
When the earthquake hits, domestic mobile phones sound the alarm bell for your life!

author:Straightforward wind sound d5Z

In the thrilling earthquake in Jishi Mountain, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, countless lives were lost in an instant. But what is touching is that our domestic mobile phones did not sit idly by, but used their built-in earthquake early warning function to buy us precious escape time.

When the earthquake hits, domestic mobile phones sound the alarm bell for your life!

Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO... These brands we are familiar with have built-in earthquake warning functions. It's not just a simple feature, it's the brand's deep care for its users. At critical moments, they provide us with hope for life.

When the earthquake hits, domestic mobile phones sound the alarm bell for your life!

The story behind the warning

Netizens have shared their experiences on social platforms. When the phone screen lights up to remind you of the impending earthquake, the shock and emotion are indescribable. They lamented that it is technology that makes us more convinced that life is so precious and needs to be cherished.

Escape tips, you deserve it

Despite the warning, the earthquake remained unpredictable. When an alert notification pops up on your phone, it means that an earthquake has occurred. At this point, you need to be calm and react quickly. Remember, time is of the essence!

When the earthquake hits, domestic mobile phones sound the alarm bell for your life!

Cheer for Gansu and be proud of China!

In the face of disaster, we are not only victims, but also strong fighters. A moment of silence for the lives lost in the earthquake, and praise for those who persevered in the disaster. God bless China, may our domestic mobile phones continue to protect every life!

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