
郭澄清 | 短篇小说 :社迷

author:Chic Jinan

Classic appreciation

Social fans

Guo clarified


There is also a "mystery" about everything. There are "chess fans", "drama fans", "book fans", "money fans", and "daughter-in-law fans...... All these "fans" are available in my village. In addition, there is also a "social fan".

In addition to "social fans", other "fans" are all "old qualifications", and some are even "ancestral". Although the history of "social fans" becoming "fans" is short, they are famous. Sensei said that the old and young masters of Dangzhuang are the surrounding three miles and five villages, and even the whole society and the whole county, almost all know him, and he really blows the horn through the window - famous.

Therefore, the people in the village want to make a biography for the "social fans". For this kind of question, of course, you have to find me, a "writing fan". Although I was small in ability, but I had great courage, so I took this errand in one fell swoop.

I've never written a biography, so I can only introduce the appearance of a "social fan" here.


"Social fans" have a high surname and a big name. This tall fifty-year-old, short, chubby, round-headed, bald, black-faced and yellow-bearded. He has a very large mouth, particularly thick lips (upper lip slightly turned outward), and a bit of a stutter when he speaks. However, this man has a lot of words, and the words he says are very funny. For example, when I visited him in order to pass him on (without telling him what he meant), I asked him how much he had before liberation, and he smiled and said, "Well, is there no industry?" No, but most of them are with people!, just say—the sky overhead, the water in the river, the sun during the day, the stars in the night......" he waved his arm, and said, "Why, what can I say that I am not tall? the second is tears; The third is the account left by my father and mother!"

I added, "Four things - and your hundred and ten pounds!"

"I, my hundred and ten pounds of poor bones! Also, it doesn't belong to me, I have already rented it to the rich man of others!" He chuckled.

Then I asked him how many people he was there at that time, and he replied cheerfully and simply: "Two, two." I asked him who he was, and he smiled and said, "You, guess - we are both inseparable......... I said, it's my wife." He patted me on the shoulder, laughed and said, "Silly boy, you, you have married a wife, so that he will not be separated from you?"

I woke up and said, "Then you should talk about three people!"

"Also, who else?".

"Lord Stove!"

"You, do you know what the Lord of the Stove does?" He questioned me, and before I could answer, he said, "He, he's the caretaker." I, I don't have a house, I don't have a home—he, he's unemployed, and he doesn't know where to go!"

Our village is very large, and I am away from home all the year round, so I don't know much about his current family situation.

When he asked him, he said, "Well, you don't know this—3,000 acres of land, more than 700 people, pigs and sheep, herds of mules and horses, vegetable gardens, fruit groves, ......."

"You're talking about the production team!"

"You, what are you asking?"

"Your ...... I asked"

"Society, isn't society home?

After the communization, the Gaozhuang Agricultural Cooperative was changed into a production team, but the "Shefan" management team was still called "She", and the word "She" was often on the lips. His ability to open his mouth is great—no matter what others are talking about, he opens his mouth to talk about the "society"; No matter what others do, he always has to be associated with the "community". Once a "drama fan" was talking about singing, Gao Da interjected and said: "Singing, singing is the same as running a club-no, you have to be united in everyone's heart, and they all hit the same point......!"

Another time, the "theater fans" braved the biting north wind to watch the night play, and pointed at the backbone of the people and laughed: "This, these are all fools—— there, and they don't talk about running a society there, what is there to hear?"


In the words of his tall companion, "He's a dead farmer." He lived to be in his fifties, and only went five miles north to his grandmother's house; Only eight miles to the south, I have been to his father-in-law's house; The farthest to the east, to the county seat ten miles away, that is in recent years to participate in two model meetings of the Love Society; Walking closest to the west, I only went to Dingzhuang, which was three miles away, and lived for the rich man of that village before liberation. Although his range of motion is so small, his two legs are not idle - he has pedaled the landlord for more than 20 years in one go; And for this reason, he fell into a broken leg. Until now, when he walked a little faster, he showed the posture of pedaling "foot pedal" on his side.

After running a club, his two legs are familiar with the club. In the past ten years, no matter how windy or rainy, he has not been able to sit in the club for a day. Sometimes, just in time for the cadres to have a meeting, he would sit on the threshold and listen with his ears pricked up, and he would always interject a few words, and sometimes even make a joke. However, the cadres asked him to sit at the conference table, but he did not go, and said, "Well, there is no place for me there!" Sometimes, when he went in and saw that there was no one in the society, he would pick up here and touch there. And, for a while, then tilting your neck and looking at it for a while, until you said to yourself, "Okay! Then, I patted the soil on my body, wiped the sweat on my head, and slowly went home to eat. Sometimes, he ran to the club to see that the door was locked, and he didn't turn around and leave. He first felt for the lock, then looked in with both hands through the crack in the door, and then sat down on the threshold and smoked a cigarette thoroughly before going home.

