
In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

author:Shangguan News

"Heating artifacts" can bring warmth and comfort

Once used improperly

May be "very hurtful"

Let's take a look, what's going on?

Many people may wonder, low temperature can also be burned? Low temperature burns are more than ordinary burns and scalds "chicken thieves"!

Ordinary burns and scalds are usually wounds caused by contact with hot gases, flames, boiling water, etc. This trauma is often obvious and easy to detect and avoid.

The low-temperature scald, a bit similar to "boiled frog in warm water", refers to the scald caused by the temperature of about 50 °C acting locally in the human body for too long, so that the heat slowly penetrates into the subcutaneous soft tissue.

In the initial stage, only the epidermis of the human body is touched, and if the heat source is evacuated in time, the damage is completely controllable.

However, if it adapts to temperature, it can be difficult to detect in time, which can cause the heat to penetrate deeper tissues and worsen the burn.

Looking at the picture below, people will feel uncomfortable when the temperature of 50°C is continuously exposed for 5 seconds, and the degree of damage to the skin will increase as time goes on.

In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

In fact, as long as the temperature reaches 44°C for 6 hours, it can cause damage to the skin.

What is the concept of 44°C and how far away is it?

Several common heating equipment on the market can reach different temperatures, but on the whole, the average temperature actually used is between 40-50 °C, which is in the "high incidence range" of low-temperature burns! Infants, young children, the elderly, paralyzed patients or drunk people often become the "high-risk group" of low-temperature burns because of their sluggish sensory responses.

In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

Don't think that "it's good to avoid it if you feel hot", and when you feel it, you may have already formed a burn! Although the wound area of this kind of burn seems small, most of them are only red, swollen, blistered, and whitish in the early stage, but the actual damage may be deep to the subcutaneous tissues and muscles. The severity depends mainly on the time of exposure to the heat source, and the longer the time, the more severe the skin damage.

This particular burn is also easy to overlook. Parents must be cautious and cautious to prevent problems before they occur. It's shocking to think of those bloody pictures happening on a child's tender skin.

Important: If you must use a hot water bottle for heating in winter, please wrap a towel outside the hot water bottle and avoid direct contact with the skin. When the elderly and children fall asleep, help them remove the hot water bottle.

The main influencing factors of scalding are the maximum temperature at the time of contact and the contact time!So keep these two points in mind: get rid of the heat source and cool down quickly.

Then, the five first aid steps of "flushing, taking off, soaking, covering, and sending" were quickly opened by using the on-site conditions.

One flush: When a child has a burn accident, rinse the burn area with running cold water for at least 20 minutes as soon as possible to reduce the heat on the skin surface and reduce further damage to the skin.

Second off: After rinsing and soaking thoroughly, carefully remove clothing in cold water. If the wound sticks to the clothing, cut it carefully to avoid forced tearing.

Three bubbles: If the pain is obvious, it can be soaked in cold water for 10-30 minutes for pain relief.

Four covers: Gently cover the affected area with sterile gauze, if no gauze is available, you can use a clean and dry towel instead. Remember not to cover it with hairy or flocculent items to avoid adhesion to the wound.

Again: Don't smear any items without permission, hand them over to the doctor!

Remember, cool water is fine, don't use ice cubes, it's easy to get frostbite on the skin, and don't apply anything without permission. (Mouse oil, soy sauce, toothpaste, red potion, purple potion and other home remedies, never apply !!)

It is understood that heating equipment such as hot water bottles, plug-in electric heaters, "warm babies", heating lamps, as well as overheated electronic devices and "power banks", etc., may cause "low-temperature burns" through direct contact or irradiation.

The doctor explained that a temperature of 70°C for 1 minute can cause skin burns, and when exposed to a temperature of nearly 60°C for more than 5 minutes, it can also cause cold burns. The temperature is low, and as long as the contact time is long enough, it can burn people. "If the skin is red, black, or broken after the heating operation, you should go to the burn department of a regular hospital for treatment in time. ”

Although the "heating artifact" can bring warmth and comfort

Once used improperly

May be "very hurtful"

Here are a few "ways to keep warm"

Did you use it right?

In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

Be careful with burns

Using warm babies is a common way to warm up in winter. Stick a piece on it, and the effect is obvious. However, if the baby warmer is not used properly, there may be health risks.

In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

First of all, the warm baby should not be in direct contact with the skin, and should be attached through clothes. You can change the position of the warm baby attached to the body regularly, so as to avoid a certain part of the skin from being continuously penetrated by the continuous heat and being burned by low temperature unconsciously. In addition, it is not recommended for children to use baby warmers.

It needs to be replaced regularly

Some girls who are afraid of the cold fill the hot water bottle with water and hold it all day long. So, what should you pay attention to when using a hot water bottle regularly?

First, it should be careful not to fill too full, and second, the water temperature should not be too high. Also, be especially careful when filling the hot water bottle to avoid burns caused by improper handling.

To be on the safe side, you can wrap a towel on top of the hot water bottle to insulate the heat. If you want to warm the quilt with a hot water bottle, you can put it between the quilt and the blanket and take it out when you sleep to avoid burns caused by hot water flowing out.

In addition, the hot water bottle also has a certain lifespan, try not to use the "ancestral one", pay attention to replace it in time.

Pay attention to open windows for ventilation

In some areas, air conditioning is a common way to heat up. Although it is convenient to use air conditioning for heating, there are some situations that need to be noted.

In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

Turning on the warm air is cool for a while, but turning on the warm air all the time will make people feel dry mouth. Whether your home is heated by air conditioning or heating, don't forget to hydrate in time. Humidifiers can be used appropriately, and attention should be paid to opening windows for ventilation.

It should be reminded that if the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, the body is easy to get cold, pay attention to adding clothes in time. For self-heating homes, it is recommended not to turn the air conditioner temperature too high.

Pay attention to power-on safety

Be cautious when using electric blankets, and beware of improper use of "fire blankets".

In addition to the need to prevent cold, we must also prevent this from cold weather......

Some families are Xi to use electric blankets for heating, should pay attention to electric blankets as far as possible do not directly contact with the skin, the temperature should not be set too high. For electric blankets that cannot automatically control the temperature, when the appropriate temperature is reached, the power supply should be cut off immediately.

If the electric blanket in your home has been sitting for a long time, be sure to do a functional and safety check before using it again.

Be careful with fire prevention

Electric heaters or fans are the same, and there is a risk of fire if used improperly.

Be careful when using: do not cover with flammable materials such as quilts and clothes, and keep away from sofas, beds, and water sources.

Stay away from flammables!Stay away from flammables!Stay away from flammables!Say important things three times!

Pay attention to the heating time

The heating mouse pad seems to be "magical", but it is actually a miniature electric blanket, which can reach 68°C after continuous heating for two hours.

If we are not careful, we will all become frogs in the warm water, and we will be caught off guard by the comfortable temperature.

Editor / Sun Chaohui

Information / Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Emergency Management, Popular Science China, Healthy Henan

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