
Please put away the "Winter Guide" for key protection groups

author:New Express
Please put away the "Winter Guide" for key protection groups

■Citizens exercise in Harbin Xiangjiang Park. (Data map)

When the cold wave hits, how do "one old and one young" deal with the multi-disease epidemic season?

At 12 o'clock on December 19, Guangdong launched an anti-freeze level IV emergency response. On the 20th, the sunshine returned to Guangzhou, but the temperature difference between day and night increased, and the lowest temperature on the 22nd was only 4 °C. A cold wave hits, and the temperature plummets. How should children, pregnant women, the elderly, and other key protection groups, especially those with chronic underlying diseases, protect themselves from the cold? The New Express reporter interviewed a number of doctors separately and learned that the risk of myocardial infarction in the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will increase, and children may also be affected by the influence of temperature due to immature immune systems. The doctor reminds that in cold weather, it is especially necessary to pay attention to proper warmth, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not be too large, so as to reduce the stimulation of temperature changes to the human body.

senior citizen

When the weather is cold, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients should not exercise too early

"The sudden drop in temperature is the 'invisible killer' of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Huang Zhaoqi, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, told the New Express reporter that winter is the season of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The weather is severe and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, and the blood vessels of the human body are prone to contraction and spasm, resulting in insufficient cardiovascular blood supply and further inducing accidental diseases such as myocardial infarction. Second, the air is usually drier at low temperatures, and water loss leads to increased blood viscosity, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

"In particular, the elderly and patients with underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia are more likely to be induced. Huang Zhaoqi reminded that when low temperature comes, if there is fatigue, dizziness, chest discomfort for several days, palpitations, angina pectoris or angina pectoris attacks during activities are frequent, intense and long-lasting, we should be alert to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

"It is necessary to pay attention to the cold and keep warm, and to add clothes in time to prevent the body temperature difference from being too large. Huang Zhaoqi told that after the cold wind blows on the head, the blood vessels constrict, and the elderly are more likely to have symptoms of high blood pressure and headaches, so it is best to wear a hat to prevent the wind when going out.

In addition to keeping warm from the cold, it is equally important to eat a light diet and exercise moderately. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain regular life Xi, ensure adequate sleep, bask in the sun, and try to maintain a happy mood. For older people with chronic diseases, regular check-ups and regular medications are available. "Elderly people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should have regular physical examinations in order to detect and prevent the occurrence of diseases early. Take your medication on time as recommended by your doctor and do not change the dosage and frequency of use of your medication at will. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention immediately. Huang Zhaoqi said.

Can the elderly exercise in the morning in winter? Lu Mingjun, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, reminded that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients should not exercise too much in the morning when it is cold, and it is best to exercise after 10 a.m.

Children's groups

Children with rhinitis and asthma are prone to recurrence or aggravation

Xie Lichun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Huangpu Campus, reminded that the baby's immune system is still in an immature stage, and it is difficult to resist the attack of pathogens. "When the weather gets colder, there is a high incidence of respiratory diseases such as cough and cold, and children with chronic bronchitis, rhinitis and asthma are often prone to recurrence or aggravation. ”

Xie Lichun pointed out that the stimulation of low temperature will cause capillary constriction, affecting gastric acid secretion and blood circulation, so some children are prone to stomach pain and diarrhea due to wind and cold. In addition, low temperatures may irritate the skin, causing dermatitis and eczema, among other things. Children are more susceptible to frostbite in extreme temperatures. Xie Lichun said: "For children with underlying medical conditions, it is even more necessary to be cautious and protected. ”

Xie Lichun suggested that cold weather should reduce going out in the morning and evening, and you can wear a mask when you go out. Pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm, but not the more you wear, the better, if the palms are hot and the back is sweaty, it means that the child is wearing more clothes and needs to reduce the clothes in time.

When the air is dry, nosebleeds can be prevented by moistening your child's nose daily with a saline spray or nasal gel. Xie Lichun said that parents should avoid exposing their children to environments that may spread infection, and should teach children to cover coughs or sneezes with sleeves or elbows, rather than with their hands, and try to avoid touching their eyes and nose with their hands.

"Pay attention to prevent the child's abdomen from getting cold, avoid repeated hot and cold environment stimulation as much as possible, try to choose a warmer time of the day when going out, avoid the morning and evening when the temperature is low; Xie Lichun said.

In addition, for children with underlying medical conditions, she stresses that in addition to medication as recommended by doctors, it is especially important to pay attention to maintaining good indoor air quality during the cold season.


