
The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

author:Wangwang Crushed Ice Ice 566

I'm going to tell you a true story, and this is a heart-wrenching story that happened to me. It made me realize that even the people closest to me can't blindly trust important things. That was a few years ago, and I bought my first home, and I was so happy that I was planning to renovate it and make it my home here. At this time, a long-time friend jumped to the test and offered to help me take care of the renovation. The two of us had a close relationship, so I didn't think much about it and readily agreed. However, the attitude of the family towards this can be described as dissuaded repeatedly. They have been reminding me to be careful when doing business with friends, and even more so when it comes to major things like renovation. However, I was blinded by my own single-mindedness and absolute trust in my friend, and I waved my hand resolutely and did not sign any formal renovation contract with my friend. Time is like an arrow, and it is more than a year in a hurry. I moved into this new, beautifully renovated home. However, it didn't last long, and slowly I began to find that all kinds of problems arose that I couldn't pursue because, remember, we didn't have a contract. First and foremost is the problem of the bathroom. The waterproofing work is not done properly, the paint is just a light brush, and the height is far from enough.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

I was convinced that everything was in safe place, until one day, the water leak broke a big hole and water began to drip from the ceiling of the downstairs neighbor, and the situation was urgent. As a direct result, I had to pay out of my own pocket, and I lost a lot of money for repairs, and I was very painful to pay for my own rework. Immediately after that, the problem with the water heater jumped out again and gave me a dismissal. My house was originally installed with an electric water heater, but the large water storage tank took up a lot of space, which was bulky and ugly. One cold winter night, after I had taken a shower, my other half wanted to go in and take a shower, but I had to wait half an hour for the water to heat up again. It's a tormenting bottomless black hole, can you imagine how dirty the water tank at home is? full of limescale, it's unbearable. I regret not choosing a gas water heater in the first place, it is convenient and clean. Not to mention the cabinets that should be topped. Soon after moving in, I realized that the space left on the kitchen wall cabinets, shoe cabinets, wardrobes, etc., not only wasted valuable storage space, but also made it more difficult to clean. I watched the oil, dust, and dead insects gather on the cabinet, filled with remorse and helplessness. Finally, when we talked about the toilet, I was really on the verge of collapse. The quality of the toilet that my friend installed for me is vulnerable.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

Every time you go to the toilet, you need to flush it multiple times, and it is often clogged. That feeling of powerlessness made me almost driven crazy by my own toilet. The accumulation of these things made me start to reflect. Why did I trust so blindly? Why didn't I follow my family's advice and at least sign a contract to protect myself? I paid the price little by little. Friends, if you are also decorating or preparing to decorate, I ask you to keep in mind my lesson. When looking for acquaintances to decorate, you must be cautious. Even if you are a close friend, the contract is not a superfluous piece of paper. Now, when I think back on these experiences, I have mixed feelings in my heart. I think I'll remember this lesson for a long time. I have summarized these pitfalls that I have personally experienced and reminded you. Remember to do a good job of waterproofing, choose the right water heater, the cabinet must be topped, and you have to choose the toilet yourself. Don't let yourself get into the same predicament as me, or the bitter fruit will have to be swallowed by yourself. In the world of decoration, details are often the devil, and if you are not careful, every corner of your home can become a stumbling block in your daily life.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

If someone asks me what things can be avoided during the renovation process, I'm afraid I'll have to write about it, because I'm an "old driver" who has gone through countless detours. First of all, let's talk about the kitchen and bathroom, two spaces that we use frequently, if not handled properly, will become one of our biggest daily worries. Most people choose countertop basins because they are widely available in the market, come in a variety of styles, and are affordable. But have you ever been annoyed when it comes to cleaning? Water stains and garbage are always maliciously hidden around the basin, which is a headache. For restrooms, an integrated basin may be a better choice, as it is beautiful and easy to maintain. As for the kitchen, many people are worried about the load-bearing problem of the undercounter basin, then maybe the Taichung basin will be a golden compromise that, although slightly more expensive, is worth the investment in the long run. Don't forget, the water retaining strip on the kitchen countertop. How many times has the cleaning after cooking turned into a marathon of mopping floors? The tiles in my house are so slippery that the kitchen without a water barrier is simply a slippery "signboard". So, no matter how you choose materials and design, remember to install water retaining strips in front of and behind your countertops to protect your kitchen floors and cabinets from water damage.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

