
Life Tips(96)

author:Rural people are in the headlines

Ice cooling: Wrapping items that need to be cooled with ice, such as metal objects or drinks, can effectively reduce their temperature.

Life Tips(96)

Lemon Cleaning: Slicing or squeezing lemon juice from lemons for cleaning kitchen utensils, utensils, etc., can remove oil stains and odors.

Life Tips(96)

Apple cider vinegar deodorization: Spraying apple cider vinegar on shoes, trash cans, and other items that are prone to odors can effectively remove odors.

Life Tips(96)

Dehumidification of coffee grounds: Putting coffee grounds in a cloth bag and then placing them in places that need to be dehumidified, such as wardrobes, drawers, etc., can effectively absorb moisture.

Life Tips(96)

Banana peel wiping: Wipe the skin with a banana peel, which can play a role in moisturizing the skin.

Life Tips(96)

Olive oil rust prevention: Applying some olive oil to metal objects can effectively prevent the metal from rusting.

Life Tips(96)

Toothpaste cleaning: Apply toothpaste to the items that need to be cleaned and gently wipe with a damp towel to remove stains and oil stains.

Life Tips(96)

Salt Removal: Sprinkle salt on the stain and gently wipe it with a damp towel to remove the stain and oil.

Life Tips(96)

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