Do not overdo it to prevent dehydration fever

"The indoor temperature of the newborn babies should be controlled at 22 °C ~ 24 °C, if the heating and electric heater are used, the air is relatively dry, and a humidifier can be used to keep the indoor humidity at 55% ~ 65%. Liu Xiaoli, Department of Neonatology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, reminded not to overdo the quilt to prevent the child from dehydration fever, "Judge whether the child is wearing enough clothes, covering the quilt enough, put your hand on its back to feel, if you sweat is wearing too much, which is prone to dehydration fever, manifested as sweating, poor spirit, cold hands and feet, and even difficulty breathing." ”

Winter and spring are the high incidence of respiratory diseases, in the past few days, in the neonatal outpatient Liu Xiaoli received an increase in the number of children with respiratory tract infections, she suggested that the room be ventilated two to three times a day (20~30 minutes each time). "When ventilating, you can carry your baby to another room in case you catch a cold. Patients with respiratory infections at home should be isolated from their children. ”

In addition to common respiratory diseases, newborn babies are also prone to digestive and skin problems in winter, Liu Xiaoli shared, "You can wear a one-piece suit for your baby to prevent your baby's stomach from getting cold, and you need to change diapers, take a bath and other operations quickly." ”

"Some parents are afraid that their babies will catch a cold and dare not bathe their babies is not advisable. Liu Xiaoli pointed out that the baby's skin is delicate, and it is easy to have skin wrinkles, redness, erosion, and red buttocks without bathing. "When taking a bath, raise the indoor temperature appropriately, the water temperature is 37 °C ~ 43 °C, wash it in 5 ~ 10 minutes, dry it quickly and thoroughly before dressing. If you can't take a bath, you can wipe your body with warm water, and keep your buttocks, neck, armpits, and groin dry. ”

Babies and toddlers are growing their bodies, need the sun to promote calcium absorption, and need proper outdoor activities. "You can't cut back on going out just because it's too cold. If the wind is strong or the temperature is very low, you should choose to go out when the air is warm around noon. Liu Xiaoli encouraged to take the children out to bask in the sun in winter.


In winter, you can eat less salt at the right time

"The response of winter weather, the way of storage. "The temperature is dropping and the cold is coming. The corresponding health sentence in the Chinese medicine industry: go to bed early and get up late, and get away with the cold and warm. When it's cold, how to tonify to protect against wind, cold and warmth?

Li Jun, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong Province and president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, pointed out that when the weather is cold, it is appropriate to eat foods rich in protein and fat and with large calories, such as beef, pigeons, sea cucumbers, etc., which are beneficial to the kidneys and yang, and to nourish qi and blood; to eat more warm and nourishing things, such as mutton, yams, cashew nuts, seeds, purple rice porridge, ginkgo seeds, walnuts, etc.; and to eat warm foods appropriately, such as onions, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, dates, milk, eggs, walnuts, etc. Do not eat raw or cold food. In addition, people should pay attention to eating less salt in winter, especially if they have high blood pressure.

Wu Wei, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong Province and director of the Department of Internal Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, shared two medicinal recipes for nourishing temperature and yang and one for nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness with the New Express reporter.

●Hajime Ogikata

Codonopsis astragalus pork rib soup

Cooking method: take 30 grams of Codonopsis, 30 grams of astragalus, 300 grams of pork ribs, wash and chop pieces, fly water for later use, 2 slices of ginger, put it in a stew pot, after boiling, change to simmer, simmer for about 120 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt to drink.

●Ogata 2

Angelica ginger mutton soup

Cooking method: take 10 grams of angelica, 3 slices of ginger, take 500 grams of mutton to remove fascia, wash and cut into pieces, fly water. First, use an iron pot to stir-fry the mutton with peanut oil and ginger slices, add a small amount of rice wine, then bring to a boil over a fire, turn to a simmer, and simmer for about 90 minutes. Add salt to taste, pepper in a small amount, drink soup and eat meat.


Huaishan wolfberry yuan meat stewed pigeon

Cooking method: suckling pigeon chopping, flying water, stir-fry with peanut oil and ginger slices, dip in a small amount of wine, put into a stew cup, put 50 grams of Huaishan, 10 grams of wolfberry, 10 grams of yuan meat, 2 slices of ginger, boil over fire, adjust the simmer, stew for 60-90 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, and eat.

■Written by: New Express reporter Gao Yongshu Xu Lifu

Correspondents: Bai Tian, Liu Yiting Photo: Xinhua News Agency

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