
Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

author:Look at my play history
Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

Text丨Look at my play history

Editor丨Look at my play history


Rape is a serious crime against the will and physical and mental health of another person, and it has attracted much attention and condemnation in today's society.

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

Some people have questioned that it seems that there were few rapes in ancient times, and some even thought that the ancients were particularly decent.

Is this view correct? Was it true that rape was rare in ancient times? This article will explore this issue from multiple perspectives, and let's take a look at the reasons behind the low incidence of rape in ancient times.

The reason for the low number of rape cases in ancient times

The influence of social morality

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

Ancient societies were relatively conservative in their moral values, and people had special views on marriage and sex. Marriage is seen as a marriage between families, and sex is more of a fertility significance.

Under such a value orientation, people have a more solemn and serious attitude towards sex, and the use of violence to commit sexual assault will be subject to more severe moral condemnation, which has a certain deterrent effect to a certain extent.

Family regulation and self-discipline

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

Ancient society was based on the family, and the supervision and self-discipline of the family was also very strong. Under such a social structure, people's words and deeds are often closely watched by family members, and once someone does something immoral, it will not only bring shame to themselves, but also discredit the entire family, so family members often urge each other, forming a potential social supervision mechanism.

Deterrence of criminal law

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

In ancient times, criminal law had severe penalties for criminal acts, and once someone violated the relevant laws and regulations, they would be severely punished, and even face extremely disastrous consequences.

In such a legal environment, many people will stay away from violating the law, which has a certain deterrent effect on some potential criminal behaviors, and relatively speaking, the probability of crime will be reduced accordingly.

Evidence of rape did exist in ancient times

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

Although the above situation did exist in ancient society, resulting in a relatively low probability of rape, it does not mean that such crimes did not exist in ancient times. In fact, through archaeological and documentary records, we can also find some evidence of rape cases in ancient times.

Ancient literary works often vividly depict the social outlook and humanistic care of the time, and the plots in the works of some famous artists often reflect some social phenomena and problems at that time.

For example, Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", as well as the white bone spirit and spider spirit in "Journey to the West", etc., the images and encounters of these characters are actually obscure revelations of some negative phenomena in ancient society, and also include thinking and counterattacking the issue of sexual assault and rape.

How to put morality and crime in antiquity into perspective

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

We need to realize that history exists objectively, and that there are also various phenomena and problems in ancient society, and we cannot affirm or deny them in generalization for some specific reasons.

Although the moral concept of ancient society is relatively conservative, we can also draw strength from some of the righteous and courageous acts of the ancients, such as Yue Fei in "The Story of Yueyang Tower", Zhuge Liang in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", etc., they have brought positive changes to society through their own efforts and wisdom, and also set an example for us to treat crime correctly and bravely uphold justice.

Through the understanding of ancient times, we can also carry out certain reflections on contemporary society, such as how to further enhance the moral concept of society, how to establish a more perfect legal system and judicial mechanism, so as to better prevent and combat the occurrence of various criminal acts, and at the same time, it is also necessary to carry out relevant legal education for the masses to enhance everyone's awareness and courage in the face of crime.

Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?

In ancient societies, there were indeed certain historical reasons and social constraints, which led to the relatively small number of some criminal phenomena, but the moral and criminal problems themselves did not disappear because of this, but we need to better understand and solve these problems through historical reflection and contemporary efforts, and work together to build a more harmonious and just society.

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Why were rape cases rare in ancient times? Could it be that the ancients were particularly upright?