
"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

author:Blue Sky Food said

Autumn is a complete farewell to the residual heat, into the late autumn season, as the temperature gradually drops, the body's metabolism also begins to change, appetite will gradually increase, but many elderly people will have a poor appetite. Autumn coincides with the hot and dry season, the body of middle-aged and elderly people will produce too much acidic substances and "internal fire", if you also eat high-calorie meat in moderation, it is more likely to produce greasy taste, which is not good for digestion.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine suggests that middle-aged and elderly people should eat more alkaline vegetables and meaty vegetables, which will help neutralize the acidity in the body, clear away heat and reduce fire, supplement nutrition, and make the body healthier. Here are 5 common alkaline vegetables to cool off and help neutralize the acid-base balance in the body.

1. Clay beans

Potatoes are one of the easiest alkaline vegetables to get your hands on, and because of their high yield and affordability, most families will always have them. It is easy to digest and absorb after being cooked and softened, and its nutrients include starch, protein, vitamin C and B vitamins, etc., which have the effect of relieving heat and rejuvenating heat, clearing heat and brightening the purpose. However, middle-aged and elderly people should choose smaller potatoes, so that the nutrients are easier to absorb and will not produce a feeling of flatulence.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

Common cooking methods are: boiled potatoes, stewed potato wedges, fried shredded potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc. The method of boiling or stewing is more conducive to the digestion of the elderly, you can put some salt, sesame oil to enhance freshness, or you can cook and eat with broccoli, tofu and other similar vegetables.

2. Carrots

Carrots, also known as carrots and parsley, are rich in cytochrome and carotene, which can supplement vitamin A, help the elderly improve their eyes and vision, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and prevent constipation. Many elderly people have constipation due to lack of exercise or unreasonable diet, and carrots are their "good medicine". In addition, it is also high in potassium, which can help stabilize blood pressure levels.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

Carrots can be sliced and eaten raw in salad, or simmered with stock or milk. It is best to choose small carrots for stewed carrots and cut them into small pieces in advance, so that the taste is soft and glutinous, and the elderly are easy to chew and swallow. If you have a poor appetite, you can also choose carrot juice to supplement nutrition and increase appetite.

3. Mushrooms

Cabbage, fungus and shiitake mushrooms are all mushroom vegetables, which are high in alkaline content and rich in vitamin B2, protein and trace element copper. These nutrients can replenish stomach acid, promote appetite, and also have anti-inflammatory, swelling, heat clearing and annealing effects. When the climate is cooler, the elderly eat more mushrooms and vegetables, which can achieve the effect of clearing the fire and reducing heat, and quenching thirst.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

Shiitake mushrooms are suitable for stir-frying or boiling in soup, and can be cooked in chicken soup and tomato soup to add umami. The fungus is best eaten in cold salad, soup or claypot, and can be seasoned with a little salt, pepper, green onion and ginger. Cabbage can be boiled or stir-fried, and the taste is delicious to quench the heat and quench thirst.

Fourth, tofu

Soy protein is rich in calcium, and the digestion and absorption rate of protein is higher than that of animal food, which is very suitable for the elderly. At the same time, alkaline gypsum is added to the process of making tofu, so the tofu is weakly alkaline. Eating tofu can supplement calcium, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestive function, and regular consumption can also prevent osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

Tofu is suitable for stir-frying or eating soy milk, and it tastes better when cooked with green vegetables. It can also be cooked in broth and tomato soup, which is nutritious and especially suitable for the elderly. Soft and smooth yellow tofu cubes, add minced green onions, garlic and sesame oil after cooking, stir well, refreshing and delicious.

5. Cabbage

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C, and its ascorbic acid can inhibit psoriasis. At the same time, its alkaline content is also relatively high, which can be combined with excess uric acid in the body to form inorganic salts and excrete from the body, which has the effect of clearing heat and annealing, detoxifying and rejuvenating.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

Cabbage is suitable for stir-frying, but it can also be cooked in pork stock or pork rib soup. Stir-fried cabbage can be added with shiitake mushrooms and fungus to enhance freshness, or salt, soy sauce, green onions, ginger and garlic can be added to taste. Blanch the cabbage to remove the bitterness, then pinch the head to remove the roots, cut it into small pieces and cook it for about 15 minutes until it is fully cooked. Add salt to taste.

"Eating alkali in autumn will reduce fire", it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: eat more 5 kinds of alkaline vegetables, cool and reduce fire

In addition, apples, milk, daylily, celery and other foods in autumn also belong to the alkaline category, rich in calcium protein, and eating more in middle-aged and elderly people is conducive to good health. However, people with diabetes and hyperlipidemia should not consume it excessively. In general, the diet should be moderately matched, not partial eating or overeating, so as to achieve the effect of regulating physical fitness and improving digestion.

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