
My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

author:Honey snow lily honey

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My name is Lin Tao, I am in my 40s, and I am the owner of a small company. My family was originally harmonious, my wife was wise and virtuous, and my son Ozawa was smart and sensible. However, lately the atmosphere at home has become tense, and it's all because of my daughter, Xiaoyu.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

That evening, I was sitting in the living room watching TV when I heard a fight outside the door. I hurriedly walked out and saw my daughter-in-law Xiufen standing at the door with tears in her eyes, and Xiaoyu standing aside angrily.

"Dad, I want a divorce!" Xiufen cried as soon as she saw me.

I was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, Xiufen, haven't you been good all the time?"

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Xiufen sobbed and said, "It's Xiaoyu, she speaks ill of me in Ozawa's ear all day long, and Ozawa is getting colder and colder to me now." ”

I turned my head to look at Xiaoyu, she looked confident: "I'm just telling the truth, she knows how to dress up all day long, which looks like a daughter-in-law." ”

I felt a headache, which was clearly a misunderstanding. I tried to ease the atmosphere: "Xiaoyu, don't go too far, Xiufen has been working hard." ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Xiaoyu didn't give up: "Dad, why do you look at outsiders? Look at her like that, she is an Internet celebrity." ”

I looked at Xiufen, she was indeed dressed stylishly, but that was not a reason for divorce. I tried to persuade: "Xiufen, don't worry, our family will solve it." ”

At this time, Hui Min came out of the kitchen, she saw this scene, frowned and said, "Why are you arguing again?"

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

"Mom, you have to talk to me, Xiufen she..." Xiaoyu wants to win over Huimin.

But Hui Min interrupted her: "Enough, Xiaoyu, the harmony at home is not maintained like this." Xiufen, you go upstairs first, and I'll talk to your mother-in-law. ”

Xiufen nodded and went upstairs crying. I sat down with Hui Min and Xiao Yu, and Hui Min said solemnly: "Xiao Yu, it's not right for you to do this, Xiufen is your brother's wife, you should support them." ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Xiaoyu was not convinced: "I just don't want to see my brother deceived." ”

Hui Min sighed: "You are misunderstanding. ”

At this time, Ozawa came back from outside, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard these words. He stood at the door, his face pale: "What are you talking about?"

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Seeing Ozawa, the atmosphere became even more tense. I know that the conflict in this family has reached the point where it must be resolved.

Ozawa's appearance made the already tense atmosphere even more solemn. His gaze first fell on Xiao Yu, who was red-eyed, and then turned to the silent Hui Min and me.

"What's wrong at home?Why did Xiufen go upstairs crying?" Ozawa's voice was full of worry and puzzlement.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

I looked at Ozawa and felt a pang of guilt in my heart. For so many years, we have put all our expectations on him, but ignored Xiaoyu's feelings. Now, these accumulated grievances and misunderstandings have finally exploded.

Hui Min sighed softly and opened her mouth to explain to Ozawa: "It was a misunderstanding between Xiaoyu and Xiufen, Xiaoyu felt that Xiufen was saying bad things about her in your ear. ”

Xiao Ze frowned, he turned his head to look at Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, is that so?"

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Xiaoyu bit her lip and nodded firmly: "I don't want to see you deceived." ”

As I watched this scene, my heart was extremely entangled. I know that Xiaoyu has a straightforward personality and sometimes says something impulsive, but she is sincere about her family. I had to find a way to unravel this misunderstanding.

Ozawa's brows tightened, and he turned to go upstairs, apparently looking for Xiufen. Hui Min looked at Ozawa's back and whispered to me, "We have to find a chance to talk about it, we can't let this family break up." ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

I nodded, deeply agreed.

The next day, I suggested that the whole family go out for dinner in an attempt to ease the tension. At the dinner table, everyone is cautious for fear of touching sensitive topics.

Sufen ate quietly, occasionally answering Hyemin's questions. Xiaoyu didn't say a word, and Ozawa's face still had a cloud of sadness. I tried to change the subject: "Ozawa, how are the company's projects going?"

