
Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

author:Messenger of Hakata

An Lingrong, when he first entered the palace, had a humble status, but because of his gentleness and loveliness, he gradually won the favor of the emperor. In this complex harem, the person she trusts the most is Baojuan, the personal maid next to her.

Baojuan seems to be loyal, but in fact, she is secretly used by the queen, and she knows every step of An Lingrong's actions well.

"Baojuan, you've worked hard these days. An Lingrong said to Baojuan, her eyes full of trust.

Baojuan bowed her head, "Niangniang praised it, the slave maid just did her duty." ”

But behind An Lingrong, Baojuan told the queen about her every move. When An Lingrong was questioned by the emperor because of Concubine Hua's matter, Baojuan added fuel and vinegar behind the scenes, making An Lingrong's situation more and more difficult.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

One day, Baojuan deliberately revealed to An Lingrong that the queen had a good impression of her, suggesting that if she could take refuge in the queen, she would definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in the palace. An Lingrong hesitated at first, but finally moved.

"Baojuan, you're right, if I can win the favor of the queen, I will definitely be more stable in this harem. An Lingrong said worriedly.

Seeing this, Baojuan was secretly proud, her plan was gradually succeeding.

However, Baojuan's betrayal is not without a trace. Zhen Huan gradually noticed Baojuan's abnormality and began to observe secretly. Once, Zhen Huan overheard Baojuan secretly talking with a queen's palace maid, and was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

"Baojuan turned out to be the queen's eyeliner!" Zhen Huan whispered to herself, she decided to tell An Lingrong the truth.

When Zhen Huan told An Lingrong all this, An Lingrong was shocked, she never thought that Baojuan, who had always trusted her the most, was her biggest enemy.

"How could I be so blind!" An Lingrong burst into tears, she finally understood why she had failed repeatedly, it turned out that everything was caused by Baojuan's betrayal.

But it was too late, the queen had already completely mastered her weakness and cornered her. An Lingrong's tragedy is not only her own sorrow, but also a victim of this cruel game in the palace.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

betrayed his master An Lingrong:

Baojuan, as An Lingrong's personal maid, was originally An Lingrong's closest and most trusted person.

However, behind the gorgeous court, she secretly colluded with the queen and betrayed her master. This betrayal is not only a personal betrayal of An Lingrong, but also a great blasphemy of the master-servant relationship.

Baojuan told An Lingrong's secrets, plans, and even daily whereabouts to the empress, making An Lingrong's position in front of the emperor and in the harem precarious. Her betrayal directly caused An Lingrong to be at a disadvantage in the struggle with other concubines, and even put her life in danger at some point.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

Become the Queen's Spy:

Another important role of Baojuan in the harem is the queen's secret eyeliner.

Her existence is actually an invisible hand planted by the queen next to An Lingrong to monitor and control An Lingrong's every move.

Baojuan took advantage of the opportunity of serving An Lingrong personally to report An Lingrong's private affairs, weaknesses and even heart matters to the queen, so that the queen could suppress and exclude An Lingrong more accurately.

In the complex power structure of the court, Baojuan became the queen's key pawn in controlling An Lingrong, and her actions greatly disrupted the balance of the harem and intensified the intrigue and intrigue of the harem.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

Deliberately misleading An Lingrong:

Baojuan not only reported to the queen behind her back, she also actively misled An Lingrong at the front desk.

She often deliberately provided false information and advice, making An Lingrong's decision-making and actions in the court more passive and wrong. For example, she may deliberately exaggerate the hostility of a certain concubine towards An Lingrong, or deliberately conceal the true intentions of other concubines, so that An Lingrong will be in the struggle of the court.

This deliberate misdirection not only put An Lingrong at a disadvantage in the struggle, but also caused her to gradually lose her accurate judgment of the palace situation, so that she made wrong choices at many critical moments.

