
After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

author:Joy and joy

1: I've never experienced minus 20 degrees Celsius. I got on the bus as soon as I got out of the airport, and I thought it was okay to have minus 20 degrees. When I got to the place, I put down my things and prepared to go out for a spin, and I came out to take a taxi, and I waited on the side of the road for another 5 minutes, and my head hurt, and I really froze and pumped.

2: There are too many types of barbecue in the Northeast, even eggs can be baked, and the impression is that there is a huge delicious baked potato, and the soul of Northeast barbecue is in the golden chain brother and the old girl with garlic.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

3: The sky in the northeast is very clean and very low, it seems that people are not looking at the clouds, but the clouds are about to break into your eyes, so that you can't look at them. I am from the south, and the weather in my hometown is often cloudy and rainy, and after coming to the northeast, I realized that it is really possible to have "sunny weather for a lifetime".

4: There are a lot of Russian, North Korean and Korean food, and a lot of fruits. At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the strawberries and cherries in the Northeast are really super cheap as if they don't cost money, and the portions of things are very simple and enthusiastic.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

5: There are not only many Russian, Japanese, and Korean buildings in the Tohoku region, but they are all perfectly integrated with modern architecture. Walking on the street, when you see the buildings of the Puppet Manchurian period, you will only feel beautiful, not abrupt. No matter how rapid modernization is, there are always traces of history in these buildings, and history and modernity are perfectly blended.

6: Everything can be sugar gourd! And the reason why the rock sugar gourd is called rock sugar gourd is not because of rock sugar, but because of ice!

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

7: Old girl, girl... It's what I hear the most, usually older than myself will call me old sister, and then generally uncles and aunts will call me girl, every time I hear someone call me old sister or girl, I will feel that a title makes each other's sense of distance not so strong, and the communication between strangers is also very cordial, which will always give me some sense of belonging in this lonely city.

8: Changchun has a nationally famous snow clearing team, the main road must be opened to traffic after 4 hours of heavy snowfall, and the branch road must be opened to traffic after 8 hours, and the old people and young people with children and nephews who have nothing to do will take big brooms and shovels to help clean up the roads in the block. As the day passed, the city's roads were completely clear.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

9: Some barbecue restaurants sell beer in winter in a large outdoor water tank and served in an aluminum cannonball-shaped container. When you drink it, you take it out of the ice water, and this one is very strong.

10: Wuchang rice and Panjin rice are the most famous, but Northeast rice is generally good. The grains are full and shaped, chewy, non-sticky to the teeth, and sweet to eat.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

11: The lakes and rivers of the Northeast freeze sturdy in winter, and you can run cars on them. People would build makeshift playgrounds on the ice and tear them down when spring was about to start. There are snowmobiles, snow horseback riding, skating, skiing, climbing, ploughing and more.

12: Although everyone in the big bathhouse is honest, no one will care what you look like, each person has a shower head to rinse themselves, and there are communal shower gel and shampoo bottles placed next to it.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

13: Many people in the south like to buy ingredients one meal at a time, while northerners like to buy a pile of ingredients at a time and keep them at home for later use. When I suddenly wanted to eat hot pot, I opened the refrigerator and found that there were mutton, potatoes, and enoki mushrooms, how happy I was.

14: If your hands are frozen, don't use hot water when you enter the house, there will be problems. Just use cold water, even if it's cold, your hands will feel warm.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

15: In the Northeast, eating Malatang, many places charge money per capitation. Give you a basin and you can compact it casually, as long as you don't fall out, no one will say anything about you when it is completely compacted and piled up into a mountain.

16: The best place about heating is that you can use it to dry anything, socks and insoles can be placed between the radiators, clothes can be spread on top, shoes can be placed under the heating.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

17: Most of the time in winter, you should warm up the fire before driving, otherwise it will be easy to turn off. Sometimes the weather is too cold to hit, and the windshield wiper will become a particularly brittle mallet, which is easy to break if you are not careful.

18: In the Northeast, walking on the street, all the clothes you encounter are not very thick, the vast majority of them are southerners, and the real northeasterners will wrap themselves tightly, with three layers inside and three layers outside.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

19: Summer in Tohoku is also very hot, but it is only limited to the noon and afternoon when the sun is shining, and generally speaking, Tohoku is still relatively cool in the morning and evening, and air conditioning is not used much.

20: The enthusiasm of the Northeast people is reflected in all aspects, unless the other party really doesn't know how to go in the Northeast, they will not not guide you, if not far, they will even be in a hurry to take you over.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

21: The Northeast may be the province that loves the most wives in the country. Don't look at the Northeast men, but they love their daughters-in-law from the bottom of their hearts. Take a daily life as an example, in an ordinary Northeast family, men are definitely the main force in cooking.

22: The best specialty of the Northeast cannot be taken away. It is the Modern popsicle bought on Central Street, the Qiulin red sausage in Harbin, the steaming iron pot stew, the sweet and crispy pot meat, and the various tomatoes in summer and autumn, which are like fruits, fragrant and sweet.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

23: The Northeast is not the kind of green onion and steamed bun I imagined at the beginning, the Northeast rice is really fragrant! I can eat two bowls of white rice, and the feeling of chewing in my mouth is different.

24: The Northeast calls corn bud rice, and the express delivery is called qiu express, and it is always said to be in a hurry. I didn't Xi it at first, but now I'm very Xi and I still say it often, and there are a few more: Oh Mom, Click, Quack, why are you so grinding, Ouch, I'll go......

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

25: There are really ginseng in the Northeast, but there don't seem to be many wild ginseng, most of them are pastoral ginseng. It's like a turnip, buy a handful, and stew it directly in the dish.

26: Frozen pears and frozen persimmons are delicious. At first, I wondered why I could still sell these black and non-slippery things when they were frozen, but it turned out that they were frozen pears!

