
Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead

The beauty of education is in growth, and the beauty of teachers is in the classroom. In order to solidly promote the implementation of the "three new", deepen the curriculum reform, strengthen inter-school exchanges and cooperation, share education and teaching experience, jointly improve the quality of education and teaching, and promote the school's teaching and scientific research work to a new level, on the morning of December 14, Lujiang No. 2 Middle School carried out the 23rd "Teaching Open Day" activity. More than 120 teachers from 16 schools, including Hefei No. 4 Middle School, Chaohu No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, Wuwei No. 1 Middle School, Tiancheng Middle School, and Lujiang Middle School, gathered in Lujiang No. 2 Middle School to participate in the open day event.

Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead

This teaching open day covers all subjects from the first year to the third year of high school, with a total of 31 open classes. The teachers in the class carefully select topics and prepare lessons around the "three new" and the core literacy of the subject, and the head of the teaching and research team cooperates with the head of the preparation team and other teachers in the teaching and research group to grind the lessons, and strive to become high-quality courses and demonstration courses.

The school attaches great importance to the guidance of all teaching and research groups and lesson preparation groups, and all the teachers who participated in the exhibition class have carefully prepared before the class, the teaching plans are detailed and rich, and the ideas are clear. The teachers made full use of the advanced teaching and research equipment of Lujiang No. 2 Middle School, and some teachers arranged the classes into multi-functional classrooms. The intuitive multimedia teaching and intense group discussions fully mobilized the enthusiasm and initiative of the students, and stimulated the students' interest in learning Xi. The interaction between teachers and students is good, the classroom atmosphere is active, and the teaching is very infectious, which has won unanimous praise from teachers and students. Clear teaching ideas, perfect time control, and the setting of pre-class teaching objectives were completed in the teaching links with many highlights, which well demonstrated the professional level of teachers in teaching and scientific research of Lujiang No. 2 Middle School.

Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead
Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead
Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead
Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead
Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead

After the demonstration class, the teachers who participated in the class came to the sixth floor of the library of Lujiang No. 2 Middle School and conducted course evaluation exchanges and discussions in various teaching and research departments by discipline. In the course evaluation, the teachers who participated in the class first reported the teaching ideas, teaching objectives and regrets of the lesson. Then, the leaders of each group invited the teachers of the sister schools to comment, affirm the advantages, point out the shortcomings, and finally the leaders of each group made a summary. The spark of wisdom collided here, and everyone found problems and improved them in time while learning from the advantages. Interactive discussion is a platform for exercise and growth, a collision of ideas and cognition, especially for new teachers to provide a good example of learning Xi in the field of teaching, so as to truly achieve common progress and common growth!

Lujiang No. 2 Middle School: Inter-school exchanges promote growth and forge ahead

Only when you have faith in your heart can you go far, and if you learn and understand, you can do it. This open day activity strengthened the communication between schools, enhanced the interaction between teachers, and promoted the professional growth of teachers. It is an all-round test of the education and teaching work of Lujiang No. 2 Middle School, a great display of the spiritual outlook of teachers and students, and a major review of the school's running level, laying a more solid foundation for the further improvement of the education and teaching quality of Lujiang No. 2 Middle School. (Wentu/Wang Dechun)