This kind of strategic misdirection deepened An Lingrong's predicament and gradually marginalized her position in the harem.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

Involvement in Intrigue and Intrigues:

Baojuan not only acted as the queen's spy, but also actively participated in the queen's various intrigues and tricks in the harem. She often spreads rumors about other concubines, sowing discord and creating misunderstandings and conflicts.

For example, she may create a gap between An Lingrong and other concubines, and make An Lingrong distrust other concubines by exaggerating or fabricating facts. These actions of Baojuan not only destroyed the harmony of the harem, but also greatly increased the tension in the court.

Her actions are like sowing the seeds of discord in the harem, causing estrangement and suspicion between the concubines who could have coexisted peacefully, and intensifying the struggle in the harem.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

Disclosure of important secrets:

As An Lingrong's personal maid, Baojuan has mastered a lot of private affairs and plans about An Lingrong. This information is extremely important to An Lingrong, involving her survival strategies and confrontation methods in the harem.

However, Baojuan leaked these important information to the empress, directly endangering An Lingrong's safety and status. This behavior not only disrupted the order of the harem, but also put An Lingrong at a great disadvantage in the struggle with the queen.

Baojuan's behavior is actually a subversion of the rules of the harem, and her betrayal makes the power struggle in the harem more intense and complicated.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

Destroying trust between master and servant:

In ancient harems, trust between master and servant was the cornerstone of maintaining order and tranquility. As a maid, Baojuan was supposed to be loyal to her master and keep secrets, but her betrayal completely undermined this trust.

An Lingrong originally trusted Baojuan completely and regarded her as one of the closest people, but Baojuan's betrayal caused deep psychological damage to An Lingrong. An Lingrong not only lost a reliable assistant, but also felt extremely lonely and helpless.

In such an environment full of calculations and betrayals as the harem, losing the trust of those closest to him was undoubtedly a fatal blow to An Lingrong.

Baojuan's betrayal not only affected An Lingrong's strategy and safety, but also deeply hurt her heart, making her life in the harem even more difficult and lonely.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

Affect other concubines in the harem:

Baojuan's behavior not only profoundly affected An Lingrong, but its ripple effect also affected the other concubines in the harem. As the queen's spy, Baojuan spread rumors and sow discord in the harem, which not only dealt a blow to An Lingrong, but also caused the other concubines to fall into an atmosphere of mutual distrust.

For example, she may deliberately spread unfavorable news about An Lingrong among other concubines, causing other concubines to misunderstand and be hostile to An Lingrong, thus exacerbating suspicion and conflict in the harem.

This chain reaction made the atmosphere of the harem even more tense and unstable, and the concubines spent a lot of energy and resources in mutual suspicion and defense, affecting their judgment and actions.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

led to An Lingrong's tragic ending:

Baojuan's betrayal was a key factor in An Lingrong's tragic end. An Lingrong originally had a good position in the harem, but Baojuan's betrayal caused her to lose her valuable trust and support, and she fell into a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Baojuan not only provided the empress with information about An Lingrong, but also deliberately gave wrong advice and guidance at critical moments, causing An Lingrong to repeatedly lose in the struggle with the empress and other concubines.

In addition, Baojuan also created a gap between An Lingrong and the emperor, which exacerbated An Lingrong's negative image in the emperor's mind, which led to An Lingrong's fall from favor.

Unexpectedly, Baojuan has always been a spy, and the 8 crimes are inescapable, no wonder An Lingrong will lose so badly

In the end, because of Baojuan's continuous betrayal and manipulation, An Lingrong not only lost the emperor's favor, but also fell into a life crisis and came to a tragic end.

Baojuan's guilt is not only a personal betrayal, but also a destruction of the overall order of the harem. Her behavior affected every corner of the harem, not only intensifying the intrigue in the harem, but also directly leading to An Lingrong's tragic ending.

Through the portrayal of the character of Baojuan, the audience can deeply feel the complexity of power play and human struggle in the harem, as well as the fragility and helplessness of personal fate in this struggle.