Next, let's talk about the bathroom. My bathroom is not big, but I have to follow the trend and install a bathtub. The original beautiful imagination now seems to be nothing more than chicken feathers. Every time I apply shower gel or shampoo, I walk on thin ice, for fear of accidentally falling on all fours in the bathtub. The bathtub, more often now, is used to raise fish and pile up sundries. My advice is that if you only have one bathroom at home, don't install a bathtub and a good shower will suffice for all your bathing needs. Now let's turn to the living room, where the TV background wall used to be the standard for every home decoration. The 3D paintings of flowers, trees, landscapes, and plaster line background walls were once seen as symbols of luxury, but trends are always changing, and they quickly become obsolete. And, as TV screens get bigger and bigger, background walls become less necessary. What's more, with a projector, a white wall can realize the dream of a home theater, why bother? There is another detail, which is related to home comfort. Cooking at home, especially on a hot summer day, is often a sweaty experience. Some people will think of pretending to be a cooler, but I will say that a cooler is really not a wise choice. It's really just a small fan, and it brings all the heat from the ceiling down.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

Choose a cost-effective air conditioner to cool off in the kitchen. The last thing I have to mention is the problem of floor drains. When renovating, don't forget to check the drainage system. After each bath, is there any standing water on the shower floor, does the water drain quickly, and if the answer is no, then rework is a must. You don't want to have to bother sweeping away stagnant water after every bath, or fill your bath with water. Decoration is not only a university question, but also a task that tests patience and carefulness. We all want our homes to be both beautiful and functional, but this often requires us to think more about the renovation to avoid future inconveniences. In this labyrinth of decoration, I hope that my experience can guide you to a clear path. In the seemingly simple field of decoration but hidden countless pitfalls, there is a common misunderstanding, that is, "it is more reassuring to find acquaintances or relatives to decorate". This idea sounds like a solid one, after all, the basis of trust between acquaintances is there. But as everyone knows, this can be just a sweet trap. Today, I'm going to talk to you about this topic. Imagine that the renovation project of your home is finally about to begin.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

At the time of the friends party, a distant relative or an old classmate who had not seen him for many years suddenly came out and said: "Decoration, then you have to find me, I am doing this now, and I will definitely give you a friend price." "You relented for a while, and felt that since you were an acquaintance, you should be more reliable. But when the real renovation began, the problems popped up one after another. The first is the issue of quotation. You may find that the so-called "friend price" he gives is not much cheaper than the market price. And because it's an acquaintance, you're too embarrassed to bargain too much, so you can only accept it. Then there is the issue of quality. There will always be such and such small problems in the decoration, but if you are looking for an outsider, you can confidently ask the other party to correct it according to the contract. But if it is an acquaintance, you may be afraid of face, and secondly, they may find various excuses to prevaricate in the past, and the result is that the problem is not solved. To make matters worse, you may not have a formal contract between you because you are acquaintances. When there are major flaws or delays in the renovation, you will find that you have almost no means to defend your rights. After the renovation is completed, you look at the unsatisfactory corners of your home, and your heart is not happy.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

But if you bring it up with an acquaintance, the original good relationship may be sour. At this time, you may think, "Why didn't you listen to those experienced friends and find a regular renovation company or professional master?" But then again, even if you find a problem and want to hold you accountable, you are defenseless because you didn't sign a contract. There is also a more dramatic situation: during the renovation process, you and your acquaintance are constantly arguing because of different decoration concepts, slow progress or substandard quality. In the end, not only did the decoration become a pity, but even the original friendship or family affection was also tested. We all know that decoration is a big thing, involving many factors such as capital, materials, design, and construction. When something goes wrong, even a small imperfection can affect everyday life. So, what should be the right thing to do? Should you avoid looking for acquaintances to decorate and choose a professional team instead? The answer is yes. Although finding a professional renovation team may seem cumbersome and expensive at first, the benefits are obvious. The professional team will have perfect contract guarantees, clear accountability mechanisms, and even provide after-sales service.

The decoration of the new house does not listen to dissuasion, insists on hosting the decoration to a friend, and I can't say what I have to say after living in it for 1 year

Once a problem arises, there will be evidence to follow in accordance with the law and contract, and it will be relatively simple to protect rights. Of course, you should also be cautious when choosing a professional team. There are good and bad decoration companies in the market, and how to find a truly reliable team is also a science. You'll need to take the time to understand the market, check out the company's reputation and historical projects, and even go to the site to see what they're working on. All this is to make your home improvement project smoother and avoid unnecessary troubles. Decoration is not just as simple as brushing the walls and pasting tiles. It's about the quality of your future life and about how you feel happy. Therefore, in this major matter, do not ignore the importance of choice because of the convenience or cheapness of the moment. Remember, everything is foreseen, and everything is lost. On the road of decoration, careful choice and careful planning are the king.

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