
Playing mahjong, putting two coins on the soles of your feet, why can you make the luck of the cards better and better?

author:Hot mom loves to play mahjong

92-year-old Gu Tai analyzed that playing mahjong is a kind of entertainment that Chinese like, which can not only exercise thinking, but also increase social circles. A 92-year-old old lady once gave an analysis of why putting two coins on the soles of your feet while playing mahjong can make your luck better and better.

Playing mahjong, putting two coins on the soles of your feet, why can you make the luck of the cards better and better?

First of all, the old lady pointed out that placing two coins on the soles of the feet can provide a psychological suggestion. When playing mahjong, we often encounter unpleasant situations, such as the opponent's cards are better, our own bad luck and so on. At this time, it is easy to fall into a negative thinking pattern and become more and more depressed. However, the friction of a coin not only stimulates the nerve endings on the soles of the feet, but also distracts us from negative emotions and realigns our mindset. The effect of this psychological suggestion can make us more optimistic and positive about the victory or defeat of mahjong.

Playing mahjong, putting two coins on the soles of your feet, why can you make the luck of the cards better and better?

Secondly, Gu Tai believes that putting two coins on the soles of the feet can improve blood circulation. As we age, poor blood circulation often becomes one of the troubles of the elderly. By placing coins on the soles of the feet, you can increase the micro-stimulation and negative pressure of the feet, promote blood circulation in the feet, and thus help improve blood circulation throughout the body. Good blood circulation can improve the body's oxygen supply and metabolism levels, which in turn increases our physical strength and concentration when playing mahjong, improves reaction speed, and better grasps the game, so the placement of coins on the soles of our feet can make our cards better and better.

Finally, the old lady emphasized that there is a certain transcendent effect of putting two coins on the soles of his feet when playing mahjong. She believes that coins, as physical objects, have a certain amount of energy and information. Through contact with the soles of our feet, this energy and information can be transmitted into our bodies, enhancing our sensitivity and intuition. In mahjong, the game changes are complex, and sometimes we need to rely on our sixth sense to make decisions. The placement of coins on the soles of the feet can activate the potential energy in our body, improve our perception, and make us more keenly aware of the changes in the game, so the transcendent effect of the coin on the soles of the feet can make our luck better and better.

Playing mahjong, putting two coins on the soles of your feet, why can you make the luck of the cards better and better?

To sum up, playing mahjong with two coins on the soles of the feet can make the cards better and better, mainly because it has the effect of psychological suggestion, can adjust the mentality, can improve blood circulation, improve the state of the body, and also has a certain transcendent effect, enhance our perception ability. The 92-year-old has revealed this ancient secret to us, and her experience has provided some useful inspiration for mahjong enthusiasts. While enjoying the fun of mahjong, maybe we can also try this simple and magical method to make our hand luck better and better.

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