
The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

author:Dr. Yu talks about health

Middle-aged Mr. Zhang Mr. Zhang is 58 years old this year, at this age, it is normal to be a little uncomfortable and sick, and Mr. Zhang has indeed suffered from high blood pressure for more than ten years. Just a few years ago, he was diagnosed with coronary artery stenosis, but fortunately, coronary artery stenosis was detected earlier.

The doctor said to him: "Coronary stenosis is very troublesome, if he is severely blocked, there will be a problem of insufficient blood supply, and in the most severe case, it will cause myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, and you will have symptoms of chest pain and fatigue."

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

This is because blood clots in the coronary arteries fatally block blood vessels, leading to necrosis of myocardial cells in the area of myocardial ischemia, known as myocardial infarction. After a myocardial infarction, damaged heart tissue is unable to regenerate, which can lead to severe heart dysfunction and even death. ”

After listening to the doctor, Mr. Zhang was scared, and the doctor comforted him: "Now your coronary blockage is not very serious, I will prescribe you some medicine to take to relieve the situation, but you must change your life Xi, otherwise the problem will be troublesome."

It was at this time that Mr. Zhang began to become very concerned about his own health issues. He always measures his blood pressure regularly and takes antihypertensive drugs on time, and then also improves his Xi habits, insists on exercising every day, and as the days go by, he obviously feels that his physical condition is not so bad, and he is not so easy to feel chest tightness.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

However, in the last two or three months, Mr. Zhang suddenly began to show dizziness, and he was very worried that his condition had deteriorated, so he came to the hospital for a check-up as soon as possible.

After learning more about Mr. Zhang's medical history, the doctor immediately arranged a coronary CT scan for him, but what made the doctor feel a little miraculous was that Mr. Zhang's blood clot disappeared, and the doctor looked back and forth through Mr. Zhang's previous examination report several times, and finally could only say to Mr. Zhang: "Your arterial plaque is gone."

Mr. Zhang was also very puzzled: "Can this thing disappear on its own? Will it fall off?"

The doctor felt justified and immediately performed carotid artery and intracranial vascular scans on Mr. Zhang, and the results showed that his plaque was indeed gone, and his blood lipids had been reduced to normal standards.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

Mr. Zhang sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect to keep my mouth shut and open my legs to the body so big and so much, I must persevere."

Atherosis plaque is actually a pathological change in the inner wall of the artery, mainly composed of cholesterol, lipids and other substances, it is one of the main lesions of arteriosclerosis, and it is also one of the important causes of cardiovascular disease.

The process of atheroplaque formation is a gradual development process.

Tiny damage or inflammation occurs on the inner wall of the artery, and then substances such as cholesterol and lipids begin to deposit in the damaged area, forming plaque. Over time, these plaques can grow in size, narrowing the lumen of the arteries and affecting the normal flow of blood.

Theoretically, the occurrence of plaque can occur in arteries throughout the body, including coronary arteries, carotid arteries, lower limb arteries, etc., but in clinical practice, coronary arteries and carotid arteries are the main ones. When the plaque develops and enlarges to a certain extent, it will block the blood vessels and induce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

The process of its appearance is as follows:

1. Endothelial damage occurs in the blood vessels.

The arterial endothelial layer is the inner layer of the arterial wall, and its functions include maintaining the normal physiological state of the blood vessels. Endothelial damage can be caused by various factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, high blood sugar, oxidative stress, etc. After injury, endothelial cells produce inflammatory factors and adhesion molecules that cause leukocytes and platelets to adhere to the endothelial surface.

2. Lipids exude and produce an inflammatory response.

After endothelial cells are damaged, LDL cholesterol can penetrate into the walls of blood vessels and oxidize there. Oxidized LDL causes an inflammatory response that activates monocytes to transform into macrophages, which engulf oxidized LDL to form cholesterol foam cells.

The accumulation of cholesterol foam cells can lead to the formation of lipid plaques within the artery walls. There are other components in the plaque, such as smooth muscle cells, collagen fibers, elastic fibers, etc.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

3. Plaque stability and instability.

Some plaques may stabilize and be covered with fibrous tissue, forming plaques containing cholesterol. However, some plaques may be unstable and prone to rupture or ulcer formation. When plaque ruptures, platelets in the blood can collect and form blood clots, causing blood vessels to become blocked, leading to myocardial infarction or stroke.

So what's inside the plaque?

Generally speaking, the main component of atherosclerotic plaque is lipids, cholesterol and other lipids are one of the most important components of plaque, and LDL cholesterol is the main cholesterol carrier.

Secondly, it also contains a certain amount of smooth muscle cells, which are an important component of plaque, and in the process of plaque formation, smooth muscle cells can migrate and proliferate from the arterial intima to make the formation of plaque more stable.

Collagen fibers and elastic fibers are structural components of arterial walls and are also present in plaques. They play a role in supporting and maintaining the structure of the arterial wall.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

Macrophages, lymphocytes, and some inflammatory cells are also abundantly distributed in plaques, and they produce many cytokines, such as interleukins and tumor necrosis factor, which are involved in the inflammatory response and plaque formation.

In some types of mature arterial plaques, there is also calcium salt deposition, which plays a role in hardening the arterial plaque.

If you want to delay the formation of plaques and shrink them, the vascular protection method can help you!

Atherosclerosis is far-reaching and affects a wide range of people, and if you want to maintain blood vessels and solve problems, you must start from these aspects to improve symptoms.

First, try to avoid unhealthy eating Xi.

Diets like those high cholesterol such as long-term consumption of red meat, cream, butter, egg yolks, etc. can lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of clogged arteries.

High-fat diets such as fast food, fried chicken, potato chips, etc., contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, and excessive intake will lead to an increase in lipid content in the blood, which is easy to form arterial plaque.

Salt intake should be reduced, as excessive sodium intake can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Foods with excessive salt content include salted meat, ham, hot pot, etc., and everyone should reduce or even avoid eating them. There are also high-sugar diets that can lead to an increase in blood sugar, induce diabetes and other metabolic diseases, and increase the formation of plaque in the arteries.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

These dietary Xi should be completely corrected and avoided, and a light, low-calorie diet should be avoided to create opportunities for arterial plaque formation.

Second, get involved in more sports.

Exercise can consume excess energy and fat in the human body, and more aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can significantly improve cardiopulmonary function, increase cardiac output and blood flow velocity, promote vasodilation, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and alleviate arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.

If you don't have a venue, you can use treadmills, exercise bikes, etc., which can help improve cardiopulmonary fitness, burn calories, reduce blood lipids, increase muscle strength and flexibility, prevent obesity and metabolic diseases, and reduce the risk of arterial plaque formation.

Long-term, low-intensity exercise, such as walking, cycling, light swimming, etc., can relieve stress, lower heart rate, increase blood circulation, help relieve physical and psychological stress, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

The 58-year-old uncle's plaque disappeared, and he adhered to 3 "blood vessel protection" methods for a long time, which were effective

Third, take medicine actively.

Atherosa plaque and hyperlipidemia are closely related, it can be said that the higher the blood lipid, the higher the probability of atheroplaque, so the doctor prescribes you must take hypolipidemic drugs, and some drugs for the treatment of underlying diseases can not be less, such as hypertensive patients need to take antihypertensive drugs, diabetic patients need to take hypoglycemic drugs, which can prevent the formation of atheroplaque.

All in all, with the improvement of living standards, there are more and more people with arterial plaque, which is why the number of patients with cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction is increasing.
