
Long Tweet: Why did Wang Feng (@wangfeng_0128) support the NFT? and publicly announced that this is the third BTC Ordinals he holds?



The #MNCHRMS是什么 that was swept away and smoked today?

Why is the supply 10,101 in black and white?

Feng Wang @wangfeng_0128 Why did he support the NFT and publicly announced that this was his 3rd BTC Ordinals?

Long Tweet: Why did Wang Feng (@wangfeng_0128) support the NFT? and publicly announced that this is the third BTC Ordinals he holds?

Basic Information:

Official recommendation: @MNCHRMSBTC

Current Floor Price: 0.01245 BTC ($511.7)

24h trading volume: 1.7397 BTC

Total trading volume: 20.5229 BTC

Number of holders: 2.24K

Features: BTC native NFT

Long Tweet: Why did Wang Feng (@wangfeng_0128) support the NFT? and publicly announced that this is the third BTC Ordinals he holds?

Basic Introduction:

MNCHRMS, the English word pronounced "Monochromes", means monochrome, which means that the entire collection is only black and white.

Liangse, is a collection of 10,101 PFPs on the Bitcoin chain.

10101 has the binary nature of computer code, which is also a nod to Bitcoin, because Bitcoin's transactions and data storage are carried out in binary form.

In this way, the artist wants to visualize the beauty of Bitcoin transactions by incorporating boldness, timelessness and simplicity, and the strong chiaroscuro in the black and white photographs is a metaphor for the concept of Bitcoin subverting traditional finance.


BTC native NFT: A collection of PFPs created on the most classic blockchain, BTC, with a certain macro narrative and native meaning, and can even be directly compared to the embodiment of BTC.

Pure art style: classic black and white, simple, clean and pure, suitable for minimalists.

There are only two colors: black and white, in hexadecimal code as follows: black: #000000 white: #FFFFFF

The creators opted for a classic art style that uses only black and white, with a plethora of traits to emphasize the simplicity of complexity, the beauty of monochrome, and the timelessness of Bitcoin.

Long Tweet: Why did Wang Feng (@wangfeng_0128) support the NFT? and publicly announced that this is the third BTC Ordinals he holds?

Who is the team behind MNCHRMS?

Beyond Rockets

@beyond_rockets: Beyond Rockets is an urban NFT ecosystem launched on the Cardano blockchain on June 12, 2021, including a metaverse with funds, games, communities, physical objects, etc.

The vision is to build a lasting Web 3.0 brand and build a free utopia that connects small picture collectors around the world.

I saw this project in the group in May, I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, I didn't expect it to explode today, half a year, the project party has been insisting on building, and finally waited until it was discovered, and there will really be a miracle in doing things all the time!

So the question is, did you make a move, or did you choose to stay on the sidelines?