
Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

author:Sister Leigh Chronicle

The showbiz is a glamorous stage, a vanity fair, but also a ruthless arena. In this world full of glory and traps, there is an old drama bone named Zhao Lixin, whose life is like a magnificent drama, from popularity to loneliness, as if experiencing an earth-shaking storm.

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

Zhao Lixin's original intention was to become a superstar in the drama industry, however, fate did not give him the opportunity to get his wish. In his long career, he has traveled in various fields, but he has not been able to find his own stage. It wasn't until he was about 50 years old that he really ushered in his moment of style in the entertainment industry.

However, this style did not stay in the sky for long, like a meteor on a summer night, shining briefly and then fading away. The ups and downs of this legendary story make people wonder, why did this former uncle "male god" go to the edge of today?

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

Zhao Lixin didn't attract much attention at first, but he didn't lose heart, but instead made a name for himself in the TV series with his excellent acting skills. However, what really made him popular was a dubbing variety show on Hunan TV. On this stage, he showed many years of experience in drama performance and rich stage performance skills, and conquered the audience with his elegant appearance and low and charming timbre, and overnight, he became a high-profile "male god".

However, this meteor did not light up the night sky for long, and Zhao Lixin's arrogance and complacency became his nightmare. Inappropriate remarks on social platforms became a stumbling block to his career. In early 2019, he began to make some remarks about the history of the mainland in an attempt to draw attention, however, his rhetoric was unbelievable.

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

Zhao Lixin spoke lightly about sensitive topics such as the burning of the Old Summer Palace and the Nanjing Massacre, and his rhetoric was full of arrogance and contempt. This statement caused widespread revulsion, and people began to question his original intentions. Is it to create a noble and elegant image, or to gain more heat and attention? What kind of ambition is hidden in the heart of this actor?

On social platforms, he constantly challenges the bottom line of the public, and is even considered a deranged madman. His attempts to justify Japan's criminal aggressors and turn a blind eye to the revolutionary martyrs on the mainland have aroused strong discontent on the Internet. Overnight, he changed from a "male god" to a target of public criticism, and "stinky rat" became people's mantra for him.

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

His madman remarks are jaw-dropping, and his attempts to gain social attention and audience popularity by improper means are seen as a desecration of the dignity of the country. His apology pales in the face of public opinion, and the topic of national height does not allow for half a bit of ambiguity and ambiguity. His "ambiguous" apology is just a breeze that does not resonate with real society.

In fact, Zhao Lixin's unpatriotic heart has long been hinted at. He had earned Swedish citizenship while studying abroad, but he did not cherish it. He fell in love with a Russian girl, and during his Xi studies in Russia, he chose to renounce his Chinese nationality. However, the power of love made him change his nationality again and become a Chinese with Swedish nationality.

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

This did not end there, he fell in love with another Chinese girl while studying Xi in Sweden, and in order to spend the future with her, he changed his nationality again and became a Chinese. Such frequent changes of nationality make people doubt his identification with the country and his reverence for the nation. He expressed his homesickness for Sweden on social platforms, and could not recognize and respect this kind of "fake foreign devils" who do not recognize the country and the nation.

Zhao Lixin's patriotic heart is outrageously weak. His high education and acting skills can't hide his heart of "admiring foreigners". He keeps talking about his yearning and admiration abroad, but chooses to escape when he faces pressure at home. His attitude towards the country is like a flash marriage, a quick battle, which has not stood the test and precipitation of time.

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

In general, there are many examples of the entertainment industry being banned because of "admiring foreign countries", and Zhao Lixin is just one of them. Highly educated and good acting skills cannot make up for his shortcomings in morality and character. His wolf ambition and lack of selfish morality eventually led him to a short-lived glory in the entertainment industry.

In this history of acting full of twists and turns, we see how a "male god" who is carried away by fame and fortune falls from the peak to the abyss. His story is a vivid warning that the entertainment industry not only needs the support of acting skills, but also the integrity and reverence for the country in the hearts of actors.

Zhao Lixin, who "gave up his nationality and whitewashed Japan", completely became a joke

I hope that the actors in the entertainment industry can learn lessons from Zhao Lixin's story, strengthen their self-moral cultivation, and engrave patriotism into their bones. An actor is not only a figure on the stage, but also a social vane and a inheritor of culture. Only actors who are truly patriotic and truly respect the country can be invincible in the entertainment industry and break out of their own blue sky in the turbid and clear world.

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