the mountains. In the fierce battle, the traitor captain slipped away when he saw the situation, Cao Jinluan saw it and pursued it with a gun, shouting while chasing: "Dog traitor stop!" The man ran forward desperately, and shot backwards from time to time, Cao Jinluan chased and fought back, chased for more than five miles, and finally brought the traitor captain back in uniform.

In the Battle of Menglianggu in 1947, Cao Jinluan's regiment launched a battle for position with the enemy, and both sides suffered heavy casualties. The regiment commander He Jinhu watched the soldiers who rushed forward retreat again and again under the fierce fire of the enemy, so he was anxious, and personally picked up his machine gun and shouted "Kill" and swept towards the enemy. At this time, a grenade fell at his feet with a "poof" of white smoke, and the guard Cao Jinluan rushed up with an arrow step, flew up and kicked the grenade towards the enemy group, and exploded with a "boom".

Another mortar shell from the enemy came over, and Cao Jinluan pounced on the regiment commander, violently pushing into a bomb crater next to him, and pressed the regiment commander under him. The shells fell, blowing up the place just now into a large crater, and the two of them were unharmed, but covered with a layer of dirt.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Cao Jinluan was responsible for transporting war materials. He ran fast and strong, others carried an ammunition box he carried two, others ran one trip he ran twice. Once, their company was transporting bombs to a high ground with fellow North Koreans. When the enemy plane came, there was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, and Cao Jinluan felt a heat in his legs, and he was bleeding from his hands. He was lame on one leg and insisted on carrying the ammunition up the high ground, but he couldn't walk anymore, so he was carried down the mountain on a stretcher by his fellow North Koreans. That wound, the field doctor only treated it as a minor injury, and after stitching and recuperation for a short time, he went to the front again.

Cao Jinluan has made meritorious contributions many times, but he never mentioned the matter of receiving awards for meritorious service, and his family did not know about it.

In 1953, Cao Jinluan was discharged from the army and returned to his hometown to become a farmer.

Caojiayu is a poor mountain nest, climbing mountains when you go out, dealing with stones every day, planting and harvesting are either shoulder-to-shoulder or shoulder-to-shoulder. Cao Jiayu is very capable and works very hard. Cao Jinluan always used the two largest baskets to carry manure up the mountain, and ran at the front; when he went down the mountain to pick up crops (crops with straw), his burden was the largest and the fastest was the fastest to run; and it took 12 miles of mountain roads to deliver grain to the grain station. Once, Cao Jinluan actually picked 270 catties of wheat and ran to the grain station in one go.

No one can figure out where he has so much energy, does more than others, and walks faster than anyone else. As a result, he was rated as a model worker every year, with a big red flower, and also participated in the Changwei District Model Worker Congress.

Caojiayu Village and the seven surrounding villages were divided into an administrative area by the township government, but only Caojiayu spoke to the township government by phone. Caojiayu is the central village of the district, and the other villages are all three or five miles away from Caojiayu, and every time the township sends a notice by telephone, Caojiayu must send a special person to send it to the other seven villages. Cao Jinluan took the initiative to be a volunteer correspondent, and every time he came to inform him, he always got up early to send him off, and when he went home, it was not yet dawn, so he did not delay the farm work at all.

Cao Jinluan also has a good job of treating pimples and boils, and he treats many people every year. An uncle whose family was more than 20 miles away came to Caojiayu and asked Cao Jinluan to treat his son's leg disease. Cao Jinluan agreed, and after that, he worked in the production team during the day and went to treat the disease at night, running for more than 20 days until the patient's leg was cured.

In fact, Cao Jinluan is not as healthy as everyone seems, every time it rains on a cloudy day, his injured leg hurts unbearably, he limps when he walks, and he presses the scar with his hand, which is swollen and painful, like a hard thing in it.

In the winter of 1970, the leaders noticed Cao Jinluan's leg pain and asked him to go to the hospital for X-ray fluoroscopy, where he found that there was something similar to metal in his leg muscles. Cao Jinluan said: "This is a memorial left by the American devils on the Korean battlefield." Since then, his leg has never hurt again.

In 1973, at the age of 45, Cao Jinluan took his family to the Linjiang Brigade of Yihantong Commune, Fangzheng County, Heilongjiang Province, and became a member of the production team here.

A few years later, the captain saw that Cao Jinluan was not afraid of being dirty or tired, and he had nothing to say about his hardships and hard work, so he sent him to carry two large soil baskets and go to the workers' family area to dig toilets to accumulate fertilizer for the team. Since then, the people of the Linjiang Brigade can always see a Shandong man every day, carrying two baskets full of dung, trembling and trembling, walking on the field road from Yihantong Village to Nanhetao.

From Yihantong Village to Nanhetao a round trip to walk seven or eight miles, Cao Jinluan all year round rain or shine, every day to dig out a few loads of dung to Nanhetao, mixed with loess and piled up, a dry is six or seven years. At that time, people saw a dung heap like a hill, which Cao Jinluan picked up one load after another.

In those years, the Linjiang production team really borrowed a lot of manure, the crops grew fast and well, the grain output crossed the Yellow River, and the yield per mu reached more than 500 catties. As a result, Cao Jinluan was given a nickname again, called "Cao Da Dung".

On the evening of the first month of 2007, the sky was gloomy, and Cao Jinluan completed a bumpy life at the age of 79.

The villagers said that "Cao Dad" died. This means that the strange old man who can't understand is finally gone.