
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

author:Tube the book

Guided by the paradigm of professional lesson preparation

The base discusses symbiotic development

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

On the afternoon of December 15th, in the lecture hall on the third floor of the school, the Qiaowai Campus hosted the special teaching and research activities of the 2023 Guangzhou Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Association for the "Strong Waist" Project of the Junior High School------ leading the professional lesson preparation paradigm to promote the high-quality development of Yuejiao The first batch of base schools in the project, Qiaowai Mathematics and No. 7 Middle School Mathematics, demonstrated the education and teaching achievements since the identification of the Jingbo Discipline Base, so that the first batch of base schools can radiate and lead the stage achievements in the region, and help the high-quality development of regional junior high school education. The whole event was presided over by Zhuang Xiaohong, director of the Overseas Chinese Education Office, and Zheng Hong, a senior teacher and doctor of education of Yuexiu District Education Research Institute, led by Chen Hualin, a teacher and researcher, and Huang Hailong, a teacher and researcher, participated in the event.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

The first content of the activity is the display of high-quality lesson examples, all teachers observed the "15.3.1 Fractional Equation and Its Solution" taught by Lu Jing, the eighth grade teacher of Qiaowai, Teacher Lu carefully grasped the important and difficult points of teaching, paid attention to inspiration and guidance in the classroom, made good use of the mobilization of students' learning and Xi emotions, infected students with full enthusiasm, and fully demonstrated their style to all teachers with rich and fulfilling teaching content. After the class, Ms. Lu Jing gave a concise lecture and expounded the design ideas of this lesson, focusing on cultivating students' ability to discover, raise and solve problems, so that students can experience the process of mathematical inquiry, develop students' sense of cooperation and communication, and cultivate students' self-confidence in solving mathematical problems.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

In the second activity, Chen Jinxi, section chief of Qiaowai Mathematics Department, commented on the lesson examples and reported on the achievements of the construction of the mathematics doctoral subject base of Qiaowai No. 7 Middle School. In the course of lesson evaluation, Section Chief Chen pointed out that from the student's learning Xi task, this is a new teaching with both concept and regular courses, from the whole class, the teaching content is substantial, the goal is clear, the hierarchy is clear, the teacher is good at inducing, the students have improved their thinking, mastered the skills, and it is an excellent open class. The whole class reflects Teacher Lu Jing's "three hearts": 1. Focusing on the learning situation, the teacher understands the students' existing knowledge and can accept it. 2. Student-centered, highlighting students' active learning Xi as the main body. 3. Focus on learning Xi and develop learning and Xi by solving problems. Then, Mr. Chen reported on the teaching research and achievements of the construction of the Qiaowai Mathematics Doctoral Discipline Base in the past year: introduced the achievements of the teachers of the base in business training, subject research, and paper publication in the past year, and won many awards in many business competitions such as teacher problem-solving competitions and essay competitions, as well as guiding students to participate in various competitions. Teacher Chen also introduced the classroom paradigm of "three movements, two fixed and one evaluation" of mathematics teachers in the practice of the school's "symbiotic classroom", pointing out that the classroom teaching of mathematics teachers pays attention to the cultivation of basic knowledge and mathematical ability; pays attention to student development, advocates equal emphasis on students' scientific literacy and humanistic literacy; teachers' teaching concepts are constantly updated, actively learning and understanding new curriculum concepts, Xi into new teaching materials, and constantly improving professional literacy. Gratifying results have been achieved in the high school entrance examination and other aspects, and teachers with excellent teaching quality, strong scientific research ability, popular with students, and certain radiation influence have emerged.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

Then, Cai Sihui, a teacher from the Mathematics Doctoral Discipline Base of No. 7 Middle School, made a report on the construction results of the base entitled "Strong Waist Cohesion, Blooming Fanghua, Deep Cultivation, Radiation, and Common Growth". There are four aspects of the report: 1. Strengthen yourself. Carry out in-depth teaching research, improve the efficiency of lesson preparation, improve the quality of the classroom, improve the level and quality of their own teaching, and create a high-quality classroom; Organize teacher exchanges and seminars to promote common growth. Give full play to the core leading role and build a high-quality team. 3 strong areas. With the help of cities, districts and groups, we will promote high-quality development. Give full play to the role of demonstration and radiation, and expand the high-quality education resource pool in Yuexiu District. Top 4 students. Actively participate in a variety of activities to shape outstanding talents. Students can improve their skills and abilities, enhance their self-confidence, develop hobbies, and improve their academic performance through activities.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

The third activity was delivered by Huang Hailong, a teacher and researcher of mathematics from Yuexiu District Education Development Research Institute. Mr. Huang pointed out that this was a successful open class, and there were several particularly good points: 1. In terms of introduction, a classification of equations was carried out, which not only Xi the old knowledge, but also introduced the concept of fractional equations, which reflected the analogy of the concept of equations. 2. In terms of solution, the whole equation and fraction are analogous, and the students are guided to think of the solution of the fractional equation. 3. In the classroom, the teacher has been rigorously demonstrating, showing clear rules, and constantly correcting students' wrong solutions, so that most of the students finally master the solution of fractional equations.

Finally, Mr. Huang pointed out that as the first batch of Jingbo subject bases in Yuexiu District, Qiaowai should not only make the base bigger and stronger, but also combine the characteristics of the school to radiate and lead the stage achievements in the region, and help the high-quality development of regional junior high school education.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

The fourth activity was concluding by Zheng Hong, vice president of Yuexiu District Education Development Research Institute. Dean Zheng pointed out that this is a mathematics class that everyone can understand, and it is an excellent demonstration class. It shows that overseas Chinese teachers attach great importance to this lesson before class, prepare carefully before class, and fully understand the learning situation. In the classroom, the teacher interacts well with the students, allowing the students to make mistakes in the classroom and then correct them. After class, students can still remember the content of the class and have a long aftertaste. At the same time, Dean Zheng also reported, commented and summarized the successful construction of the first batch of mathematics doctoral subject bases in Qiaowai and No. 7 Middle School. She pointed out that: 1. The construction of the Jingbo discipline base reflects the top-level design of the high-level and creates a cultural atmosphere that is conducive to the Xi of mathematics. 2. The Jingbo Discipline Base is a systematic action that embodies the theme and project. 3. The Qiaowai Jingbo Discipline Base constructs a classroom paradigm, which is an effective way to enrich the achievements of the base, and reflects the pursuit of the Jingbo Discipline Base. The Jingbo discipline base is not confined to the past experience, it is the second growth of the excellent subject group, creating a systematic growth space, and is the birthplace of brand radiation. Finally, Dean Zheng put forward the expectation of the Jingbo discipline base, and should work the words "Jing" and "Bo". Build a high-quality base, refine personal internal skills, improve classroom teaching, and sincerely unite partners. Create a three-dimensional platform, create an atmosphere of erudition and fraternity, read extensively, learn from others' strengths, liberal arts literacy, and broad thoughts.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

This activity has built a platform for teachers to practice teaching concepts, exercise themselves, show their abilities, and exchange learning Xi, so that teachers have been honed in teaching, and have played a great role in improving teachers' education and teaching level.

Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities
Remember the 2023 Yuexiu District High-quality Lesson Preparation Achievement Promotion Conference Junior High School Mathematics Branch Seminar Activities

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