
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

author:Maiji released

Maiji District Rong Media Center News (Reporter Liu Qiuyu Dong Jie) "What should we do if we meet a bad person? Can we answer a stranger's question casually?Can we accept a stranger's gift?" "Can't!" "Can't trust a stranger casually!" "Don't eat ......the food given by a stranger" On December 19, the Maiji Public Security Bureau walked into the kindergarten in the jurisdiction to carry out "big hands holding small hands, safety and growth" The theme activity of safety education and public security culture into the campus gave a unique safety education lesson for the children in school, helping them understand the safety knowledge of daily life and enhance their awareness of self-protection.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

The event was divided into safety education, cultural and artistic interaction, queue etiquette and police skills performance, traffic safety publicity, and campus safety emergency response drill. Through video lectures, live performances, interactive guidance, simulation drills and other forms, the kindergarten teachers and students had a deeper understanding of public security work and public security culture.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

During the activity, the police officers of the Patrol Police Brigade and the Traffic Police Brigade of the Maiji Public Security Bureau explained real cases and carried out interactive teaching in vivid and easy-to-understand language, and strengthened the interaction with children by asking questions and playing games, which effectively enhanced the enthusiasm of children to participate. The children spoke enthusiastically, and the scene was lively and harmonious, which improved the children's awareness of self-prevention in bursts of laughter. At the same time, the member representatives of the Maiji Public Security Federation of Literary and Art Circles also created calligraphy art works on the spot, and wrote Spring Festival couplets for teachers and students. The children and the police interacted on the spot, entertaining and educational, and the atmosphere was warm. "Today we have a lot of police uncles from our school, and they teach us how to protect ourselves, and I am very happy. Fu Shuyan, a child from Angel Kindergarten in Maiji District, said happily.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

"Safety is fundamental, and with the guarantee of safety, our children can grow up healthy and happy. Today's activity explained a lot of safety knowledge and self-protection methods for the children in a more systematic and comprehensive way, so that everyone gained safety knowledge and learned Xi self-protection methods in entertaining. I hope that such events can be held frequently, which will lay a good foundation for us to create a safe and harmonious campus environment. Li Xiaomin, a teacher at Angel Kindergarten in Maiji District, said.

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

Since the beginning of this year, the Maiji Public Security Bureau has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promoted the "three grasps and three promotions" action and the "casting loyal police soul" activities in depth, further enhanced the safety awareness of teachers and students on campus and the in-depth understanding of the public security organs, fully demonstrated the good image of the public security organs, effectively enhanced the cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness of the public security team, and created a harmonious atmosphere of "the police academy is a family".

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

"The main purpose of our activities is to improve children's self-protection ability and traffic safety self-protection awareness, and we also hope that the general public will pay attention to self-protection in life, guide children to abide by the law, enhance self-protection awareness, and jointly build a beautiful wheat harvest. Yuan Liang, a police officer of the patrol brigade of the Maiji Public Security Bureau, said. [Editor: Liu Meili]

[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety
[When the "three grasps and three promotions" action is underway] Maiji District: The police walked into the kindergarten to build a new line of defense for safety

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