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

27: Most of the people in the Northeast are extroverted, even if they don't know each other, they can chat, not generally, but really nagging. If you are familiar with you, you can talk for a few days and nights without repeating, and if you are not familiar with you, you will definitely be nagged until you are familiar.

28: In the Northeast, there is nothing that cannot be solved by an iron pot. The hard dishes in the Northeast must be stewed vegetables (meat), which can be stewed chicken, pork, fish, and so on. In terms of taste, there is more fragrant sauce, and the stewed red sausage with sauerkraut is also delicious.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

29: Girls in the Northeast are very good-looking, even if it is the appearance of ordinary passers-by, you will think they are very good-looking. Anyway, there are more good-looking girls. It's different from the delicate beauty in the south, it's the kind of beauty that is very atmospheric and positive, and of course they're quite tall.

30: It's really cool in summer, it's hot in July-August, it's enough to blow a fan when it's hot, and you don't need to blow an air conditioner at all. Even if it's hot during the day, you still have to sleep with a thin quilt at night, and you don't need a mat.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

31: Same sun, different radians. One afternoon at three or four o'clock, I suddenly felt that the sky was overcast, and I thought it was about to rain, so I ran to the window to look, and it turned out that the sun was going down.

32: In Tohoku, there is a kind of holiday called "snow break", which is a break arranged because it is snowing heavily and you can't go to work or school. By the way, there is also a kind of holiday in Harbin called "haze holiday", which is generally aimed at students, because the haze is too big to go to school normally.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

33: The winter in the Northeast is really cold, so much so that the beer there is kept at room temperature in the refrigerator and frozen at room temperature. If you want to thaw something, put it in the refrigerator.

34: Northeast people especially love to hoard vegetables, and some families have to hoard 200 catties of cabbage and 50 catties of green onions before winter every year. Therefore, if you buy vegetables in the Northeast vegetable market, if you buy them one by one, the stall owner may be very puzzled.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

35: In the Northeast, dandelions are not used to blow, but to eat. Dandelion is dipped in sauce in the Northeast, commonly known as mother-in-law, which is a home-cooked wild vegetable, and it is not cheap to sell in the market.

36: In summer, it dawns very early, and it dawns at 3 o'clock in the morning. In the same way, in winter, it gets dark very early, the sun sets at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, it turns dark at 3 o'clock, and it gets dark at 4 o'clock.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

37: Harbin is on the Northeast Plain, a flat river, the streets are divided into square small pieces, and vehicles shuttle through them. A Songhua River flows through the middle, dividing the main urban area of Harbin into Jiangnan and Jiangbei.

38: Sometimes when I look at the beautiful streets of Harbin, I can't help but sigh that the people of Northeast China are really powerful and strong, and I am really touched to be able to build a beautiful city in such an extremely cold place.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

39: Winters are long and bitterly cold, with short warmness in spring, summer and autumn. Winter is calculated according to the number of months of heating, from October to May of the following year, almost half a year, it is a cold winter, with occasional snowstorms.

40: Because of the cold, there are almost no people on the streets after 8 o'clock in the evening, a little deserted, unlike many places in the south where there are night markets at 11 or 2 o'clock at night, with pedestrians and busy traffic.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

41: The rice noodles in the northeast may not be the same as those in the south, the rice noodles here are thick and chewy, but the rice noodles in the south, such as Yunnan cross-bridge rice noodles and small pot rice noodles, are thin and really like threads, and then they taste very smooth.

42: Northeast baked cakes are filled with filling, with sugar filling, bean paste filling, meat filling, etc., the skin is very crispy, it smells very fragrant and tastes very fragrant, and it is very thick, I usually half or one plus a bowl of tofu brain can be full.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

43: The biggest characteristic of Northeast people is heroism, what is heroism, that is, if you can not trouble, you will not fight, go out to do things, let you let one step let one step, don't get entangled, many times the contradiction between men and women is the initiative of men, and it is a sentence that men and women care about something.

44: In the outdoor area of the Great Northeast, the mobile phone consumes power really fast, and it is very frost-resistant.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

45: Eating in the Northeast is really large, the first large portion is manifested in the bowl or basin of rice, and the second is the amount, and the stomach will have a feeling of "dissatisfaction" when eating at home, which is very good in the Northeast.

46: On any festival, the most heard sentence is, what is the festival today, let's make some dumplings, eat dumplings for the New Year, eat dumplings in the beginning of winter, eat dumplings in the Mid-Autumn Festival, eat dumplings happily, go out to eat dumplings, and eat dumplings in the normal year.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

47: I always feel that eating strawberries is a very luxurious behavior, and it is not easy to eat sweet. In the Northeast, ten yuan is all-you-can-eat, and the price range is six, eight, ten, and twelve.

48: This place in the Northeast has good mountains, good water, the so-called "white mountains and black waters" place, there are scenery in the big mountains and rivers, lingering and forgetting to return to the numerous, Heilongjiang's Qianzhuan ice lamp and red sausage, Jilin's Wusong and Chagan Lake stewed fish paste cakes, Liaoning's Bohai Bay and Fengtian vegetables......

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

49: I found that one of the characteristics of Northeast cuisine is that it tastes very good. It doesn't have a particularly strange taste. Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty are all within the range of tolerability, as if sauerkraut and miso are already the limit of taste.

50: In the Northeast, everything can be quick-frozen, and the dumplings in the Northeast are wrapped and stored outside, and they can be cooked indoors at any time if they want to eat. Frozen persimmons are the earliest "Northeast desserts", after the persimmons are thawed, with a small spoon, a small bowl, it can be sweet all day.

After living in the Northeast for a year, I will tell you a real Northeast, don't believe what is said on the Internet

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