
Dongfang Xiaosun or become the biggest winner?

author:Shuai Zhen Finance

A "small composition" changed the position of two people.

Dong Yuhui became the vice president of New Oriental Cultural Tourism Group, and Sun Dongxu stepped down from the position of CEO and executive director of Oriental Selection.

Has Sun Dongxu become the one who was finally abandoned in this farce? The internal "choice of two" that was once denied was still answered in a different way?

But in fact, Sun Dongxu, who has followed Yu Minhong for 16 years, although he was criticized for being "not mellow enough" this time, he has not become an "outcast" as defined by the outside world.

Dongfang Xiaosun or become the biggest winner?

Yu Minhong, Sun Dongxu, and Dong Yuhui have a deep bond with each other, pulling each other's fate trajectory, and now they are tied to the same giant ship.

It's just that how the three of them will be involved with each other in the future, only time knows.

Not an "outcast"

Although in this farce, Sun Dongxu was evaluated as "young, energetic, but not mellow enough", in fact, Sun Dongxu is not only a very smart person, but also Yu Minhong's closest follower.

From the point of view of time, Sun Dongxu joined Hefei New Oriental after graduating from the Department of Computer Science of Nankai University in 2007, and he stepped up from the teacher of the Foreign Examination Department of Tianjin New Oriental School to the assistant principal of Hefei New Oriental School, the principal of Xi'an New Oriental School, and the CEO of Oriental Selection.

If you only talk about his academic qualifications, in fact, he is not very outstanding in New Oriental, but with his excellent work level, he was ordered to be in danger when the New Oriental Xi'an Branch encountered difficulties, and the performance of the branch increased from zero to 20% in the first year and 40% in the second year, so his management ability was finally seen by Yu Minhong.

Dongfang Xiaosun or become the biggest winner?

The year that is really significant for Sun Dongxu is 2018. coincided with the need for New Oriental to make a major adjustment of its management, and the adjustment direction of "emphasizing literature over reason" gave Sun Dongxu a huge opportunity.

As a computer department, he is a rare technical background in the senior management of New Oriental, so he was only 34 years old at the time, and he was sent to the position of CEO of New Oriental Online by Yu Minhong.

Yu Minhong's evaluation of Sun Dongxu is "This young man dares to fight", until the "small composition" incident, Yu Minhong's opinion of Sun Dongxu has not changed, but he added an extra sentence "not tactful enough".

Yes, Sun Dongxu may not be a person with all sides, but his decisions to Yu Minhong have always been firmly implemented.

Just like when Yu Minhong decided to transform Xindong into the direction of live broadcast of agricultural products, Sun Dongxu's first feeling was to respect and admire Yu Minhong's strategic vision. Later, even if there were only single-digit viewers in the live broadcast room, this road would still go dark.

Dongfang Xiaosun or become the biggest winner?

In terms of loyalty and execution, Sun Dongxu doesn't seem to be the one who was left behind.

But at the time when the fans' anger was at their highest, he chose to have a meeting with the fans to chat, and showed some of his true emotions, which exposed the shortcomings of "not being tactful enough" in the center of public opinion, and also angered the "food and clothing parents" selected by Dongfang.

Now, no matter how much friendship Yu Minhong has for Xiao Sun, he must show his attitude to fans. What's more, although Sun Dongxu is no longer the CEO of Dongfang Selection, he is still a director of the company, but there are fewer opportunities to go to the front of the stage.

Therefore, the term "abandoned son" is a bit exaggerated.

Calm the wrath

In the eyes of many netizens, the reason why the "Little Composition" incident is so angry is not only because Dong Yuhui's contribution was ignored, but also because it pierced the hearts of the workers, and the anger of the public could not be suppressed.

But as far as Dong Yuhui, Sun Dongxu, and Yu Minhong are concerned, the three protagonists in public opinion, Yu Minhong is Sun Dongxu's Bole, and Sun Dongxu is Dong Yuhui's Bole, and the three of them work together to achieve New Oriental with the position of the old, middle, and young generations.

In the clarification live broadcast, Yu Minhong described his relationship with Dong Yuhui as "big-headed son" and "small-headed father", and also called Sun Dongxu as "little brother", and the three have a very close relationship.

Dongfang Xiaosun or become the biggest winner?

The finale we can see now is actually more like a joint effort made by the three parties in order to recover the number of fans, stock price and market value that continue to plummet, after all, no one wants the ship to sink before they get off the ship.

It's just that when the news of Sun Dongxu's ouster came out, another voice appeared again, and some people thought that Sun Dongxu was carrying the black pot for others.

Because the removal of Sun Dongxu is the fastest move to quell public anger, as the helmsman, Yu Minhong needs to show the courage of "Zhuge Liang tears and cut the horse" and make a decision that satisfies most people as soon as possible, which is enough.

As for Xiao Sun, if he really has grievances, he can make up for it in private.

What's more, Yu Minhong actually expressed his affirmation of Sun Dongxu several times in the live broadcast: In the past two years, under the leadership of Xiao Sun (former CEO of Oriental Selection Sun Dongxu), with the joint efforts of everyone, we have achieved remarkable results.

In just over a year, we have not only become the top stream in the live broadcast industry, but also established a complete supply chain, self-operated platform construction and sales have also made breakthrough development, with our own APP position, our team behind the front desk has worked closely with each other to complete the almost impossible task, this series of development can be regarded as a miracle, the leader of this miracle is Xiao Sun, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to Xiao Sun. ”

It can be seen that Yu Minhong did not criticize Sun Dongxu too harshly, but just handed over a decent statement to fans.


In the final analysis, in fact, the "small composition" incident is just a factor that intensifies contradictions, and the problems exposed by Dongfang Selection this time will appear sooner or later.

Contradictions at the top of the house, conflicts between new and old forces, and the balance between management power and corporate stars...... It's just a matter of "small composition".

On December 17, when Yu Minhong appeared at the 4th China Vocational Education Development Forum, he vaguely mentioned his thoughts: "With the development of modern society, the boss must be willing to work for employees, and the direction is the same, and it will become a partnership." Then on the same night, the Oriental Selection Officer announced that Dong Yuhui became a senior partner.

Dongfang Xiaosun or become the biggest winner?

This can be regarded as a subtle embodiment of Dongfang Selection's re-examination of its own management and business model, but it is not enough.

Just like Luo Yonghao once bluntly said: "Everyone in live broadcast e-commerce understands the value of Yuhui, only the executives of their company don't understand." In the live broadcast e-commerce industry, anchors like Dong Yuhui cannot be copied. ”

Up to now, even if the dispute is over and everyone has been repositioned, I don't know if Dongfang Selection really understands the real contradictions?

Author: Wen Jiajia



2. "Yu Minhong expresses his heartfelt thanks to Sun Dongxu: Without Xiao Sun, there would be no Oriental Selection" Jimu News

3. "The dismissal of Sun Dongxu, CEO of Oriental Selection, has sparked heated discussions, and the "Sun Dong contradiction" has been accumulated for a long time?" and

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