
Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

author:Multi-fish is a cat 66
Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

Oriental selection of high-level changes

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

Dong Yuhui was promoted to become a senior partner of Oriental Selection

Some things, seemingly calm, hide the turmoil. At this seemingly ordinary point in time, the "serial drama" of Dongfang Selection announced a final chapter. On December 18, a lightning drama of high-level changes kicked off.

In this big drama, some people are promoted, some people step down, and the whole company seems to have a new look overnight.

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

What is the background story of Dong Yuhui, a once unknown star, and his promotion? Maybe is it his long-term performance? Or is it some kind of internal tacit understanding? Let's analyze the growth trajectory of this character and his impact on the future of the company.

The announcement announced that Sun Dongxu was relieved of his position as chief executive officer

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

The dismissal of Sun Dongxu is not just a simple change of power. The cracks, the causes, and the direction of the company as a result of this decision deserve a closer look. Is it a change in management, or a change in corporate strategy? We'll find out.

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong's live broadcast announcement

The announcement previews the live broadcast of Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong

A live announcement is like a trailer for a movie, always outlining the general outline of the story. What is unique about this trailer, and what does the collaboration between Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong really mean?

Dong Yuhui's status was upgraded to "Oriental Selection Senior Partner"

The position of a senior partner is not an easy height. Does Dong's promotion mean a change for the company's future, or is it a strategic chess game?

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

Announcement of changes in the top management of Oriental Selection

Sun Dongxu was relieved of his duties

What does the dismissal of the CEO mean for the company, how will the company's management be affected, and will this decision be able to calm the public opinion?

Explanation and reason

Is there a deeper story behind the reasons for Sun Dongxu's change of position and the impact on the company?

Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong's live broadcast response

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

The return of fans after the live broadcast

After the live broadcast, fans seemed to be waiting for some kind of answer. Does their return mean that the turmoil in the company has gradually subsided?

An overview of the live content

During the live broadcast, how did Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui respond to important questions? How did they deal with the "small essay" incident and the issue of salary? Is the interpretation of Sun Dongxu's resignation consistent with the outside world's opinion?

Dongfang Selection, this "serial", announced a final chapter, Dong Yuhui, promoted!

Outlook on the impact of management changes on the future of the company

Yu Minhong's role and influence

As the new CEO and Chairman of the Board, how will Yu's dual role shape the future of the company, and how will his leadership style change the company?

The Board's view on the management changes

How does the Board of Directors evaluate the new roles of Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui in the Company, and what are their expectations and prospects for the future development of the Company?

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