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Ozawa smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, the progress is normal." ”

I looked at Xiaoyu again: "Xiaoyu, do you have any new plans recently?"

Xiaoyu replied lightly: "No." ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

The atmosphere at the table was still oppressive, and I felt a sense of powerlessness. At this time, Hui Min suddenly put down her chopsticks and said solemnly: "We have to talk, we can't go on like this." ”

Everyone's eyes were on Hui Min. She continued: "Xiaoyu, do you think Xiufen is saying bad things about you in your brother's ear, is this true?"

Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, then said, "I... I just think..."

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

"I don't think it's true. Hye-min interrupted her, "We can't hurt our own families just because we 'feel' it. ”

Xiufen bowed her head and was silent at this time, and Ozawa looked at her with worry in her eyes.

I watched all this and suddenly realized that the problem in our family was not just a misunderstanding between Xiaoyu and Xiufen, but a deeper lack of communication and trust between us.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Hui Min looked at everyone, and her tone was gentle but firm: "We are a family, and we should sit on any problem."

Come down and have a good talk, not suspicion behind your back. Xiaoyu, do you have anything to say to Xiufen?"

Xiaoyu's eyes flickered, she took a deep breath, and finally spoke: "Sister Xiufen, I... I may have misunderstood you. I saw that you were always dressed up beautifully, so I thought you didn't care about your family, only about yourself. But that doesn't mean you're a bad person or a bad daughter-in-law. ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Xiufen looked up at Xiaoyu with tears in her eyes: "Thank you for saying it, I do like to dress up, but that doesn't mean I don't love this home." Since I got married to Ozawa, I've been trying to adapt to life here, and there may be some things that aren't good enough, but I've never wanted to hurt anyone. ”

Ozawa held Xiufen's hand, his eyes were firm: "I know, I always know." ”

The atmosphere began to ease up a bit. Hui Min continued: "Each of us has our own lifestyles and Xi, and these differences should not be a reason for us to be suspicious of each other. Instead, we should respect and try to understand each other. ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

I listened to Huimin's words and deeply agreed. For so many years, we were so busy with work that we neglected communication between family members. I looked at Ozawa and Xiufen, and then turned to Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, do you also have your own troubles, but you haven't told us?"

Xiaoyu was silent for a while, and then whispered, "Yes, I always feel that I have been neglected. My brother's success at work, my sister-in-law's beauty and ability, I felt as if I was inferior to them in everything. ”

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, I felt a pang of heartache. It turned out that behind all this was Xiaoyu's inner inferiority complex and uneasiness.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Hui Min patted Xiaoyu's hand lightly: "Xiaoyu, you have your advantages and characteristics. Everyone is unique and does not need to be compared to others. We love you as much as we love Ozawa. ”

Ozawa also spoke: "Xiaoyu, you have always been our proud sister. Your straightforwardness and enthusiasm are indispensable in our family. ”

Xiufen also smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, in fact, I have always envied your frankness and bravery. We can be good friends, learn Xi together, and progress together. ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

A smile finally appeared in the corner of Xiaoyu's eyes, and she nodded: "I... I'm willing to try. ”

After dinner, we walked home together. On the way, Huimin and I exchanged glances, and we both saw the relief and hope in each other's eyes. Although this crisis has been resolved temporarily, it is also a wake-up call for us: family harmony requires the efforts and communication of each of us.

Back home, Xiaoyu offered to help clean up the table, and Xiufen joined in. Ozawa dragged me to the study, and he wanted to talk to me about some things alone.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

"Dad, today's events have inspired me a lot. "Ozawa

"I found myself neglecting the emotional issues at home all the time. I was so focused on my work that I didn't give my family enough care and support. Ozawa's tone revealed self-blame.

I gently patted him on the shoulder: "Son, it's not all your responsibility. As a family, each of us has a responsibility to maintain family harmony. ”

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Ozawa took a deep breath: "Yes, I think, I should spend more time with my family, especially with Xiufen. I knew she came to our house and adjusted a lot, but I didn't give her enough support. ”

I nodded, relieved: "It's good, the family needs the dedication and understanding of each of us." ”

"Also, Dad, I want Xiaoyu to be involved in some of my work to make her feel valued. Ozawa continued.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

As I listened to Ozawa's words, a warmth welled up in my heart. This crisis, while exposing the problems in our families, has also given us the opportunity to change and progress.

