
A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

author:Dr. Yu talks about health

The doctor said to Mr. Wang: "Mr. Wang, you have been nourishing your stomach in the wrong way in the past, and this method will also have a negative impact on your stomach, and it will not cure your chronic atrophic gastritis, and even aggravate your stomach disease sometimes." ”

Mr. Wang raised his head, his eyes full of tears: "Doctor, I also heard others say that this method can protect the stomach and intestines, but I didn't expect to suffer from stomach cancer." ”

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

Mr. Wang, a 53-year-old farmer, had symptoms of stomach discomfort about half a year ago, a little heartburn, so he came to a tertiary hospital for examination, after gastroscopy, the doctor judged that Mr. Wang was suffering from atrophic gastritis, the situation was a bit serious, so the doctor suggested that Mr. Wang should start taking medicine and actively treat.

At that time, Mr. Wang was full of promises, who knew that after returning home, he actually used home remedies for treatment, half a year has passed, the symptoms of stomach discomfort not only did not improve, but even became more serious, yesterday to the hospital for examination, the doctor directly prescribed him a gastroscopy, the results found that Mr. Wang's stomach mucosa surface appeared a lot of irregular ulcers, erosion, and the color of the mucosa is very strange, the normal gastric mucosa should be light red, Mr. Wang's gastric mucosa has the symptoms of mucosal redness, and even blackness.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

In addition to this, the doctor also found that Mr. Wang's stomach wall was abnormally thickened, and some parts showed signs of narrowing or obstruction.

Eventually, Mr. Wang was diagnosed with mid-stage stomach cancer.

After being diagnosed, Mr. Wang's face was as dead as ashes.

The doctor gently comforted him: "Mr. Wang, I can fully understand your worries, stomach cancer is not an easy disease to treat, but as long as you don't give up and don't be afraid, we are confident to help you solve it, the five-year survival rate of stomach cancer in the early and middle stages is very high, and the premise is that you must do what we say." ”

Then, the doctor explained to Mr. Wang in detail the causes of stomach cancer and how to prevent it, and formulated a personalized diet plan for him, which included a varied diet, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein-rich foods, as well as limited fried foods and foods containing additives.

Mr. Wang listened very carefully this time, and slowly, his eyes finally revealed a glimmer of hope, and he decided to give up the previous stomach nourishing method and follow the doctor's method in a down-to-earth manner.

With the passage of time, Mr. Wang completely changed his previous diet Xi habits, and even began to do some regular exercise, and regularly went to the hospital for chemotherapy and surgery, and slowly he found that he gradually regained his energy, and the symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea were also reduced.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

One day a few months later, Mr. Wang came to the hospital again, this time, he was no longer the middle-aged man who broke down and cried before, but smiling, and the doctor saw that he was full of confidence and examined him, and then announced to him: "Mr. Wang, according to the latest examination results, your stomach cancer has been controlled and your condition is stable. ”

Mr. Wang shook the doctor's hand: "Thank you, doctor! If it weren't for your guidance and patience, I might have continued to stick to the wrong way to nourish my stomach until it was too late." I will continue to follow your advice to stay healthy and also tell those around me about the right way to take care of your health. ”

The doctor smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, I am very pleased with your efforts and changes. Remember, health is our most important asset, and the right diet and lifestyle Xi can help us prevent diseases and enjoy a good life. ”

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

Throughout Mr. Wang's illness, he resolutely avoided "one red and one yellow"

Mr. Wang's atrophic gastritis was caused by his own indiscriminate eating, and he followed the wrong advice after the illness, which caused gastritis to turn into stomach cancer, which aggravated the condition.

(1), one red: eat less pickled red meat

Mr. Wang is an authentic farmer, usually his favorite thing to eat is all kinds of cured meat, what bacon, cured chicken, cured meat to the mouth all kinds of dazzling, especially in winter, not to eat at all, a meal is a few months, during which he can even not eat vegetables, fruits.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

The World Health Organization has long listed cured red meat as a Class 1 carcinogen, and the reason for this is that this food contains more nitrites and nitrosamines, and the nitrites used in cured red meat can be converted into nitrosamines in the stomach, which are considered carcinogens. Nitrosamines can damage the cells of the stomach mucosa, leading to inflammation and cell damage, increasing the risk of stomach cancer.