His daughter's house is diagonally opposite the production team headquarters, and he never goes to his daughter's house. Sometimes the girl met him and asked him to sit at home, and he said, "No! With that, he walked to the team headquarters again. Once, the evening companion received half a bamboo basket of small dates and asked him to send them to his daughter, and he agreed. When he returned with the empty basket, his evening companion asked him, "Did you send it?" He smiled and said, "No, no." "What about dates?" Eat, eat. "Who's eating?" People, people. When the evening companion heard the fire, she gave him a broom pimple with half anger and half laughter. Gao Da was not angry, but said with a smile: "You, you are succumbing!"

"Qu what?"

"No, there's no responsibility for the backbone - yes, it's the leg that's supposed to be hit!"

"Nonsense! Legs don't listen to you?"

"Say, speak the words of conscience—I, my heart went to my daughter's house, but it went to the society in three steps and two steps!"

Once, the girl gave birth to a fat boy, and she was so tall and happy that she didn't sleep well all night. As soon as the day dawned, he got up and went to his daughter's house to have a look. But his two legs were like a familiar way, and he walked to the team headquarters in three steps and two steps. As soon as they entered the door, the two cadres were arguing with red faces and thick necks. Gao Da couldn't persuade this, and he didn't listen to that, so he stomped his feet and turned his head away. Walking out of the door, he saw the big red sign hanging on the door, and took it off and carried it home. As soon as he entered the house, his evening companion was surprised and asked, "Why did you carry it again?"

Tall and silent, sitting on the kang head blowing the atmosphere.

郭澄清 | 短篇小说 :社迷

When the evening companion saw this scene, he thought it was the same as that year again - it was ten years ago, and there was just a little rumor of running a society in the village, and Gao Da led a group of people to set up a society. However, due to the lack of experience in operation and management, coupled with the impure composition of the members, some people deliberately made trouble, and the company collapsed within 100 days. When the family was "divided", this one fought for this thing, and the other picked that thing, but the tall man pointed to the big signboard of the agricultural society and said: "I, I want it!" He carried the signboard home and wrapped it in red silk. The evening companion asked him, "What's the use of you still having it?"

"No, always, someday, it's, it's going to hang out!"

Gao Da was right - within half a year, this signboard was really hung out again.

How could she not be surprised to see him carrying back the signboard again tonight! She was about to ask for an explanation, when two team cadres suddenly came in. The cadre asked Gao Da why he took off the signboard, but Gao Da did not answer, but asked: "You, your fight, quarrel, have you finished the quarrel?"

"It's over. ”

"It's over, hang it up again when it's over!" He jumped off the kang and said, "Go, in the future, you will quarrel, take off the signboard first and then quarrel!" With that, he picked up the big signboard with flashing red letters and walked towards the production team site. His evening companion pointed to his back and said to the cadre: "Look! He walks on these two legs with such vigor!"


Early in the morning, the muzzle of the machine gun of the evening companion was aimed at the tall "bulge". Let's talk about how the daughter-in-law of the East Courtyard is fine, and the team picks all the pumpkins; How stupid is the daughter-in-law in the West Courtyard, the manure cart is full, and she doesn't earn more points...... Then he said that the house should be muddy, and the land should be hoeed......· From the whitish window paper to the high sun, he hasn't stopped talking. She is used to hearing this, and he only cares about repairing the rope sleeve with his head down, and does not say a word or interject. Later, the evening companion got a little angry, tugged at his ear and said, "Did you hear it?"

"Listen, hear!" The tall man stood up and walked out. His wife stopped him and asked, "Why are you going?"

"Unload, unload the car. ”


"She, the car pulling fertilizer in the society is back," Gao Da pointed out the window, "You, can't you hear the horse bell?"

"It's also remarkable to you?

"Manifest, not visible to me—you, you go!"

Tall and walked out. The evening companion pointed to his back and muttered again, muttered three times and muttered twice, and actually cried loudly. She couldn't be blamed for making a fuss, because the tall ears had made her sad more than once.

