
The insurance industry donated to the disaster area with Ping An of China and Xinhua Insurance

author:21st Century Business Herald

Southern Finance and Economics all-media reporter Zheng Jiayi and Xi Sun Haiyang reported from Beijing

At 23:59 on December 18, Beijing time, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, with an epicenter depth of 10 kilometers. According to Xinhua News Agency, as of 16:50 on December 19, the earthquake has killed 127 people, including 113 in Gansu and 14 in Qinghai.

According to relevant information from the Qinghai Provincial Emergency Management Department and the Haidong Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, as of 16:00 on the 19th, medical institutions at all levels in Haidong City had treated 144 earthquake injuries and referred 142 people for treatment.

As a "shock absorber" for risks and a "stabilizer" for the economy, the insurance industry has actively assisted the disaster areas through donations, rescue, and the establishment of emergency response teams. Yesterday, Li Yunze, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the State Administration of Financial Regulation, presided over the convening of the Party Committee to coordinate and guide the local supervision bureaus, property insurance companies, life insurance companies, and banking institutions to launch emergency plans and do a good job in insurance claims services.

As of 17:00 on the 19th, Ping An Property & Casualty had received 81 reports from Gansu and Qinghai for the earthquake. Among them, there are 33 car insurances, 43 personal property insurances, 2 group property insurances, and 3 health insurances, with an estimated claim amount of more than 1.2 million yuan, 12 cases have been closed, and a total of 120,000 yuan has been paid (including pre-compensation).

As of 14:00 on the 19th, the Gansu and Qinghai branches of PICC Property Insurance have received a total of 260 reports, involving car insurance, policy-based rural housing insurance, etc.

Up to now, CPIC has received 17 cases of earthquake-related car insurance reports in Jishishan County, Linxia, and 1 case of vehicle damage caused by the collapse of houses in the earthquake.

The reporter noted that at present, Ping An of China and Xinhua Insurance have donated 10 million yuan and 1 million yuan respectively to the disaster area; Chinese People's Insurance, Chinese Life, Ping An of China, China Pacific Insurance and other companies have organized relevant personnel to go to the front line; at the same time, Chinese Life, Chinese People's Insurance, Ping An of China, China Pacific Insurance, Taikang Insurance, China Taiping, China Property Insurance, Guohua Life, Dajia Property Insurance and other companies have launched emergency plans for major emergencies and opened green channels for claims settlement.

Ping An of China and New China Insurance have donated a total of RMB 11 million to the disaster area

The reporter noted that Ping An of China and the China Social Aid Foundation actively carried out the action of "Ping An Rushes to Aid the Qinghai Earthquake-stricken Area in Gansu Province to Send Warmth", and donated RMB 10 million to the disaster area as soon as possible.

Ping An said that on December 19, the minimum temperature in the second half of the night to the early morning in the Jishishan earthquake area and surrounding areas could drop to between -15 and -9 degrees Celsius, which was cold. Relief materials such as relief tents, warm clothes, moisture-proof mats, stoves, folding beds, food, and drinking water purchased with the donated funds were delivered to the disaster area at 2 p.m. on December 19.

At 12:48 p.m. on December 19, Ping An Property & Casualty completed the first earthquake claim, with a compensation amount of 7,000 yuan.

As of 4:00 p.m. on December 19, Ping An Property & Casualty has organized more than 38 members of the Ping An Guardian Emergency Verification Team to the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu and Qinghai to fully assist in the local rescue work and provide emergency supplies to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. As of 17:00 on the 19th, Ping An Property & Casualty had received 81 reports from Gansu and Qinghai for the earthquake. Among them, there are 33 car insurances, 43 personal property insurances, 2 group property insurances, and 3 health insurances, with an estimated claim amount of more than 1.2 million yuan, 12 cases have been closed, and a total of 120,000 yuan has been paid (including pre-compensation).

In addition to Ping An of China, the reporter learned that Xinhua Insurance also donated 1 million yuan in cash to the China Charity Federation through the Xinhua Life Insurance Charity Foundation to help the earthquake-stricken areas in Gansu and Qinghai.

Xinhua Insurance said that the company has launched a Level I emergency response to major emergencies and launched eight emergency service measures to facilitate the reporting and settlement of claims by customers who were insured by the earthquake. The company will continue to pay attention to the progress of disaster relief and provide help and services to the people and customers in the disaster area within its capacity.

