
Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

author:Tide News

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Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

A grassroots "tea professor" and a university go both ways-

On the Sun Mountain, the four seasons are fragrant with tea

Zheng Yu, a student of the Advanced Seminar on Tea Science at Zhejiang University, did not expect that a leaf of tea could have such a changeable aroma.

In winter, at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, more than 40 students squatted in front of the roasting machine in the Sun Mountain Tea Farm in Shenyong Town, Ninghai. Within an hour, the grass on the tip of the nose first turned into a fragrance, regenerating a hint of sweetness, and the smell gradually developed a honey and fruity aroma. "Do you smell the fragrance of osmanthus now?" Instructor Li Jingshan is like a "perfumer", constantly adjusting the process and controlling the time and temperature. Zheng Yu carefully recorded the experimental data.

Before becoming "Professor Li" in the mouth of students, Li Jingshan was an ordinary tea farmer who worked hard. She doesn't use powder all year round, her hair is neatly tied behind her head, and her slightly rough hands are covered with traces of time. From a junior high school degree to self-study to obtain an adult bachelor's degree, she has the tenacity to recognize one thing and not look back. Twenty years ago, 37-year-old Li Jingshan went up the mountain to build roads and rebuild the abandoned mid-mountain tea plantations in her hometown. In order to study technology, she plunged into a thatched hut in the mountains without water and electricity, accompanied by a mobile phone, a mining lamp, and a bucket, and devoted herself to 5 years, and won the industry award.

The reputation of the Sun Mountain Tea Farm is getting louder and louder, but Li Jingshan is not happy. "How many single buds does your tea have in a pound?Is the tea polyphenol content high?Which brewing method is the best?" In the face of her peers' inquiries, she often couldn't answer because she didn't understand the theory. Tea processing technology frequently encounters bottlenecks, and if you want to advance, you always feel that the follow-up is weak. Li Jingshan realized that this traditional way of planting tea based on experience and feeling has come to an end.

Since then, there has been a hurried figure on the campus of Zhejiang University. Li Jingshan has read four tea research training courses such as tea art, processing, and evaluation here in succession, and there are always "baskets" of questions to ask the teacher after class. Tu Youying, a professor in the Department of Tea Science, also found that in the middle of each practical class, the other students went to lunch together, and she was the only one who stayed in the classroom to watch the process.

"Everyone else is gone, why don't you go to dinner?" Professor Tu was curious.

"Tea leaves are changing every minute and every second during processing, how can they be interrupted?" Li Jingshan found strange.

Between questions and answers, Tu Youying remembered this extraordinarily serious student.

In 2016, Sun Mountain Tea Farm was selected as the teaching practice base by the Department of Tea Science of Zhejiang University, and Li Jingshan, who is top-notch in theory and practice, received a letter of appointment from an external instructor. Since then, the life of the farmer's sister has changed.

Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

People who are familiar with Li Jingshan call him a "tea idiot". Photo by Li Jianglin

In the eyes of the students, although this "tea professor" was born from the grassroots, he has the meticulous spirit of a scientific research expert. Tea has a strong adsorption capacity, and she stipulates that people who enter the tea field cannot use scented cosmetics, and even stipulates that the shampoo of students is fragrance-free. Several times, she threw herself into experiments and lost track of time. "When the canteen master comes to deliver food, he will be scolded by me. Li Jingshan said with a smile.

In the view of Tang Yi, an associate professor of the Department of Tea Science of Zhejiang University, it is the pursuit of excellence that makes Li Jingshan a rare "technology-oriented" new farmer. Since 2021, the two have cooperated in the project of "Integrated Innovation and Brand Building for Yellow Tea Development", Tang Yi has given full play to the advantages of university resources, analyzed samples and refined processes, and Li Jingshan has moved open research to the factory, innovated raw materials and processes, and accurately recorded data.

Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

For each processing step, Li Jingshan must accurately control and record data. Photo by Li Jianglin

In order not to miss every change in the tea, Li Jingshan kept the workshop 24 hours a day to control and record the "stuffy yellow" process that took a week in the production of yellow tea. Occasionally, when she took a nap on the marching bed, she also had an alarm clock in her head, "Like a 'confinement lady' with a child, I got up before the child cried." ”

The "insatiable" scientific research results make her not only a participant, but also a co-creator. Traditional tea gardens only pick one season of tea a year, and summer teas are often discarded for bitterness and large leaves after frost fall, but Li Jingshan has found a different way to use them as raw materials for yellow tea. In the past few years, after several experiments and process improvements, the yellow tea she produced is fat, tender and bright, with a fresh and mellow taste, which can be sold for 6,000 yuan per kilogram, and also won the gold medal in the "Mengdingshan Cup" 4th China Yellow Tea Bucket Tea Competition.

Today, Professor Li's tea garden covers five-color teas such as green tea, black tea, and yellow tea, and the tea picking period has been extended from one season to 10 months. With the help of scientific research, there will be more and more fragrant tea gardens in the land of Zhijiang.

Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

In Li Jingshan's eyes, every tea is like her child, which must be carefully cared for and cultivated. Photo by Li Jianglin

New agriculture needs experimental fields in the fields

Li Jingshan's Sun Mountain Tea Farm is not the most outstanding one among the 15 teaching practice bases of the Department of Tea Science of Zhejiang University, both in terms of scale and accumulation. However, as the closest to the market and the most closely oriented industry-university-research base oriented to industrial demand, the "collision" between a tea farmer and a group of tea professors from Zhejiang University made us pleasantly surprised to see the "great energy" of scientific and technological innovation.

Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

The way out for agriculture lies in modernization, and the key to agricultural modernization lies in scientific and technological progress and innovation. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Vigorously improve the level of agricultural science and technology in the mainland, and accelerate the realization of high-level agricultural science and technology self-reliance and self-reliance." "Science and technology-oriented" new farmers like Li Jingshan are in short supply.

For a long time, the cooperation between university research institutions and industry has been a bridge for the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements. On the one hand, it is difficult to transform agricultural scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities, and on the other hand, there is an urgent need for scientific and technological guidance for the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Li Jingshan's effective communication, system convergence and collaborative innovation with Zhejiang University have opened up the innovation chain and industrial chain, and provided a sample for agricultural transformation.

From the school's laboratory to the experimental field in the field, open research is helping to open up a new model for Zhejiang's agriculture. The activation of scientific and technological innovation is far more than agriculture, in today's industry-university-research collaboration mechanism continues to be straightened out, all walks of life "industry professors" will continue to be born.

Qianjiang tide view丨Sun Mountain, four seasons tea fragrance

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