
In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

author:The Secret History of Fukan
In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation
In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

The source in this article comes from Fuping Inspection, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Text: The Secret History of Fusu

Editor/The Secret History of Fusu

In 2017, a young woman became known as "Cement Shih Tzu" because of a video of her carrying cement at a construction site and receiving a meager pay. [Rose]

Her beauty and hard-working image have won the attention and support of a large number of fans and made her a well-known Internet celebrity.

As time passed, things went in a strange direction, and people found that this so-called "cement Xi Shi" was actually not what people saw, but a character that was painstakingly created by someone to package it.

So how does this once high-profile influencer spend his days now?


The collapsed house of the anchor in Liangshan

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

A woman named "Zhao Ling'er" claimed on the Internet that she lived in a poor mountainous area and had to carry tons of wood every day to make ends meet, which attracted widespread attention.

But soon after, news came that the so-called hard life of "Zhao Linger" was completely fabricated by her, just to attract more people's attention and sell products.

Immediately afterwards, another man named Qu Bu became an instant hit on the Internet, he won the love of the majority of female netizens with his simple image and miserable experience, and later with the "inadvertent" intrusion of "Zhao Linger", the atmosphere between the two became more and more ambiguous, and many people left messages, hoping to meet such a perfect partner in real life.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

But as more information began to emerge, people were surprised to find that all of this was an elaborate hoax.

In fact, the so-called difficult life in the mouth of "Zhao Ling'er" is just a scene, according to the investigation, the inside of the wood she carries is hollow, making it look even heavier, and her series of encounters are also pre-set scripts, not real experiences.

Similarly, Qubu's story is full of exaggerations, and it is reported that his family environment on the Internet is far from the standard of living in reality.

Moreover, he and Zhao Linger are just employees hired by the company, and everything is arranged to convince the audience that they have a touching love story in real life.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

Behind this fake love show is actually a fraud, some organizations called "posing" and "marketing accounts" will prepare a script in advance and then hire actors to play the role according to the script in order to deceive the public of trust and money.

Against this backdrop, we need to be vigilant to avoid being deceived, regardless of whether we are rich or poor.

In this case, although those involved have been held accountable and punished, this has not changed the chaos in the industry, and we urgently call on the government to strengthen the crackdown on this type of fraud, and at the same time popularize anti-fraud knowledge, enhance the public's awareness of self-protection, and no longer be easily deceived.
In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

Whether online or offline, the principle of integrity should be our creed. We should not do anything that violates the law and discipline and violates social morality, and only when everyone can do their part can we jointly build a fair and just social environment.

After the incident was exposed, it sparked widespread heated discussions from all walks of life, and netizens said that similar incidents should be paid enough attention to avoid more innocent people being deceived.

At the same time, we should also realize that no matter what kind of situation we are in, we should uphold an honest and cautious attitude, rationally face all kinds of temptations in the online world, and jointly maintain a clean cyberspace, which reminds us of the cement girl who exploded in 2017.


Cement Shih Tzu burst into flames

There was a young woman named Zhang Fangfang, who did not come from a wealthy family, but came from that vast field and quiet village, where she had memories of her childhood playfulness.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

Zhang Fangfang is an ordinary rural girl, but with her perseverance and unremitting efforts, she has written an extraordinary life.

Zhang Fangfang, who used to work as an electrician's assistant in a factory, was unfortunately one of the layoffs due to the fluctuations of the market economy and the difficulties of the company's operation.

After losing her job, she had to leave her hometown in order to make ends meet, and went south to find new opportunities, where she met the love of her life, her husband Yu Bingquan.

Yu Bingquan is a welder, he is skilled, simple and kind, their encounter is like the arrangement of fate, two young hearts in a foreign land gradually closer, and finally fall in love.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

After getting married, they came to the big city in the south together and began a common hard life, although the life is not rich, but it is also stable and harmonious.

But the good times didn't last long, and in a daily work, because of an accidental welding spark sputtering, Yu Bingquan's eyes were seriously injured.

After emergency treatment, although he saved his eyesight, he left the sequelae of dizziness, which made him no longer able to withstand the high-intensity welding work, and the burden of life suddenly pressed on Zhang Fangfang's shoulders, and the couple could only reluctantly return to the arms of their hometown.

