
A total of "nine days to the moon", science fiction writers in the early morning flowers are all talking

author:Nine factions view the world

[Source: New Flower City_Guangzhou]

In order to promote the development of popular science knowledge among young people, create a positive scientific atmosphere, and cultivate the fragrance of books. On December 16th, Guangzhou Huadu District Library invited the directors of the China Science Writers Association, experts from the China Science Fiction Research Center, and popular science and science fiction writers who have won the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award and the Nebula Award many times, to the library's "Man Tingfang" lecture hall in the early morning to carry out a series of "Writers Face to Face" series of activities of the Huatu School: "Leaving the Earth - A Science Fiction Journey to the Moon and Mars", and hundreds of readers participated in the activities.

A total of "nine days to the moon", science fiction writers in the early morning flowers are all talking

The lecture began with "What are the three astronauts stationed at the Tiangong space station doing?", detailing the work plan and expansion plan of the Tiangong space station in 2024, focusing on the Tiangong space station will prepare for the future manned lunar and even the construction of a lunar base, China's manned lunar landing plan, and the lunar base will provide logistics support for Mars exploration and manned landing on Mars.

A total of "nine days to the moon", science fiction writers in the early morning flowers are all talking

Ling Chen said that humans will achieve a landing on Mars in 2033. The landing on Mars is an important milestone in human exploration of the universe and a dream of mankind, which is of great help to human progress. After China launches a manned mission to Mars in 2033, mankind will take the first step towards deep space exploration, which will also bring many scientific, technological and social advances.

A total of "nine days to the moon", science fiction writers in the early morning flowers are all talking

At the end of the lecture, the young audience actively interacted with the young audience and exchanged questions about spaceflight, the moon and Mars with the early morning, and the atmosphere was warm. Readers said that they had increased a lot of aerospace knowledge in this lecture, and they also felt the vigorous development of China's aerospace industry, which stimulated their interest and love for China's aerospace industry.

Text/Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Reporter: Dong Yeheng, Geng Xujing Correspondent Wu Weiwei

Photo/Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Reporter: Dong Yeheng, Geng Xujing Correspondent Zhang Zhaojun

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Shi Xiufu

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