
There will be these changes in graduate education!!, newly released by the Ministry of Education

author:Seven Mile River release

According to the CCTV news client, on the morning of December 19, the Ministry of Education held a press conference to introduce the "Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Academic Degree and Professional Degree Graduate Education Classification".

The "Opinions" make it clear that by 2027, the classification of graduate academic degrees and professional degrees will achieve a pattern change. It is pointed out that the new disciplines and majors in graduate education are mainly professional degree categories. Academic degrees adhere to the layout of a high starting point, focusing on the layout of doctoral degree authorization points, in order to vigorously support the original innovation, professional degrees adhere to the demand orientation, the new master's degree awarding units only carry out professional degree graduate education in principle, the new master's degree authorization points are mainly professional degree authorization points, and the fields with both academic degrees and professional degrees focus on the layout of professional degree authorization points, so as to fully support the development of the industry, industry and region.

At the same time, we will optimize the scale structure of the two types of graduate students, focus on major national strategies, key areas and major social needs, further increase the proportion of professional degree students, and expand the enrollment scale of master's degree students to about two-thirds of the total enrollment scale of master's degree students by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and greatly increase the number of doctoral degree students.

Let's take a quick look at the main points with Gan Xiaojiao——

There will be these changes in graduate education!!, newly released by the Ministry of Education
There will be these changes in graduate education!!, newly released by the Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education on the in-depth advancement

Academic and professional degree graduate education

Classification of the development of opinions

The education departments (education commissions) of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Education Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the education departments (bureaus) of relevant departments (units), all institutions of higher learning under the ministry, and all institutions of higher learning jointly established by the ministry and the province:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on education and the spirit of important instructions on graduate education, further promote the classified development of academic degree and professional degree graduate education, integrate and innovate, strive to improve the quality of independent training of top-notch innovative talents, and build a high-quality graduate education system, the following opinions are hereby put forward.

First, the general idea

1. Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Education Conference and the National Conference on Graduate Education, promote the construction of a strong country in education, implement the fundamental task of building virtue and cultivating people, follow the law of degree and graduate education, adhere to the equal status and equal importance of the two types of academic degree and professional degree graduate education, with the goal of improving the quality of independent training of top-notch innovative talents, in the direction of deepening the integration of science and education, industry and education, and strengthening the positioning of the two types of degrees in positioning, The differentiated requirements of standards, enrollment, training, evaluation, teachers and other links are the path, and the development and reform of key areas are taken as breakthroughs to promote the classified cultivation of academic and practical innovative talents, improve the degree and graduate education system with Chinese characteristics, and provide stronger support for accelerating the construction of a strong country in education, science and technology, and talents.

2. Basic Principles. Problem-oriented, focusing on the key issues restricting the development of the classification of the two types of graduate education, and putting forward targeted policy measures to enhance the effectiveness of the reform. Respect the law, adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking down, seeking progress while maintaining stability, pay attention to the transformation and upgrading of the existing talent training process, and enhance the operability of the reform. Promote as a whole, strengthen the cohesion and cooperation of the whole chain of talent training and reform measures in each link, and enhance the systematization of reform. Mechanism innovation, vigorously promote the reform of the internal system and mechanism of the training unit, improve the matching degree of the talent training chain and the work management chain, and enhance the long-term effect of the reform.

3. Overall Objectives. By 2027, the long-term mechanism within the training unit that is conducive to the classified development and integration and innovation of the two types of degree graduate education will be more perfect, the pattern of the two types of education with their own characteristics and going hand in hand will be fully formed, the training quality of academic and practical innovative talents will be further improved, the governance system of degree and graduate education will continue to be improved, and the governance capacity will be significantly improved, so as to promote the construction of a strong country in education.