With the advent of the Internet age, live streaming and video creation have gradually become an emerging career choice, and Zhang Fangfang is keenly aware of this, and she decided to use the online platform to share her life experience and skills, hoping to get some financial help in this way.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

At first, her video didn't attract much attention, and only a few people silently supported her. However, Zhang Fangfang was not discouraged, she firmly believes that as long as she persists, there will always be people who will see her hard work and dedication.

As time passed, more and more people were touched by Zhang Fangfang's perseverance, Zhang Fangfang claimed that her husband had cancer, and she wanted to work to earn money to treat her husband's illness, and they were attracted by her serious attitude towards life and work, and were infected by her optimistic attitude.

All of this stems from Zhang Fangfang's authenticity and professionalism, each of her videos is the most real portrayal of her life, a record of her hard work, and it is this truth that makes her stand out among many Internet celebrities and win the love and respect of the audience.

This is the character that Zhang Fangfang worked hard to create!


Netizens found clues

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

Zhang Fangfang has gained a lot of attention and fans because he has uploaded many short videos of his hard work to move cement on the Internet, and is even known as "cement Shih".

However, as more and more netizens questioned her identity, Zhang Fangfang's character began to collapse.

The initial problem began with the sheer amount of work she described during the livestream, where Zhang claimed that she had to move nearly 100 tons of cement a day, an unbelievable task.

Although some netizens felt distressed, some people questioned it, pointing out that such a workload could not be completed even without eating or drinking.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

Later, more questions emerged - how could Zhang Fangfang find time to put on makeup, change clothes and broadcast live in addition to her busy work, and why did she look so clean and beautiful in front of the camera?

In the face of these doubts, Zhang Fangfang chose to fight back, not only did she flatly deny any deception, but also threatened to sue those who defame her, and she also revealed that her father and other family members were also helping to carry cement, but did she tell the truth?

At this point, an authoritative news organization stepped in, and on November 26, 2018, Xinhua News Agency published a commentary denouncing Zhang Fangfang for fabricating false stories to gain public sympathy and donations, with the sole purpose of obtaining personal gain.

With the blessing of public opinion, Zhang Fangfang had to admit that the previous cement move was not a real experience, but wanted to stimulate the audience's emotional resonance, and at the same time, she also defended that no one was forced to buy her own goods or donate.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

But the remarks left the public deeply unhappy, because she once portrayed herself as a suffering person who won their trust and support.

Zhang Fangfang's attempt to exploit the kindness of others for his own personal gain led to a breakdown of trust in the entire online community, neither money nor fame can change the essence of a person, only honesty is the key to establishing real interpersonal relationships.

Anyone should cherish this hard-earned trust and not abuse it to achieve their desires.


The end was miserable

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

After that, the woman's surname Zhang Fangfang received more and more doubts and negative comments from the outside world, because her true face gradually surfaced - her husband who actually did not have cancer, let alone a life under pressure due to illness and hardship.

Zhang Fangfang once gained a large number of fans for manual labor such as carrying cement and was called "cement girl" by netizens, it is rumored that she faced financial difficulties and debt problems at that time, but after launching crowdfunding online, she received support and donations from countless fans.

In order to defraud the money, she made up the lie that her husband had cancer and needed treatment, but in fact, her husband Yu Bingquan was only injured in an electric welding operation and did not suffer from cancer.

The public has been unaware of her long-standing suspicions of serious fraud, such as spreading rumors that she is terminally ill and in need of expensive medical treatment, fabricating scenes of difficult life, and exaggerating herself.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

When these problems were made public, the attention of the media and netizens to Zhang Fangfang instantly dropped to the freezing point, not only was it exposed that she was involved in improper financing activities to defraud others of money, spread rumors to mislead readers and the direction of social public opinion, etc., which made people very disappointed in her.

At the same time, she also conspired with her husband Yu Bingquan to attract attention through false family conflicts, they first staged a domestic violence couple, and later announced that they wanted to divorce, and the result was a real divorce.

However, these are just fakes for the sake of traffic, and then, Zhang Fangfang found Xiao Xianrou again to attract attention with a new relationship, although she revised the script countless times, but netizens have long lost all their trust and goodwill towards her.

In 2017, the cement girl who became popular by selling miserably, after revealing her true face, her husband divorced her, what is the current situation

Now, Zhang Fangfang's social account has been permanently banned, and she has to re-register a new number, but she only has more than 200,000 zombie followers at most.

The number of video views and sales performance are also bleak, and it is no longer the grand occasion of the whole network that was popular in the past, and finally Zhang Fangfang, who relied on fake sensationalism, paid the due price and became a rat crossing the street.

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