
Why does the old driver say that he is "sleepy" and does not sleep in the high-speed service area?

author:Gourmand Cola 7H9b

The story begins with a midnight awakening, my uncle, a veteran driver, no longer sleeps peacefully in the high-speed service area, as he used to be. Living in the wheelhouse, he has experienced too many painful pasts, so that after a hundred battles, he also chose to tremble, preferring to be extremely tired rather than dare to close his eyes in the service area where he had given a little rest. Why? What is the story behind this? What makes a "veteran driver" who has been driving for more than 15 years so jealous? Night raids and thefts are like a reminder to him that the world is not always gentle. I remember that at first, my uncle was a young and vigorous driver, and long-distance transportation was a part of his life. He drove a large truck between the city and the countryside, transporting farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. The carriage is full of young life, and his life is a dusty ride along the way. At that time, the social order was not yet completely stable, and the highway service area at night was hidden danger to everyone. Uncle, every time he goes out, he will bring an iron rod and put it next to the seat in case of emergency. That, he said, was his "patron saint" who escorted him in sleepless nights. However, even with this caution, the uncle was not spared from the night thieves.

Why does the old driver say that he is "sleepy" and does not sleep in the high-speed service area?

One night in his memory, his uncle was awakened by a strange noise during a pause in the service area, and when he poked his head out, he found two figures stealing oil from his tank. The angry uncle picked up the iron rod and bravely jumped out of the car, but the thief fled. That time, the oil was not lost much, but the uncle was more vigilant about the night in the service area. Unfortunately, history is often strikingly similar. The second time, the uncle was attacked again by oil thieves while he was asleep, and this time, he was not aware of it in time. When he woke up, the fuel tank was empty, the vehicle was weak, and the helplessness and anger made him difficult to calm down for a long time. However, all this is not as thrilling as the third robbery. One winter night, my uncle was carrying a cart full of oranges to Guangdong. The fruit is sweet, the market is hot, it should be a harvest season, who would have thought, but danger is quietly approaching. The uncle stopped the car and was about to get out of the car to smoke a cigarette and relax, when suddenly, the light of the knife flashed, and several masked figures surrounded him and forced him to open the car door. Those people, seeing that it was oranges, did not hesitate to move more than a dozen boxes, and also took away most of the oil in the tank, and the threat before leaving made the uncle's heart not calm for a long time.

Why does the old driver say that he is "sleepy" and does not sleep in the high-speed service area?

That time, he not only lost the goods, but also lost a large amount of money afterwards, and almost lost all his money. Those experiences were like heavy stones weighing on his uncle's heart, making him feel suffocated. In the dead of night, he looked at the lights in those service areas and couldn't help but think of those past events. Since then, he has never dared to sleep peacefully in the service area, preferring to overcome fatigue and continue to drive in the dark until he finds a safe place to rest. Uncle's story is a microcosm of an era. The motorway service area used to be a home away from home for drivers, however, those turbulent years made Uncle and his peers forever remember the dark side of the night. Today, despite the great changes in society and the improvement of safety measures in highway service areas, the fears and vigilances that have accumulated over the years will not be easily erased with the passage of time. I listened to my uncle's story and looked at his vicissitudes of life, and my heart was full of emotion. Behind our seemingly peaceful life, there are too many people like my uncle, who use their persistence and courage to guard the peace of this world for us. Their stories deserve to be remembered, and their bravery and perseverance deserve to be respected and tributed.

Why does the old driver say that he is "sleepy" and does not sleep in the high-speed service area?

Once, when night fell, the lights of the cars dotted the winding long roads like stars. It was a time when truck drivers could stop at will on the side of the road and close their eyes. But my uncle, an experienced veteran driver, shy away from it. At night, he would either be in the dark with the stars in the darkness of the highway taillights, or he would find a safe enough place to take a nap. So why would a seasoned driver be so cautious? It all starts with the treacherous high-speed service areas. In the minds of many people, the high-speed service area is a haven of respite, where drivers can recharge their energy and take a break. However, for the truck drivers of my uncle's time, the service area was not synonymous with safety. Countless times, my uncle told me about the horrors of his peers in these places. In some cases, the fuel tank was quietly opened and the precious fuel was lost; some were even looted in their sleep, causing even personal belongings to suffer; and in extreme cases, goods were robbed and drivers were blackmailed. Although these stories may sound like the plot of a thriller, they are a realistic portrayal of the drivers who traveled long distances late at night at the time.