Once, when his evening companion asked him to go to his own place, he was full of deserved sounds, but as soon as he went out of the door, he turned a corner. The evening companion caught up and grabbed him by the collar. "Me, my mom!" Gao Da exclaimed, looked back, and smiled again, "No, aren't you going?" The evening companion pointed to his nose and asked, "What did I say?" Gao Da calmly replied: "Ni, Ni go to the land by himself." "Where's the reserve?" In, in the east of the home. "Why are you going west?" You, you listen!, the old pig in the club squeaks, whose child must be naughty again-I'll go and see it!" I can't be mad at you!" The evening companion knew that it was not possible to force it, so he changed his smile and said, "Don't be too wet to see - first pick up the sweet potato vines, and then hit the cotton heart...... Do you hear that?" Tall and full of mouths. In the evening, when the evening companion went to the depression to see that Gao Da was on the ground on the team, she was so angry that she trembled all over, and she really wanted to give him two slaps. But he was afraid of other people's jokes, so he leaned close to the old man's ear and whispered, "Alas, you, you, what did I say?" You, don't you say it's too wet?" What's next?" After that, I didn't hear clearly...... You, don't be angry, if you get out of the society, you will be angry. ”

Again, in the middle of the night, the tall partition heard the donkey calling, and knew that the breeder's "sleepy" had fallen asleep again and forgot to feed the night grass. He put on his clothes and ran over, for which he fell ill with the night wind, which provoked the cadres to come and see, and the members of the club came to see, asked the doctor to move the doctor, and the evening companion also waited for him for five or six days. Later, when he recovered, his evening companion complained and said, "Bad luck has fallen on your ears! No one else can hear the call of a donkey, but you can hear it...... You see, how much less work do you earn if you make trouble? How many things are delayed? - Backwards, don't have such long ears!"

"That's, that's, that's!" The tall side responded tightly, and ran out of the rice bowl at the same time.

"What are you going to do?"

"You, you listen - 'work, work fans' can't even care about oil, and the axle squeaks!" The words didn't land, and the people disappeared.

What makes the evening companion angry the most is that the tall ears not only "invite disaster", but also often "cause trouble". That day, he heard the "work division fan" talking to his wife through the wall, complaining that the work was not recorded for him, and his wife also scolded the cadres for not understanding people. Gao picked up his legs and ran over, questioned and reasoned, and testified in person that the work score was reasonable, and the "work division fan" couldn't get off the stage. The wife of the "work fan" is a scoundrel, and she sends away the tall stool and scolds Huai to make trouble. When the evening companion heard this, he was so angry that his stomach bulged like a toad, tall but calm. The evening companion angrily tugged at his ear and asked, "Did you hear that?"



Tall and drooping his eyelids all day long, as if he couldn't wake up. But he saw a lot of things. For example: on the way to finish work, others talk, laugh, sing, and tease; But tall and tall don't talk or sing. He looked here and there, and sometimes he picked up a handful of ears of grain to examine them carefully. When others came home, some went to the side of the kang and hugged the child and teased them; Some find a shade to sit on, and set up their legs beautifully... ...· Tall and distinctive—he leaned his hoe against the door, turned and walked away. When he came to the team site, he found a cadre, and he didn't ask people about their busyness, he opened his mouth to suggest: either the millet should be topdressed, or the cotton should be pruned, and maybe in the end, there will be such a sentence: "Ear, ear hearing is false, eye, seeing is believing - you have to go and see for yourself, I don't blame you for not believing me!" When the cadre wanted to say that he had seen it, he said, "Oh, oh! No wonder they sent a letter saying thank you!"

There is a saying in the village: "Tall is more than an eye, not long or short." "That's exactly what happened. Whoever is in front of his eyes, even if it is a flash, there must be something wrong. The rake came over, and the tall "dong dong" came up in two steps, and raised the big pickaxe "dangdang" and knocked twice. When people asked him what he was doing, he said, "This, this rake tooth has to be done alone!" When the ploughman returned, he stopped the tall man, lifted up his foot, rubbed his head, and said, "You, because it is dark, you are not facing the elephant, and you want the head of the ploughshare to be your company?" Someone next to him interjected, "Everyone is getting married!" Oh, eat, eat dumplings, and don't forget my ploughshare!" He said that he would pat the shoulder of the descendant. Over time, people have figured out the temper of the tall. Once, when a young man came back from the field, he saw the tall man from afar, and he picked up a hundred things properly, and thought, "I see what is wrong with him again!" When he came closer, he deliberately walked very slowly, waiting for the tall man to come over. This time the tall man did not come, and as he walked, he said, "Little, young man, do you have any interest in the little woman in the clinic?" Don't talk nonsense!" Yes, or do you always want to deal with her?" Nothing!"" No, what's the use of keeping the sweat on your head if you don't have it?" The young man came to his senses, tore off his towel to wipe his sweat, and said, "I've convinced you!"