The next day, Ozawa invited Xiaoyu to participate in some of his work plans. Xiaoyu was hesitant at first, but with our encouragement, she agreed. Xiufen also actively participated and put forward some creative suggestions, which made Xiaoyu feel accepted and respected.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the home gradually became relaxed and harmonious. Xiaoyu and Xiufen's relationship is also improving, and they start shopping together and sharing their experiences. Ozawa also pays more attention to family balance at work, and often takes Xiufen to participate in some social activities together.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

One weekend, our family decided to go on a picnic together. On the green meadows, we spread out picnic cloths and prepared to enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

Hui Min was busy setting up the food, while Xiaoyu and Xiufen were helping to prepare. Ozawa pulled out his camera and prepared to take some family photos. I sat on the sidelines and looked at them with gratitude and satisfaction in my heart.

"Let's take a picture!" Ozawa shouted.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

We gathered together with big smiles. Ozawa froze this heartwarming moment. This photo is not only a beautiful memory, but also a testimony of our family harmony.

After the picnic, Xiaoyu pulled me and Huimin and said, "Dad, Mom, I want to talk to you about one of my plans. ”

We looked at her curiously: "What plan?"

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

"I was thinking about it, I wanted to open a small coffee shop. Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with excitement, "I want to create a space of my own, maybe where I can hold some small cultural events." ”

Hui Min and I looked at each other, and we both saw the encouragement in each other's eyes: "This is a good idea, we support you." ”

"Really? I'm afraid you'll object. Xiaoyu's face was full of surprise.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Hui Min

He smiled and said, "Why do you oppose it? You have your own dreams, and of course we support them." And, I think the idea is very creative. ”

"That's great! I've got some initial ideas. Xiaoyu said excitedly, her face filled with unprecedented brilliance.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

That night, Xiaoyu excitedly showed us some of the design plans and plans she had prepared for the coffee shop. We were all amazed by her enthusiasm and hard work. Ozawa and Hide-Fen also offered some practical advice to help her refine her plans.

A few weeks later, Xiaoyu's coffee shop opened. Although the store is small, it is warmly furnished and stylish. She has also set up a small reading corner for customers to read books while enjoying their coffee.

On the opening day, our whole family went to help. Ozawa was in charge of taking photos of the opening ceremony, Hide-Fen helped greet the guests, and Hye-min helped with tidying up. I stood aside, watching Xiaoyu's busy figure, and my heart was full of pride.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

The café quickly attracted a lot of customers, especially young people who liked the literary atmosphere. Xiaoyu also began to hold some small cultural events, such as poetry readings and handicraft displays, which gave her coffee shop its own unique charm.

A few months passed, and Xiaoyu's coffee shop was getting better and better. She has become more confident and independent, and our family relationship has become closer and more harmonious as a result.

One evening, a small celebration was held at home. Ozawa took out the family photos he had taken earlier, and we reminisced about those heartwarming moments together.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

"I really didn't expect that a misunderstanding would make our family better. Xiaoyu said with emotion.

Hui Min responded with a smile: "Yes, sometimes, a crisis is also a turning point. It made us aware of the problem and gave us the opportunity to change. ”

I look at my family with gratitude and happiness in my heart. This experience has allowed each of us to grow and our family to become stronger.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

"No matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we will face them together and solve them together. I said.

"Yes, we are a team, an inseparable family. Ozawa added.

At that moment, I felt happiness and satisfaction like never before. Home is not only a place to live, but also a harbor for our souls. Here, we support each other, grow together, and face all challenges and difficulties.

My daughter-in-law cried for a divorce, and when I learned that the "culprit" was my daughter, I was angry: Girl, let's make a face

Since then, every member of our family has cherished each other even more. Whether at work or in life, we have all learned to communicate and understand better. Family harmony not only makes our lives better, but also gives us more strength to face life's challenges.

Light rain's coffee shop

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!