
How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

author:Iron Horse Glacier Wu
How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

After the end of the Battle of Yuncheng, on July 10, 1140, the Jin army commander A Li Duo Jin led 1,000 cavalry to appear in Wulidian, north of Yuncheng. A Li Duo Jin led more than 1,000 horsemen to arrive near Yuncheng, which seemed to be coming to investigate the reality of the Song army, and also showed a problem that must be paid attention to: after the Jin army suffered a fiasco in Yuncheng, it did not retreat far away to defend Kaifeng, Wanyan Zongbi was unwilling to fail, and led tens of thousands of remnants to retreat to Linying, and sent sentry cavalry from time to time to monitor the movements of the Song army, as if ready to launch a counterattack at any time.

Yue Fei learned that Li Duo Jin led his troops into the Wulidian area to covet Yuncheng, personally led thousands of elite horsemen out of the city, to the vicinity of Wulidian when the general Wang Gang led 50 knights to raid the Jin army, the Jin army did not expect the Song army to gallop so quickly, caught off guard, was killed and injured by the Song army, in the melee, A Li Duo Jin was cut off by Wang Gang with a knife, and the rest of the people dispersed.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

The Song army won the most of this small encounter. Yue Fei fell into deep thought: this matter is telling a major military situation, Wanyan Zongbi, the first general of the Jin Kingdom, is obviously not an idle person, although he was hit hard in the battle of Yuncheng, and the "Kidnapping Horse" and "Tiefutu" that the Jin army relied on were wiped out several times, but he did not retreat to Kaifeng after suffering such a big loss, but retreated to Linying, which also means that the connection between Wang Guibu and Yuncheng stationed in Yingchang was cut off, and now it is necessary to judge the next military movement of Yan Zongbi - will he turn around and commit Yuncheng again? Or to attack Yingchang?

The major defeat suffered in Yuncheng did not crush Yan Zongbi's confidence, after all, the Jin army has pressed the Song army for so many years, and one or two defeats do not mean anything, and the initiative on the battlefield is still under his control. For Wanyan Zongbi, he must destroy Yue Fei in order to relieve the crisis of Kaifeng.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

Zongbi sent A Li Duo Jin to ride 1,000 horses to Wulidian, in fact, he wanted to surprise the enemy to raid the Song army in Yuncheng, and it also had a certain degree of tentativeness, although it did not succeed, but it occupied the strategic point of Linying, so that the Jin army still had a chance to defeat Yue Fei.

Yue Fei's victory in Yuncheng doubled Yue Fei's confidence, and also boosted the morale of the Yuejia army, and the start was smooth, Yue Fei was not so angry about Song Gaozong's order to Zhang Jun, Liu Guangshi and other troops to withdraw the army, he asked Liu Jian to lead the army to reinforce, and on the other hand, he ordered Zhang Xianhuo, who was stationed in Huaining, to return to Yuncheng with his troops to enhance his strength. Liu Jian took over the Zhang Xian defense area and defended the flank of Yuncheng.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

Yang Zaixing fought a bloody battle at Xiaoshang Bridge, and all 300 warriors were killed

On July 13, in order to find out the current reality of Yan Zongbi, Yue Fei sent Yang Zaixing, the number one fierce general of the Yue family's army, to lead 300 horsemen to reconnoiter the enemy's situation. When Yang Zaixing led 300 sentry cavalry to the Xiaoshang River, he suddenly encountered more than 10,000 Jin troops. A fierce battle with a huge disparity in numbers immediately began, Yang Zaixing was not afraid of danger, led his troops to rush left and right, and after struggling to kill hundreds of Jin troops, he and his subordinates Gao Lin, Luo Yan, Yao Yu and other 300 soldiers all fought to death. According to historical records, after the Jin army burned Yang Zaixing's body, more than two liters of iron arrows were picked up from the ashes.

Yue Fei judged Wan Yan Zongbi's next move through the bloody battle of Xiaoshang River

Yang Zaixing and 300 warriors used their lives to report an important information to Yue Fei: Wanyan Zongbi's next direction of use of troops was likely to be Yingchang, which was guarded by Wang Gui. Now that Zhang Xian had returned to Yuncheng, Yue Fei made a quick decision and ordered Yue Yun to lead the elite Beiwei army to rush to the aid of Yingchang; Zhang Xian led his troops to attack Linying and restore the passage between Yuncheng, Yingchang, and Linying.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

As the saying goes: when you meet an opponent in chess, you will meet a good talent. Wanyan Zongbi and Yue Fei were both famous generals at that time, and they were evenly matched, and they fought wits and courage in this small area, one made a move, and the other took a move, just like a master playing chess.

