
Guo Jiang: Rooted in pediatrics and guarding children's health

author:Cover News

Cover News Reporter Ning Zhi

Because it is difficult for children to describe their discomfort, many doctors refer to pediatrics as "dumb". Pediatricians not only have to "read the word" about illness, but also have to deal with anxious parents, which puts pediatricians under tremendous pressure.

However, in the eyes of Guo Jiang, director of pediatrics and chief physician of Chengdu Seventh People's Hospital, in addition to pressure, pediatrics always gives people a sense of prosperity. "Because most children recover from listlessness or dying after a period of treatment, they leave the hospital happy. This feeling makes me very satisfied. ”

Guo Jiang: Rooted in pediatrics and guarding children's health

Guo Jiang, director of pediatrics and chief physician of Chengdu Seventh People's Hospital

Parental support

Bonding with a pediatrician

Guo Jiang grew up in a small county town with limited medical facilities. In 1992, with the support of his family, he was successfully admitted to the Department of Pediatric Medicine of Chongqing Medical University. Unlike adult medicine, pediatricians need to learn more Xi knowledge, including basic medicine, and also need to learn specialized knowledge Xi such as pediatric internal medicine, pediatric surgery, and child health care separately.

After graduating, Guo Jiang devoted himself to pediatrics. In his long-term clinical work, he concluded that as a pediatrician, he should have at least two qualities, the first is to have the ability to "read words and looks", for example, severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is common in children, children often present with fever, cough is not very obvious, in the case of children can not describe the condition, doctors need to through meticulous observation, in order to detect symptoms in time, conduct corresponding examinations, and carry out treatment after a clear diagnosis. "And respiratory infections, the sooner they are treated, the less suffering the child can suffer. ”

The second is to have extraordinary patience and love, because sometimes the symptoms do not appear immediately, and the pediatrician needs to be repeatedly observed, and if the child expresses his feelings through crying, the pediatrician must also have more patience and care.

Guo Jiang: Rooted in pediatrics and guarding children's health

Guo Jiang sees the child

True story

Witnessed the true feelings of doctors and patients

In Guo Jiang's medical career, there are many touching and profound true stories. Six years ago, he saw a 29-week-old baby girl. Due to the immaturity of various organs, premature infants are more likely to develop various critical lesions.

After rescue and treatment, Guo Jiang and his colleagues worked together to help the baby girl overcome many difficulties such as respiratory infections and nutritional problems. "The nurses also put in a lot of patience, such as giving a little milk at the beginning and gradually increasing the milk volume in the later stages to stimulate the baby's swallowing function. Eventually, after more than a month of treatment and care, the child successfully left the incubator. ”

This experience made the baby's mother full of gratitude to the medical staff. Every year on her child's birthday, she would come to the pediatrics department and give her a bouquet of flowers or a small cake as a token of appreciation, and she said she would continue until the child was 18 years old. Now, the little girl is six years old and very smart. ”

In fact, there are many more things like this. Guo Jiang also treated a child, "At that time, this child was six or seven years old, and suddenly suffered from acute aplastic anemia, not only severe anemia, but also bleeding. We did everything we could to save the child, and soon the child's condition gradually stabilized. Due to the difficult conditions of this family, the doctors of the department raised more than 1,000 yuan for them, although the amount is not large, but the parents are deeply grateful. Later, when the child successfully graduated from college and was about to get married, the parents also made a special trip to the pediatric department to send wedding invitations to the medical staff and distribute wedding candy to the medical staff.

Guo Jiang: Rooted in pediatrics and guarding children's health

Guo Jiang is doing his rounds

Look at the misunderstandings

Doctors talk about asthma and growing taller in children

In his more than 20 years of medical career, Guo Jiang has been deeply engaged in the field of pediatric medicine, proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of common pediatric diseases such as respiratory tract infections and endocrine diseases, especially in the standardized treatment of neonatal asthma and growth and development issues.

"The incidence of asthma in mainland children is increasing year by year, but many parents still have some misunderstandings. He pointed out that these misconceptions include that some parents believe that their children do not need treatment when there is no obvious asthma attack, they do not use drugs because they are worried about some side effects of drugs, in fact, the impact of drug side effects on children is much smaller than that of asthma attacks, and some parents forget to take their children for regular follow-up because they are busy with work, resulting in incomplete treatment of childhood asthma.

Guo Jiang emphasized that for children's asthma, standardized treatment is very important, "through standardized treatment, the vast majority of children can achieve complete control within six months to one and a half years, if they can maintain two to three years without attacks, it is basically not easy to have asthma attacks in adulthood." He advocates that asthma should be controlled in childhood and intervened early.

The height of children has always been a concern for parents. He said that some parents have misconceptions, such as "thinking that when adults grow taller, children can grow taller, or that children will grow taller if they don't grow taller now." However, each child's growth and development is unique, and it is recommended that parents use a growth chart to keep track of their child's height.

Guo Jiang reminded parents that it is important to ensure that their children have enough sleep and appropriate exercise. "Many parents have busy schedules that cause their children to go to bed late, but in fact children should go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. so that they don't miss the peak of growth and development. ”

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