2. Always adhere to the equal status of the two types of academic degree and professional degree graduate education

4. Insist that both types of degrees are equally important. Academic degree and professional degree graduate education are both important ways for the country to cultivate high-level innovative talents, and both should focus on the solid basic theory, systematic expertise, innovative spirit and innovation ability of graduate students. The academic degree relies on the first-level discipline training and awards degrees according to categories, focusing on the needs of knowledge innovation and development, and cultivating academic and innovative talents with high academic literacy, strong original spirit and solid scientific research ability. Professional degrees are cultivated and awarded according to the category of professional degrees, focusing on the needs of industry and industrial development, and cultivating practical and innovative talents with a solid and systematic professional foundation, strong practical ability and high professional quality. Training units should raise awareness, pay equal attention to the two types of degrees in terms of enrollment, training, employment, etc., and ensure the training quality of the two types of degree graduates.

5. Categorical planning of two types of degree development. Improve the setting, layout, scale and structure of the two types of degrees. The first-level disciplines are mainly divided according to the knowledge system, which should be wide but not narrow, and should be relatively stable. The setting of professional degree categories is mainly based on the needs of industry talents, which is prominent and accurate, and should be relatively flexible. In the catalogue of graduate education disciplines, the "consolidation" is implemented, and the first-level disciplines and professional degree categories are coordinated and grouped under the corresponding disciplines, and the new disciplines and majors are mainly professional degree categories. The academic degree adheres to the layout of a high starting point, focusing on the layout of doctoral degree authorization points, so as to vigorously support original innovation. Professional degrees adhere to the demand-oriented, the new master's degree-granting units only carry out professional degree graduate education in principle, the new master's degree authorization points are mainly professional degree authorization points, and the fields with both academic degrees and professional degrees focus on the layout of professional degree authorization points, so as to fully support the development of the industry and the region. Closely aligned with the national high-level talent highland and the construction plan of the platform for attracting and agglomerating talents, focusing on the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle, the revitalization of the Northeast and other national development strategies, support the region to increase overall planning, build a number of talent gathering platforms, and actively optimize the structure of disciplines and majors. Focusing on major national strategies, key areas and major social needs, we will further increase the proportion of graduate students with professional degrees, expand the enrollment scale of master's degree students to about two-thirds of the total enrollment scale of master's degree students by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and greatly increase the number of doctoral degree students.

3. Deeply build a classified training chain for academic and professional degree graduate education

6. Improve the talent selection mechanism by classification. Optimize the selection criteria for talents, and focus on the candidates' mastery and application of subject knowledge and the candidates' academic innovation potential for academic degrees, and focus on the candidates' comprehensive practical quality, ability to analyze and solve practical problems with professional knowledge, and career development potential for professional degrees. On the premise of ensuring quality, we should give full play to the role of part-time professional degrees in continuing education. Support qualified training units to further expand the scale of recommending exemption from examination (preliminary examination) to recruit graduate students with professional degrees, and select fresh undergraduate graduates with high innovation and entrepreneurship potential. In the enrollment of professional degrees, a certain proportion of experts with practical experience in the industry are encouraged to participate in the re-examination (interview) expert group. Explore and improve the "overpass" for students to communicate Xi with each other between academic degrees and professional degrees.

7. Classification and optimization of culture programs. The training program of academic degree should highlight the theoretical frontier of education and teaching, strengthen the theoretical foundation, broaden the academic horizon, strengthen the training of scientific methods and the improvement of academic literacy, encourage interdisciplinarity, enhance the original innovation ability of scientific and truth-seeking in various forms of academic discussion and exchange, and scientific research tasks, and pay attention to strengthening the vertical connection of the teaching content of each stage of the academic degree and the horizontal cooperation of the teaching content of each course. The professional degree should highlight the professional practice of education and teaching, emphasize the organic combination of basic courses and industry practice courses, pay attention to the construction of practical operation courses, and advocate the use of case teaching, professional practical Xi, real situation practice and other forms to improve the ability to solve practical problems in the industry and refine scientific problems in practice. The training unit shall refer to the guiding training plan issued by the National Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Professional Degree Education Guidance Committee) to formulate its own professional degree training plan, support the industry and industry departments to jointly formulate a training plan that reflects the characteristics of the major, increase the number of practical links, clarify the proportion of practical courses, set up exclusive courses for professional degrees, strengthen the construction of core courses for professional degree graduate education, and promote the organic connection between curriculum setting and professional and technical ability assessment. Improve the mechanism for improving the curriculum system, standardize the classification and review of courses between the two types of degrees, optimize the supervision mechanism, and strengthen the evaluation of education and teaching quality.