And uncle is a witness of this era. He told me that at that time, the monitoring of the highway service area was far less developed than it is now, and the management was much looser, which virtually provided an opportunity for criminals to take advantage of. At that time, there was another problem that caused quite a headache for drivers - the so-called "overtime fee". The toll system of expressways has such a provision in place to prevent drivers from evading payment. And for those drivers who stay in the service area for a little longer, this is undoubtedly a potential economic threat. You may ask, why not provide proof of rest, but what was proof in those days? Uncle used to say that without modern electronic records, many times you have to fight for the exemption of this unfair fee in good faith. Now, we live in an age of technological prosperity, and these problems seem to be far away from us. But the uncle's story is like a mirror, reflecting the unpeaceful era in the past. Whenever I drive down the spacious and bright highway, I always feel a sense of respect for the drivers of that era. We must admit that the wheels of time have taken us to a whole new world. Today's high-speed service area is no longer the undercurrent of that era.

The perfection of monitoring equipment and the strict management make the vehicles driving into the service area feel like they are on a bright stage, and every corner is under surveillance. Even late at night, drivers can rest in peace without worrying about the safety of their belongings. As for the "overtime fee" that once worried drivers, it has become a dust of history in this era of efficient operation. Today's highway management system is as accurate as a clock, and every vehicle entry and exit is clearly recorded, so that drivers no longer have to worry about those unwarranted expenses. So, when you're driving on the highway and feeling tired and stuck, don't hesitate to put safety first. Find the nearest high-speed service area, park your car, and give yourself plenty of rest. After all, no matter how times change, life safety is always the most important thing when we drive on the road. I would like to thank my uncle, it was his experience that taught me that every safe arrival is a respect and celebration of life. His story also reminds us that no matter how the environment changes, we must not relax in our pursuit of safety. We need to remember that every time we embark on a journey, it is not just for the destination, but also for the priceless peace of returning safely.

On the road, time seems to be cut into sections, and the vehicles we drive are like the carrier of time, always moving forward. But with the advancement of technology, our journeys have also become more convenient and safer thanks to some smart systems, such as ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System). Today, let's talk about it. Imagine you're driving a car, navigating the highway with ease, not having to queue up to pay tolls, not having to stop and deal with toll collectors, all made possible by the presence of ETC. This little device not only saves you time, but also records your driving path and makes the toll more accurate, doesn't that sound very exciting? But nothing is perfect, just like all the problems we may encounter when embarking on a journey. For example, if you don't use ETC and instead opt for a traditional manual billing window, you may run into some trouble. Did you know? Sometimes, these little troubles can be resolved with a few simple explanations. For example, if you make a purchase in the service area, keep your credentials or payment records, these can be proof of your access, and sometimes they can help you solve some unnecessary problems.

But today, I want to dig deeper than just the handy tool ETC, but also the security philosophy behind it. There used to be a point of view that veteran drivers were reluctant to rest in the high-speed service area for no other reason, safety first. However, over time, this notion is quietly changing. Now, experts advise us to stop in the service area and rest for a while if we drive for more than 4 hours for a long time. You may be thinking, what's the big deal, you're tired from driving, just stop and take a break. But this is actually a manifestation of life safety. Imagine driving for hours on end, exhausted, slowing down your reactions and distracting your attention, making it difficult for even the most experienced driver to make a mistake. Remember, driving hard is like gambling with fate, and when you choose to stop in the service area and give yourself a chance to breathe, you can get back on the road with a clearer mind and a happier mood. It's not just about being responsible for yourself, it's also about respecting other road users. By now, perhaps you've started to wonder if you should bring an extra dose of patience and caution with you on your next road trip.

And these are the key factors for safe driving. Returning to the topic of ETC, it not only reflects the convenience brought to us by scientific and technological progress, but also the upgrading of the importance of safety in the development of the times. It allows us to enjoy speed and efficiency without forgetting the safety of life. All of this reminds us that no matter where we are, no matter what the situation, safety always comes first. We can enjoy the convenience brought by technology, but we should also keep reminding ourselves during the journey not to neglect the most basic safety knowledge. So, dear friends, the next time you embark on a journey, whether you choose a convenient tool like ETC or any other way, please remember: safety first, don't let fatigue become a hidden danger of the journey, and give yourself a chance to rest. Every time you stop, you may be casting a precious vote for your own safety and the safety of others. When we enjoy the joy of the journey, we will not forget our original intention, always stay vigilant, and ensure that every trip can return safely. That's the real art of traveling by car, isn't it?

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