
Luo Xiang: Wine is a poison that pierces the intestines, color is a steel knife that scrapes bones, wealth is a tiger down the mountain, and qi is the root of trouble

author:Clever iced lemon

In our life journey, there are several seemingly beautiful things, but they are like "poison piercing intestines", "steel knife scraping bones", "tiger descending from the mountain" and "root seedlings that cause trouble" in the mouth of Mr. Luo Xiang. Today, let's talk about these "dangerous elements" and see how to avoid being led by the nose by them.

1. Wine: a poison that pierces the intestines

Wine, this magical thing, can allow people to release stress in an instant and enjoy a moment of pleasure. However, as Mr. Luo Xiang said, wine is a poison that pierces the intestines. Excessive alcohol consumption not only harms our physical health, but it can also affect our judgment and reflexes. In this fast-paced society, we need to keep a clear head and a keen sense of insight at all times in order to cope with various challenges. Therefore, we should learn to drink in moderation, cherish our bodies, and stay away from those "intestinal poisons" that will only harm us.

Luo Xiang: Wine is a poison that pierces the intestines, color is a steel knife that scrapes bones, wealth is a tiger down the mountain, and qi is the root of trouble

2. Color: a steel knife for scraping bones

When it comes to sex, many people may think of love and marriage. Indeed, a good love and a stable marital relationship can bring us inner satisfaction and happiness. However, if you indulge in lust and overdo the pursuit of sensual stimulation, then color becomes a steel knife that scrapes bones. It can make us physically and mentally exhausted and even affect our families and careers. Therefore, we should learn to control our desires, cherish the people around us, and maintain our relationships with love and responsibility.

Luo Xiang: Wine is a poison that pierces the intestines, color is a steel knife that scrapes bones, wealth is a tiger down the mountain, and qi is the root of trouble

3. Cai: The Tiger Descending the Mountain

Wealth can bring us material satisfaction and security, but excessive pursuit of wealth will only leave us in endless anxiety and exhaustion. As Mr. Luo Xiang said, ill-gotten gains are not advisable. We should learn to treat wealth rationally and cherish the fruits of our labor, rather than being enslaved by money. In this competitive society, only by maintaining inner peace and firmness can we go further.

Fourth, qi: the root and seedling of trouble

Emotions are our innermost reactions and can sometimes be difficult to control. However, if we allow emotions to creep in, then it can become a source of trouble. Negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, and anxiety can cause us to lose our minds and do things that we regret. Therefore, we should learn to manage our emotions, learn to be tolerant and tolerant, and face the challenges in life with a positive mindset.

Luo Xiang: Wine is a poison that pierces the intestines, color is a steel knife that scrapes bones, wealth is a tiger down the mountain, and qi is the root of trouble

In life, we cannot ignore these "dangerous elements" because they can become stumbling blocks in our life path. We should learn to identify them, stay away from them at the right time, and protect ourselves and those around us. In this process, we need to keep a clear head and firm beliefs, and use wisdom and courage to deal with various challenges in life.

At the same time, we must also realize that these "dangerous elements" are not invincible. As long as we face it with our hearts and overcome our weaknesses, we can gradually grow into a stronger, more confident and responsible person. So, let's work together! Bravely face all kinds of "poisons" and "banes" in life, and contribute to your own life!

To sum up, we must learn to grasp the proportions and scales in life. We need to be rational and vigilant and not allow "dangerous elements" to erode our hearts and families. At the same time, we must also believe in our own abilities and potential, and believe that we can overcome all difficulties and challenges. As long as we maintain a positive mindset and strong beliefs, we can continue to grow and improve in life!