Zhang Xian led his troops to successfully recover Linying, but Wang Guishou Yingchang fell into a bitter battle

The Battle of Linying and the Battle of Yingchang began almost at the same time. Zhang Xian was a wise and brave general in the Yue family's army, he supervised the onslaught of the army as soon as he arrived in Linying, and Wanyan Zongbi deployed more than 14,000 defenders here, but was defeated by Zhang Xian twice. Subsequently, Zhang Xian conquered Linying in one fell swoop, and the Yuejia army recaptured this important town occupied by the Jin army.

However, Yingchang City, which was guarded by Wang Gui, was besieged by the main force of tens of thousands of Jin troops, and the situation was extremely critical.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

In history, on the morning of July 14, Wanyan Zongbi led the king of Zhenguo, Han Chang, the commander of the "Han'er Army", and several thousands of commanders' troops, with a total of more than 30,000 troops, all of whom were Jurchen iron cavalry capable of riding and shooting, and lined up outside the west gate of Yingchang City and south of Wuyang Bridge to prepare for attack. Subsequently, tens of thousands of Jin Army infantry continued to arrive. The Jin army's formation stretched for more than ten miles, with flags covering the sun, people shouting horses and neighing, swords and guns standing in a forest, and the momentum was terrifying. A posture of ambition.

A bloody battle is coming

At that time, Wang Gui, the general of the Yuejia Army stationed in Yingchang, had the Chinese Army, the Tabai Army, the Xuanfeng Army, and the Beiwei Army and the Youyi Army brought support by Yue Yun, with a total strength of about 30,000 people. Seeing that the Jin army marched in a big way and showed off its strength under the city, Wang Gui ordered Dong Xian to lead the white army, and Hu Qing to lead the Feng army to the city to defend it; he himself personally led the Chinese army, Yao Zheng's guerrilla army, and Yue Yun's Beiwei army out of the city to meet the battle.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

The Jin army had already assembled nearly 100,000 cavalry, which was about the same as the number of troops invested in the Battle of Yuncheng. The Yuejia army once again fell into the predicament of being outnumbered.

Yue Yun acted as the vanguard, leading 800 cavalry of the Beiwei Army to rush straight into the Jin army's formation, and the infantry on both wings was led by Wang Gui to follow up to respond and cover each other. Yue Yun is the same as Yang Zaixing, he is a tiger general who charges into battle and cuts the flag, I saw him rampage in the Jin army array, rushing back and forth more than ten times, with more than 100 wounds on his body, blood-stained robes, and still gritting his teeth and fighting. After all, the Jin army was outnumbered, and they swarmed up to surround Yue Yun, Yue Yun rushed left and right, fighting desperately, and countless Jin soldiers died under his pair of big iron cones...... After a period of fighting, the battlefield was full of corpses, blood flowing, and the cruelty of the battle even made Wang Gui, the number two person in the Yuejia Army and the general, tremble, and for a while his will was shaken and he wanted to withdraw to the city.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

Yue Yun was covered in blood, and his eyes were already red, and when he saw that Wang Gui wanted to retreat to the city, he scolded sharply, which stabilized the army's heart. In history, in the battle of Yingchang, the soldiers of the Yue family fought bravely and competed for the first, and repeatedly fought with the Jin army that occupied an absolute advantage, and killed "people are bloody people, and horses are bloody horses", and no one flinched.

The Yuejia army once again won more with less, defeating tens of thousands of Jin troops

The Yue family army insisted on fighting with their tenacious will, and they proved with their blood and even their lives that they were as iron-blooded as the Jin soldiers, and even surpassed them. The two sides fought fiercely until the afternoon, and the Song generals Dong Xian and Hu Qing, who were watching the battle at the head of the city, felt that the time had come to attack. They saw that the Jin army also had a weakness, although its combat power was strong, but the elite that could really fight was only 30,000 Jurchen cavalry, Han Chang's tens of thousands of "Han'er army" and the army of the king of Zhenguo showed a cowardly decline, and the combat power was far inferior to the Jurchen elite soldiers, but the Jurchen iron cavalry could not defeat Wang Gui and Yue Yun, and it was time to go out of the city to help in the war.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

The two left a small number of men and horses to defend the city, and led the white army and the Xuanfeng army to suddenly open the city and enter the battle. The addition of these two new forces instantly changed the situation on the battlefield, and their combat effectiveness was not weaker than that of the Chinese army and the Beiwei army, and as soon as they entered the battlefield, they fought and rushed violently, breaking the balance on the battlefield. The Jin army was rushed by this wolf-like new force, and soon lost the will to fight, and the whole army was defeated. Wanyan Zongbi once again regretted defeat and hated the territory.

In history, in the battle of Yingchang, Yue's army once again won more with less, annihilating more than 5,000 enemies, capturing more than 2,000 people, killing dozens of enemy generals, and capturing more than 3,000 horses and mules.

How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories
How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories
How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories
How tragic was the battle of Yingchang? Yang Zaixing spilled blood on the Xiaoshang River, and the Yuejia army defeated the 100,000 Jin army with fewer victories

[Illustration from the Internet]