8. Strengthen the construction of teaching materials by category. Academic degree textbooks should fully reflect the latest knowledge and scientific research progress in the subject field, which is conducive to the implementation of research-based teaching, inspiring academic innovative thinking, and guiding students to carry out independent Xi and inquiry-based Xi. Professional degree textbooks should fully reflect the latest development trends and practical innovation achievements of the industry, and should incorporate real projects, typical work tasks, and excellent teaching cases into the core textbooks of majors, support the compilation of core textbooks with industry departments, do a good job in case collection, development and teaching, strengthen the construction of case databases, and organically integrate professional standards, professional qualifications, professional ethics and other relevant content requirements into the teaching materials. The Discipline Evaluation Group and the Professional Degree Teaching and Guidance Committee are responsible for organizing the compilation, revision, and recommendation of core textbooks in the professional fields of the discipline.

9. Classification and improvement of the training mechanism. Academic degrees should strengthen the integration of science and education and collaborative education, further give play to the important supporting role of major national scientific research projects and major scientific research platforms in educating people, strengthen joint training with national laboratories and industry front-line, and encourage high-level talent training in an interdisciplinary, cross-integrated and knowledge-integrated manner. Professional degrees should strengthen the integration of industry and education and collaborative education, closely connect talent training with employment needs, further build a joint training base for professional degrees, strengthen the connection mechanism between professional degree categories and corresponding vocational qualification certification, and improve the access standards and monitoring and evaluation of industry departments to participate in the cultivation of professional degree talents, so as to ensure the basic conditions and effectiveness of collaborative education. Improve the mechanism for early warning and diversion and withdrawal of graduate students, conduct regular academic early warnings based on the actual training of students, and promptly divert and withdraw graduate students who are not suitable for continuing to study in their disciplines and majors, so as to ensure the quality of graduate training.

10. Promote the reform of dissertation evaluation by category. According to the knowledge and theory innovation, the ability level requirements and academic norms for comprehensively solving practical problems, and the norms of scientific ethics and professional ethics of the two types of degrees, the basic requirements and norms, evaluation standards and rules and verification methods of dissertations are formulated by classification. Optimize the elements (index system) of interdisciplinary and professional dissertation evaluation and random inspection. The Professional Degree Teaching and Guidance Committee researches and compiles the Basic Requirements for Doctoral and Master's Degree Theses for each professional degree category, focusing on the ability to independently solve practical problems in the professional field. Encourage the implementation of multiple dissertation or practical achievement assessment methods for professional degrees (special research papers, research reports, case analysis reports, product design/work creation, scheme design, etc.), clarify writing specifications, and establish a review mechanism with the participation of industry experts. Support the establishment of separate degree evaluation sub-committees for interdisciplinary and professional degrees, and professional degree evaluation sub-committees may invite industry experts to participate.

11. Classified construction of mentor team. Strengthen the management of tutors by category, and improve the system of tutor classification evaluation and assessment. Qualified faculty can serve as both academic degree tutors and professional degree tutors. Professional degrees should improve the system of dual tutors or tutor groups in which external tutors participate, improve the database of external tutors and industry experts, formulate evaluation standards and policies for off-campus tutors, clarify the boundaries of off-campus tutors' responsibilities and rights, and carry out off-campus tutor training. Encourage the establishment of an academic leave system for tutors, academic degree tutors should regularly visit and exchange at home and abroad, professional degree tutors should have a certain amount of time to carry out research and practice in the front line of the industry every year, and professional degree cooperative training units should support external tutors to participate in university education and teaching on a regular basis, so as to promote the two-way interaction of cooperation and exchange between tutors inside and outside the university.