And cured red meat usually contains a higher salt content. High salt intake increases the risk of damage and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which may cause gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases.

Long-term high-salt diets can also lead to excessive gastric acid secretion, increasing the likelihood of erosion of the gastric mucosa. In addition to this, cured red meat is usually rich in fat. A high-fat diet increases the secretion of gastric acid, leading to reflux of gastric juice and the corrosive effect of gastric acid on the gastric mucosa. At the same time, high fat intake can also lead to weight gain and slowed gastrointestinal motility, increasing the risk of acid reflux.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

If the cured red meat is combined with some barbecue and smoking treatment, it will also promote the accumulation of harmful substances, causing great harm and adverse effects to patients, so please avoid marinating red meat as much as possible, it will first lead to chronic stomach disease, and finally induce stomach cancer.

(2), Erhuang: rice wine

Mr. Wang went home after being diagnosed with atrophic gastritis for the first time, and heard that others had recovered their health and defeated cancer by drinking rice wine, and then he also started drinking rice wine, but he did not expect that the more he drank, the more serious it became, which directly induced cancer.

First of all, there is no scientific basis for rice wine to treat stomach problems, it is a Chinese specialty wine product made from water, glutinous rice, fermented products, etc.

As the basis of rice wine, water is one of the most important ingredients in the production process of rice wine. Glutinous rice is one of the commonly used raw materials in making rice wine, and other grains such as wheat and corn can also be used as substitutes. These grains, after being steamed or saccharified, provide the carbohydrates needed for fermentation.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

A key ingredient in rice wine fermentation, koji is a mixture of several fungi and bacteria, and the microorganisms in koji convert the starch in the grains into alcohol and other organic compounds through a fermentation process.

Therefore, there is nothing medicinal in rice wine, and it is nonsense to treat stomach problems.

Secondly, rice wine contains alcohol. Alcohol is inherently irritating, and long-term excessive drinking can directly damage the gastric mucosa, leading to inflammation and ulcer formation, which may eventually evolve into stomach cancer. In the process of alcohol metabolism, substances such as acetaldehyde and acetic acid are converted into acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, and then further converted into acetaldehyde, which can react with nitrite in food to form nitrosamines, which are carcinogens, and long-term alcohol intake can increase the chance of nitrosamine formation, thereby increasing the risk of stomach cancer.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

Metabolites such as acetaldehyde and acetic acid, which are produced during the metabolism of alcohol in the body, are also thought to contribute to the development of gastric cancer. These metabolites can interfere with DNA repair and stability, leading to gene mutations and abnormal cell proliferation.

Therefore, rice wine not only cannot cure stomach diseases, but even induces the occurrence of stomach cancer, and Mr. Wang does not understand the situation, thinking that rice wine can cure diseases, it will cause a big disaster.

The most feared food for stomach cancer

The following foods are the most gram for stomach cancer.

1. Fresh vegetables and fruits are the most helpful for the body.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which help improve the body's immunity and resistance, and reduce the risk of stomach cancer. It is recommended to consume at least 500 grams of vegetables and fruits per day.

2. Increase the intake of whole grains appropriately.

Whole grains such as whole wheat bread and brown rice are rich in dietary fiber and other important nutrients, which help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract and stabilize blood sugar, thereby reducing the risk of stomach cancer.

A 53-year-old farmer was diagnosed with stomach cancer and sat on the ground crying bitterly! WHO called for stopping the consumption of "1 red and 1 yellow"

3. Moderate intake of low-fat animal protein.

Such as fish, chicken, beef, etc., can provide the body with necessary nutrients, but excessive intake may increase the risk of stomach cancer. It is recommended to consume about 100-150 grams of animal protein per day.

In short, high salt, pickled, alcohol and other substances have a very large impact on our gastrointestinal tract, and if it is not done well, it may induce gastric cancer and cause serious diseases Xi.
