
Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors


In the morning, Aunt Liu went to the market to buy vegetables as usual and came back, and when she got home, she was happy to buy discounted vegetables today, but she was stunned by the mobile phone push message in the next second.

The article said: There are harmful substances in plastic bags, which are often transferred to vegetables, and people who eat these dishes will be harmful to their health.

Aunt Liu was a little scared, she usually didn't pay much attention to the problem of plastic bags, especially after buying vegetables, she always stuffed the vegetables directly into the refrigerator with the plastic bags.

Are plastic bags really harmful? Wouldn't it be impossible to use plastic bags when you go out to buy groceries in the future?

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

1. Put the plastic bag of vegetables in the refrigerator, which is toxic and carcinogenic?

Under normal circumstances, the outer packaging of plastic products will have a triangle cycle logo, which is also marked with 1-7 digits, which is the identity number and category. The composition of plastic with different numbers is also different:

  • No. 1 is PET, i.e. polyethylene terephthalate;
  • No. 2 is HDPE, which is high-density polyethylene;
  • No. 3 is PVC, i.e. polyvinyl chloride;
  • No. 4 is LDPE, that is, low-density polyethylene;
  • No. 5 is PP, i.e. polypropylene;
  • No. 6 is PS, i.e. polystyrene;
  • No. 7 is PC, i.e. polycarbonate and several other plastics.

The plastic bags used in daily grocery shopping are generally made of No. 2 HDPE or No. 4 LDPE.

Statements on the Internet believe that the carcinogen benzopyrene is present in colorful plastic bags, and it is claimed that there is a risk of benzopyrene transfer after the plastic bags come into contact with food.

Ruan Quang Feng, director of the Science and Technology Department of the Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, explained that benzopyrene is a carcinogen, which is often found in cigarettes, barbecues and other combustibles, as well as environmental pollutants. However, as long as the plastic bags used in life are intact, qualified and unburned, there will generally be no benzopyrene. The pigments used in the colorful plastic bags do not contain benzopyrene, so it cannot be said that benzopyrene causes cancer.

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

In addition, it has been suggested that plasticizers in plastic bags can cause cancer.

Director Ruan Guangfeng said that the mainland has strict standards for the use of plasticizers, that is, the amount of DEHP from packaging materials to food should not exceed 1.5 mg/kg. Moreover, not all plastics are made with plasticizers, such as the easy-to-shape No. 2 and No. 4 plastics that do not require plasticizers. On top of that, there is currently not enough evidence to prove that plasticizers are carcinogenic.

So, is it possible to cause cancer if you put the dish in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator?

A research institute has conducted a related experiment on this, and the staff put the food bought from the market into plastic bags and put it in the refrigerator for preservation, and then professionally tested the food a week later, and found that the food did not contain plasticizers. This shows that as long as the plastic bags produced in line with national standards are produced in accordance with national standards, there is a certain safety guarantee no matter what kind of storage environment they are in, and there will be no so-called transfer of harmful substances.

The mainland has clearly required that the plastic bags containing food must be food grade, that is, as long as the "food grade" plastic bags that meet the food hygiene standards and meet the national requirements are used, there will generally be no safety problems.

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

2. Is it safe to tear home free plastic bags from supermarkets?

In the supermarket, free plastic bags will be provided in the weighing area for weighing food or vegetables and fruits, are these plastic bags safe?

In fact, these plastic bags are mainly composed of PE that is, polyethylene, which has the characteristics of non-toxic and non-irritating odor, light and portable, low temperature resistance, acid and alkali erosion resistance, etc., and is widely used because of its good chemical stability. However, its disadvantages are also obvious:

  • Polyethylene is susceptible to photooxidation, thermal oxidation, and even decomposition in ozone. For example, plastic bags that are exposed to the air for a long time will deteriorate and change color, resulting in the loss of impact resistance and aging resistance.
  • Polyethylene is strongly carcinogenic. For example, plastic bottles are composed of this, which is not harmful to normal one-time use, but if it is used repeatedly for a long time, especially when used to hold fat-soluble solutions such as vinegar and wine, it may dissolve the carcinogenic factors in the plastic, thereby endangering health.
Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

While it's convenient to have free plastic bags in supermarkets, it's also important to note that not all food can be held in this PE plastic bag:

1. It is not suitable for holding frozen meat, otherwise it will cause the plastic bag and the meat to stick.

2. Because of the poor sealing, it is not suitable for holding perishable food.

3. It is not suitable for fat-soluble substances and high-temperature articles, otherwise harmful substances may precipitate and adhere to food.

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

3. If you want to choose plastic bags safely, it is recommended to keep these three points in mind

Plastic bags are actually very reliable "helpers" in life, but we should pay attention to the fact that the selection of plastic bags is also particular.

First of all, only "food grade" PE plastic bags can be used to hold food. In order to meet the needs of different scenarios, PE plastic will add different ingredients and processes, so keep in mind the word "food grade" in the selection of plastic bags for food.

Secondly, plastic bags that are soft to the touch and do not have a clear QS mark are generally afraid of oil and heat. They should not be used to hold food, especially hot food, otherwise harmful substances may be precipitated and harmful to health.

Finally, use less brightly coloured plastic bags for food directly, as they are likely to contain toxic substances.

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

Fourth, for your own health, pay attention to 2 points when using plastic products

Plastic does facilitate our daily life, but excessive use of plastic products will not only cause environmental pollution, but also endanger our own health. There are many studies that have reported that plastic pollution can invade the human body, and microplastic particles can even be found in the blood.

The authoritative report "Plastics, Endocrine Disruptors and Their Health Hazards" jointly completed by the International Pollutant Elimination Network and the American Endocrine Society pointed out that some chemicals in plastics may disrupt the human endocrine system, resulting in cancer, reproductive disorders, diabetes and other diseases, and may even damage the nervous system of fetuses and children.

Therefore, although plastic is convenient, we still recommend that everyone use plastic less often. If you do need to use plastic, there are two important points to keep in mind:

Point 1: Read the digital signs and safety tips carefully before using plastic

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

Point 2: Read the instructions carefully before using plastic, such as the applicable temperature, whether it can be used in the microwave, etc.

Putting the "plastic bag" of vegetables in the refrigerator is not only toxic but also carcinogenic? An experiment reveals the truth

Plastic products do facilitate our daily life, such as water cups, plastic bags and so on. But when choosing a plastic bag, pay special attention to its numerical number and understand the safety tips of different materials of plastic.

Of course, if you can, it is still recommended that you use less plastic, such as replacing it with a canvas bag, which is not only safer than plastic bags, but also reusable, isn't it more environmentally friendly and healthier?


[1] "Plastic bagged vegetables in the refrigerator = chronic suicide?I have been here for so many years...... Foshan Market Regulation.2018-05-11

[2] "Free plastic bags in the supermarket, don't take them home!! Popular Science China.2023-07-20

[3] "These plastic bags, don't use them anymore, they are toxic and harmful and cause diseases!Many people are still pretending to be eating, so they quickly lose their ......".I am a big doctor.2023-01-20

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