He accepted it, but there were still those who didn't. "Handlebar type" came back from pulling pesticides from the city on this day, and when I entered the village, I met the tall. He whipped and shouted, and adjusted the five-hanger mule cart to the right place, and when the road was in order, he took the initiative to ask Gao Da and said, "What do you think is wrong with my driving?"

"You, are you going to let me say now? still, or even in the past?"

"I've been driving since I started the company; Say it all!" handlebar type" said proudly.

Gao Da thought for a moment and said, "No, there's nothing wrong with it - I just want you to live forever!"

"What does that mean?"

"Ten, ten years! You haven't even taught you an apprentice, you're going to be old and dead, what should you do with this car?"

"Handlebar type" blushed, and he couldn't answer by rubbing his neck. Gao Da smiled and said:

"Don't, don't look at me – I don't want to learn!"


The tall hands, though rough as old willow bark, were skillful. He has never been trained since he was a child, and he can do it with iron, wood, and mud. People didn't know much about his skills in the past, because he had never received an apprentice or opened a workshop. Since he started the club, he has been running to the club (now the team site) whenever he has free time. Sometimes, I brought an axe or a saw, repaired the table, straightened the stool, and cleaned the doors and windows. Sometimes, a hammer and a pair of pliers were brought to repair the plough and rake, and the vehicles were sorted out, and the hoes were picked up. Sometimes, he brought a clay tablet and a brick knife, and moved bricks and bricks by himself and the mud, and quietly built the wall again. He never supported others in his work, but when someone offered to help, he did not refuse, but said: "You, if you want to do it, you have to promise me a condition - you, you are an apprentice, I am a master; I command you, you, you obey my command!" Then, he said more. After a while: "Apprentice, apprentice listen to the order - lead the bricks into battle!" After a while: "Apprentice, apprentice takes the order - bring mud to the palace!" In this way, it made people laugh, and they did the work without feeling tired.

Tall hands are not only skillful, but also idle. When he was working in the fields, he repaired the household belongings for the people when they were resting. If there is nothing to repair, he pulls out the grass next to the seedlings, or finds something else to take care of. I couldn't find a job, so I took out my cigarette pouch, put the cigarette pot into the cigarette pocket, dug and dig, dug and du Therefore, there is a saying in the village: "Tall cigarette pouch - hold your hand!"

Tall hands, and a particularly wonderful set of skills. One day, the "cattle fan" led a horse to the veterinarian's station, and as soon as he left the village, he met the tall man. Gao Da asked him why he was going, and he said that the horse was sick and that he wanted to go to the veterinarian's station to take a look. The tall man made him stand, looked the horse up and down, forward and backward, and then put his palm on the upper part of the horse's back crotch, touched it for a while, and said with a smile: "It, it is happy!"

"Pregnant with a horse?"

"That's right!"

"No, if you are pregnant and touch your big crotch, you can touch it?"

The tall man grabbed the man's hand and pressed it on the horse's back crotch: "What, how?"

"Not good!"

"You, you don't understand!" Gao Da waved his hand, "Take it back..."


"I, I pay for my life!"

Later it turned out - Gao Da said a good point.

Another day, a group of members were pushing dung into the field, and the tall man came over and stuck his hand into the dung heap, shouting, "Don't push it!" Why?" People don't understand what they mean. He explained: "Cold, cold dung fruits, hot dung vegetables, raw, raw dung on the ground fruit roots are bad - this dung is not ripe!"

Later the test turned out that the tall statement was correct again.


It took me a lot of effort and three months to finally finish writing the appearance of a "social fan". On this day, I took the opportunity of the general meeting of the members to read it to everyone with great pride. When people heard this, they all laughed. I asked them what they were laughing at, and they all talked nonsense. This one said: "How vivid the tall deeds of the people are, let you finish writing this!" The one said, "This thing you wrote is buckwheat husk and doesn't even stick to the board!" ...... The cold water splashed on me, and I was cold for most of the time. However, I thought: Gao Da himself will support me. So, I went to ask him for his opinion again. He listened to it once, but he smiled and waved his hands tightly: "This, this must not be done! He didn't let me open my mouth, and said, "The society, the society is busy, how can I have time to make this 'idle article'!" He said that, raised his ass and went into the "society".

So, I had no choice but to put my pen on hold.

(This article is also known as "The Preface to the Social Mystery Biography")

February 1963

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