Chinese Insurance Company, Chinese Life Insurance Company and many other insurance companies have organized staff to go to the front line

The reporter learned that after the disaster, a number of insurance companies have attached great importance to the establishment of an emergency working group in the head office, and organized the staff of Gansu and Qinghai branches to go to the front line.

Among them, the PICC Property and Casualty Insurance Corporation has set up an emergency work leading group, and the vice president in charge of claims settlement, disaster claims experts, and claims emergency working groups have rushed to the front line of the disaster areas; in terms of branches, the main persons in charge of the Gansu and Qinghai provincial companies and the emergency response teams have rushed to the relevant disaster areas to participate in the government's unified rescue and quickly carry out the work of receiving reports and claims settlement services.

Chinese Life activated the emergency response plan for major emergencies, set up a claims service working group, and organized relevant personnel to immediately rush to the scene to carry out the investigation of the insured customers on the basis of paying close attention to the public release of news from governments at all levels and the media.

Ping An of China has set up a major emergency response team headed by Xie Yonglin, General Manager of Ping An Group, and led by Long Quan, Chairman of Ping An Property & Casualty, Yang Zheng, Chairman of Ping An Life, Gan Weimin, Chairman of Ping An Pension Insurance, and Zhu Yougang, Chairman of Ping An Health Insurance.

Local institutions in Gansu and Qinghai set up disaster response teams overnight to verify the information of various business channels, and while verifying and ensuring the safety of workplaces and personnel, they also focused on the loss of life insurance, car insurance, home property insurance and customer reports.

Ping An, China Life, PICC, CPIC, Xinhua and many other insurance companies have launched emergency plans

Natural disasters are relentless, and in an earthquake, residents in the affected areas may face the risk of injury, disability, and financial losses. Insurance products such as accident insurance, life insurance, car insurance, and home property insurance may bring compensation to them.

It is worth mentioning that due to the damage to houses and infrastructure such as water, electricity, transportation, and communications, residents in the affected areas often face difficulties such as not having their insurance policies with them, insufficient proof of accidents, difficulty in handling claims on the spot, and inability to receive treatment in designated hospitals.

In response to the above problems, the reporter noted that at present, many companies such as Chinese Life, PICC Property Insurance, Ping An Life, China Taibao, Xinhua Insurance, Taikang Insurance, China Taiping, and China Property Insurance have launched emergency plans for major emergency accident claims, focusing on special situations in disasters and emphasizing humanistic care when settling claims.

For example, streamlining the claims process. Among them, Chinese Life, Chinese People's Insurance, China Pacific Insurance, Taikang Insurance, China Property Insurance, Guohua Life Insurance and other companies all provide round-the-clock claims channels and support online reporting through dedicated hotlines and mini programs. At the same time, some companies have optimized the claims process, reduced or exempted insurance policies, claim applications, and accident certification materials, relaxed identity documents, and provided rapid claim settlement services.

Proactively seek out customers. Chinese Life, Ping An Life, China Pacific Insurance, Taikang Insurance, China Property Insurance and other companies have mobilized their employees, sales personnel and relevant channel personnel to collect information on insurance personnel from various parties, take the initiative to return to visit and comprehensively find customers.

Lifting the restriction on designated hospitals. Chinese Life, Ping An Life, China Taibao, China Taiping, Taikang Insurance, Guohua Life and other companies have stated that in response to the disaster, whether customers receive treatment from designated hospitals or not, the company will bear insurance liability.

Be prepared for prepayment and compensation. Chinese People's Insurance, Chinese Life, Ping An Life, China Taibao, China Taiping, China Property Insurance, Guohua Life Insurance and other companies have indicated that they will start the prepayment work, according to the progress of the accident, combined with the customer's injury, start the special case prepayment process, and pay compensation in advance; at the same time, coordinate with the local government to coordinate the overall progress of disaster relief services and pay compensation quickly and in a timely manner.

In addition to the above-mentioned emergency measures, the reporter noted that in response to the disaster, many insurance companies have added more humanistic and innovative measures to the emergency plan, paying attention to mental health while paying attention to property safety. For example, Chinese Insurance emphasizes non-discriminatory rescue services, implements the requirements of the State Administration of Financial Regulation, and provides non-discriminatory claims support to the whole society; Taikang Insurance said it will hire senior psychological experts to provide psychological counseling services for customers and their families in need.

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