Fourth, vigorously promote the classification of development and reform in key areas to achieve the first breakthrough

12. Promote the reform of academic degree graduate education with a focus on the training of doctoral students in basic disciplines. Based on the cultivation of future academic leaders, support qualified high-level research universities to carry out pilot reform of talent training in basic disciplines, mainly position basic disciplines in cultivating academic degree doctoral students, and further increase the proportion of direct doctoral students, and only academic master's degrees can be awarded to those who are not suitable for continuing to study for doctoral degrees in the process of Xi and meet the corresponding conditions. Support the training units to increase funding, strengthen the connection with the strong foundation plan and the training plan for top-notch students in basic disciplines, and attract outstanding undergraduate graduates with promotion and exemption qualifications to study for master's and doctoral degrees in basic disciplines. Support the training units to improve the mechanism for the use of basic scientific research funds in the central universities, and realize long-term and stable support for outstanding doctoral students in basic disciplines. Pilot construction of high-level talent training centers in basic disciplines.

13. Deepen the reform of professional degree graduate education with the training of outstanding engineers as the traction. Aiming at the national strategic layout and urgently needed fields, improve the layout of engineering master's and doctoral degree authorization points in universities and scientific research institutions, innovate the joint training mechanism between universities and national laboratories, scientific research institutions, science and technology enterprises, and industrial parks, include courses and recognize credits in qualified enterprises, national laboratories, scientific research institutions, and science and technology parks, and explore the development of order-based and project-based training for full-time professional degree graduates, and create a "model room" for the training of master's and doctoral degrees in engineering majors oriented by practical ability , vigorously promote the pilot reform of the training of master's and doctoral degrees in engineering, and comprehensively promote the reform of the training of outstanding engineers. Lay out some universities and central enterprises to jointly build a number of national excellent engineer colleges, explore the reconstruction of talent training system, process reengineering, ability remodeling, evaluation and reconstruction; relying on the college and school-enterprise joint construction of supporting engineer technology centers, to create an enterprise-level simulation environment and engineering technology practice platform; improve the selection and employment of school-enterprise tutors, The assessment and incentive mechanism reconstructs the team of school-enterprise dual tutors, strengthens the construction of core courses that highlight the cultivation of practical ability, promotes the alternating training mechanism of engineering and learning, implements organized scientific research and talent training, and comprehensively promotes the deepening of reform and innovation of various professional degrees in combination with their own characteristics.

5. Strengthen the organizational guarantee for the development of the classification of academic degree and professional degree graduate education

14. Implement the responsibilities of the training unit. The training unit should strengthen the research and deployment of the development of the classification of academic degree and professional degree graduate education, ensure the correct direction of education, and improve the policy measures and quality assurance system to promote the development of the classification of the two types of degrees. Complete governance systems and operational management mechanisms within units that cover elements such as institutions, personnel, systems, and funds, and strengthen categorical management, categorical guidance, and categorical safeguards. Qualified training units can independently set up departments or training institutions for professional degrees, provide financial support, and hire personnel with rich industry experience as the person in charge, so as to create a better environment for the development of professional degrees. Support training units to explore and improve the mechanism and method of using academic degree and professional degree classroom teaching and practical teaching as a factor in the evaluation and recruitment of professional and technical positions.

15. Strengthen departmental policy support. Strengthen the classification review and evaluation of academic degrees and professional degrees, master's and doctoral degree authorization points, academic degree authorization points highlight the support of high-level teachers and scientific research, and professional degree authorization points take external tutors and joint training bases as necessary conditions. We will improve the investment mechanism in which government investment is the mainstay, the education recipients are reasonably shared, and funds are raised through other channels, and the financial investment in academic degrees, especially basic disciplines, and the differentiated per student funding mechanism will be improved, and the cost sharing mechanism for professional degree training will be further improved, and the dynamic adjustment mechanism of tuition standards will be improved, so as to encourage industry and industrial departments to invest in professional degree graduate education in various forms. Give full play to the role of education informatization as the strategic commanding heights, and strive to promote the digital construction of degree and graduate education resources. Coordinate the construction of "double first-class", discipline evaluation and professional degree evaluation, give full play to the role of expert organizations, societies and associations, and improve the quality classification evaluation and certification mechanism of the two types of degree construction with the participation of multiple subjects. Actively carry out international substantive equivalent education quality certification, promote relevant exchanges and cooperation, promote China's degree standards to go global, and continuously enhance international influence.

ministry of education

November 24, 2023

Source: Weiyan Education, CCTV News, China Education News

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