
It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!

author:A Wang Tsai NNHe

Message from the article:

Hey guys, I'm the hero of this post. Today, I would like to share with you a story that takes place in the world of e-commerce. It was a decision about Taobao to cancel the "Double 12" promotion, which attracted the attention of consumers and merchants. The story touches on changes in consumer demand, considerations for merchants' interests, ideas for new ways of promotion, and how consumers and merchants react. Let's uncover this fascinating story and see what lies behind it.


Event Content:

On that day, when Taobao announced the cancellation of the upcoming "Double 12" promotion, the entire e-commerce world was in an uproar.

It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!

Consumers who had been waiting for it expressed shock, and many merchants also expressed various emotions.

The cancellation was not a surprise, but a dramatic shift in consumer demand. The once-hot "Double 12" large-scale promotion has gradually lost its former charm. Consumers are beginning to pay more attention to the quality and cost-effectiveness of goods, rather than just the temptation of price. This puts a lot of pressure on merchants because they need to prepare a lot of resources in advance, and some small merchants may not be able to handle this huge sales pressure.

However, Taobao's cancellation decision has brought a glimmer of hope to merchants.

It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!

They see the potential for a healthier, more sustainable e-commerce environment. Taobao announced that it will devote more energy to daily promotions, such as "618" and "88 Members' Day", while improving the shopping experience by optimizing search algorithms and improving logistics efficiency. This new approach to promotions offers a more balanced and sustainable future.

Of course, consumers have expressed their understanding and support for this decision. They want to see more innovative and useful promotions, not just discounted prices. Most merchants understand and support this decision, and they are more focused on the long-term development of their stores rather than short-term sales performance.

It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!

However, there are always some merchants who are concerned about this. They are worried that the loss of "Double 12" may affect sales performance, and expect more support from Taobao. This has also led to a reflection on how to balance the interests of merchants and consumers.


Social Care:

As soon as this news came out, it set off a heated discussion in society. Some said it was the right decision to move the e-commerce industry in a healthier direction. They believe that the past promotion methods of "Double 12" no longer meet the current market demand, and paying more attention to product quality and shopping experience is the right direction.

It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!

However, there are also some who have reservations about this decision. They believe that "Double 12", as a traditional promotional activity, has established a deep impression in the minds of consumers, and the cancellation may lead to a certain impact on the sales of some merchants. These people proposed that e-commerce platforms should better balance the interests of merchants and consumers, and find a way to stimulate purchase enthusiasm and protect the rights and interests of merchants.



Through Taobao's cancellation of the "Double 12" incident, we have seen a huge change in the e-commerce industry.

It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!

Changing consumer needs have led to changes in promotional methods, and merchants are seeing more sustainable prospects as a result. Although the cancellation caused some controversy, most people expressed their understanding and support.

In the future, we can expect more innovative and practical promotional methods, focusing more on product quality and shopping experience. The e-commerce industry will move in a more balanced and healthy direction, which will also make our shopping experience more enjoyable and sustainable. In the face of change, let us believe that merchants and consumers will be able to find better solutions together to meet a better future for the e-commerce industry.

It's too sudden! Taobao announced: cancel the "Double Twelve", and people familiar with the matter revealed the inside story!