
Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors


Master Li has been working in the Pearl River Delta, saving money for half his life, and built a 3-story building in his hometown, and his life is getting better and better day by day.

Some time ago, he suddenly felt fatigue, lost his appetite for eating, and had symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. I thought it was enteritis, but I bought some medicine and planned to get through it.

But he didn't expect that the disease lasted for more than two months and did not improve, so Master Li hurriedly went to the hospital to register, and it turned out to be liver cancer. This news was difficult for Master Li's family to accept.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

First, Chinese account for half of the global liver cancer patients?

According to data released by WHO, the number of cases of liver cancer in the mainland accounts for 45.3% of the world's deaths, and the number of deaths accounts for 47.1%, and nearly half of the liver cancer cases are in the mainland.

The culprits behind the high incidence of liver cancer in mainland China are mainly hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection, of which about 50~80% of liver cancer infections are caused by persistent hepatitis B virus infection, and 25% are related to persistent hepatitis C virus infection.

Wang Jing, deputy director of the Department of Internal Medicine and director of the Department of Hepatobiliary Diseases, Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Southwest Medical University, reminded that patients with fatty liver disease or hepatitis B virus infection need to manage their condition for a long time to avoid the continuous deterioration of the course of the disease and the evolution of liver cancer.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

Zheng Sujun, deputy director of the Center for Difficult Liver Diseases and Artificial Liver of Beijing You'an Hospital, said that there are only three steps to develop from hepatitis to liver cancer: hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

1. Hepatitis

If you are infected with the hepatitis B virus, the virus will continue to multiply in the body, and the immune system is prone to immune damage and liver cell destruction in order to eliminate these viruses, and then form hepatitis.

2. Hepatic sclerosis

The persistence of liver inflammation will cause continuous damage to the liver, and the only way to repair the scar after the liver is damaged will be to the liver, and the liver will have a certain degree of liver fibrosis. Without timely intervention, fibrosis will continue to develop, leading to the liver becoming less elastic and developing into cirrhosis.

3. Liver cancer

Patients with liver cirrhosis often suffer from obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and endocrine disorders, and the immune system is dysfunctional and the internal environment is disordered, which will cause the immune system to be unable to monitor tumor cells normally, and some malignant liver cells cannot be removed in time, which can easily evolve into cancer.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

Second, when people with bad liver go to the toilet, they may have these 3 abnormalities

In the early stage, the symptoms of liver damage are mostly not obvious, and when the symptoms are obvious, they have developed for a long time, so we need to pay more attention. When there are 3 abnormalities in the toilet, you need to pay attention.

1. The color of the urine is dark yellow

The human body breaks down old cells in the body every day, and in the process bilirubin is produced, which is normally eliminated by the liver. However, people with abnormal liver function are unable to process the bilirubin in the body in time, and these bilirubin will flow to the whole body with blood circulation, which is manifested as yellow staining of the skin and darkening of the urine.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

2. Diarrhea and increased frequency of stool

Abnormal liver function will lead to a decrease in bile secretion, resulting in the inability to digest and absorb fats, vitamins and other components in food in time, and then gastrointestinal dysfunction, digestive abnormalities, manifested as diarrhea, increased frequency of bowel movements, etc.

3. Nausea, blood in the stool

Abnormal liver function will prevent the blood in the body from flowing back into the liver normally, and patients with severe symptoms will have vomiting blood and blood in the stool.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

3. Removing 3 kinds of food from the table as soon as possible is really hurtful to the liver

The liver is an important detoxification organ in the body, and while it is powerful, it is also fragile. These 3 foods will have a greater impact on liver health, so it is recommended to remove them from the table as soon as possible.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol is classified by WHO as a Group 1 carcinogen, i.e. substances that are known to increase the risk of cancer in humans. After entering the body, it needs to be metabolized by the liver, and a large number of carcinogens will be produced in this process, which will have a great impact on liver health.

Wang Bingyuan, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, said that drinking too much alcohol, and every extra drink is a step closer to liver cancer.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

2. High-fat, high-sugar foods

In addition to the liver can decompose alcohol, it is also involved in the normal digestion and absorption of the human body, such as protein, fat and other nutrients need to be metabolized and decomposed by the liver. When excessive intake of fat and sugar, it will lead to excessive burden on the liver, which can easily induce liver damage and cause fatty liver.

3. Moldy food

Aflatoxin, a highly toxic and carcinogenic substance classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by WHO, is likely to be found in moldy foods, and long-term exposure can significantly increase the risk of cancer in the body.

Lu Yinying, chief physician of the Fifth Medical Center of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, reminded that it is necessary to avoid eating moldy food every day, and once the food is found to be moldy, it should be discarded in time, and do not continue to eat after removing the moldy parts, and some parts that are not visible to the naked eye may also be contaminated.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

Fourth, what should I do if hepatitis is detected? 4 methods or radical cure.

Sun Gang, deputy chief physician of the Liver Disease Clinic of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that the evolution from hepatitis to liver cancer is a slow process, and it takes 10~20 years in the middle, and 40~50 years old is the high incidence of liver cancer. As long as timely examination and intervention are carried out, the evolution of liver cancer can be prevented to a large extent.

Don't be too alarmed if hepatitis is detected. Yao Xin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Hepatology of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that doing four things well can help regain health.

1. Find out what type of liver disease you have

The causes of liver disease include drugs, alcohol, viral infections and fatty liver, etc., and targeted interventions should be carried out after identifying the causes.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

2. Stick to treatment

After suffering from liver disease, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions for active treatment, and do not take the condition lightly because there is no obvious discomfort in the body, and it is likely to be too late to intervene when the symptoms really appear.

3. Rational food

After suffering from liver disease, it is necessary to maintain a regular eating pattern, try to make light food choices, and avoid consuming a lot of high-fat, high-calorie, and high-sugar foods.

4. Rational 药

For patients who need medication, they must cooperate with the doctor to take the medicine regularly and quantitatively, and it is not recommended to buy drugs or increase or decrease the dosage by themselves, so as not to bring some bad effects to the body.

Nearly half of the world's liver cancer is in China, and it has been repeatedly reminded that the 3 foods at home should be removed from the table as soon as possible

Although the liver is so "silent" that many times we ignore how it feels, its importance to us cannot be overstated. If hepatitis occurs, treat it as soon as possible to prevent it from getting rid of liver cancer.


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[2] "5 super carcinogens, often hidden in these places around you, to avoid cancer from entering the mouth!", Health Times 2023-07-08

[3] "National Love Liver Day". Hepatitis to liver cancer only takes "three steps", take care of "careful liver" and remember the three-character classic".Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine 2022-03-18

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